Category | 2008-8-21 | !! | other features [Input file: S824CJC2.J / S824CJC2.-J] |
Definition | 2008-8-21 | cJC | volumetrically feature [Input file: S824CJC2.J / S824CJC2.-J] |
Summary | 2010-8-7 | cJC | This feature is a volumetric feature that was created to describe the trimming of the border of the cement staircase. It is composed of topsoil and natural accumulations and has no real stratigraphic significance. This feature is equivalent to f900 and the construction of the cement staircase in MZ20. [Input file: U807CJC.J / U807CJC.-J] |
Description | 2008-8-23 | cJC | Small volumetric feature in k5. This feature borders the staircase and is about 50 cm wide. It was cut to a slope to match the staircase. Very little pottery was recovered. [Input file: S823CJC.J / S823CJC.-J] |
Strategy | 2010-8-7 | cJC | This feature was part of the shaping and construction of the cement staircase. Once k5 was excavated there was a large portion of dirt still standing and it had to be cut down to match the slope of the staircase. It was not a stratigraphically important area but q-lots were kept. [Input file: U807CJC.J / U807CJC.-J] |
lack of information | 2010-8-7 | cJC | No elevations were taken for this feature. It is unclear if they were forgotten or if they were thought unnecessary for simple cleaning operations. [Input file: U807CJC.J / U807CJC.-J] |
Locus | 2008-8-21 | cJC | k5 [Input file: S824CJC2.J / S824CJC2.-J] |
Type of contact: Contemporary events/Movable items | 2008-8-25 | cJC | q63 sits in f48 [Input file: S826CJC.J / S826CJC.-J] |
Inclusions | 08-25-2016 | !! | frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature |
Other reasons | 2011-5-16 | cJC | Unassigned because it is a mixed feature for cleaning operations. [Input file: V516CJC2.J / V516CJC2.-J] |
Notes on analogical record | 2010-8-7 | cJC | There are no views of this feature [Input file: U807CJC.J / U807CJC.-J] |