Unit Book J5 (Version 1a)

J5 Synthetic View / Typology / Objects

Object statistics for Unit J5
General statistics for categories of movable elements (items)

James L. Walker – June 2021

So far there have been a total of 68 items and 375 q-items recovered from excavated features in J5. The table below summarizes the Typological Index for Objects and Samples.

ceramic items 235%
clay artifacts
(less seal impressions)
seal impressions 2<1%
glass artifacts 5>1%
lithic artifacts 19043%
metal artifacts 245%
organic artifacts
(includes human remains)
(other, samples, specimans, unknown, no category)
16 4%

In the miscellaneous category are: 4 soil samples (other); one phytolith (sample); 6 lithics (specimens); and five virtual items for which no log entries appear (unknown, but likely arising from data processing errors).

Small numbers of items are independently analyzed by specialists. These include seal impressions in glyptics, human remains in physical anthropology, animal bones in zoology, and soil samples in botany.

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