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Organization of the material
The UGR section on typology gives an overview of the elements sorted according to the typological categories. Here, instead, the same are analyzed from the point of view of their assignation to specific moments along the sequential scale. Given the specificity of the materials, we can in turn assign relatively precise time limits to these “moments,” which emerge therefore as proper chronological periods, and not only as stratigraphical segments.
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The sequence
There is first an overall presentation of the sequence as a whole, with an overview of the phases and strata. Reference is also made to the particular generation of the stratigraphic sequence used and to the to MZS frame.
Each phase is ere described in terms of its relationship to the other phases, i.e., as a successive moment in the overall scalar sequence.
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The individual phases
Then there is a detailed analysis of the major elements (structures, installations, objects, etc.) belonging to each phase.
Where warranted, larger bodies of data, such as ceramics and faunal remains, are discussed separately for each phase.
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