Mozan Sitewide (Version 2, Beta release)

The current sequences

Giorgio Buccellati – March 2009

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Different generations of phases and strata sequences have been used over the years. This is an essential aspect of stratigraphic analysis. It is, in fact, in the logic of the system that strata be defined strictly on the basis of contiguity of deposits. As excavations broaden the scope of contiguity, it becomes necessary that strata definitions should change as well. For strata are nothing more than the bracketing of contiguous elements.

I have developed the Urkesh system in such a way that the progressive multiplicity of strata and phase sequences be carefully recognized without becoming a hindrance. The goal is to maintain the integrity of all contact associations in the measure in which they are observed in the ground, while building at the same time a grid that brackets these associations into larger meaningful wholes (precisely, the strata). Thus the sequences are firmly anchored to the physical reality of emplacement and observable contact associations.

In the current version of the UGR, the sequences for the various aeras are all given here together. Eventually, they will be given within their respective areas.

Previous sequences have no current value, since they are regularly subsumed under the current sequence. They are however recorded, for historical reason, in the pertinent archive.

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The current MZS frame (MZA)

The notion of frame is used to establish a (nominal) correlation among sequences by providing an overarching set of sequential numbers that are used uniformly across the site.

The current version of the Mozan frame is MZA. Established in 2008, it is based on the full set of sequences established so far at Mozan, of which the primary ones are given below.

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The current Monumental Complex sequences (MCA, MCB, MCC)

The Monumental Complex is the transect that goes from the Palace to Temple Terrace. The label MC reflects the privileged use of the letter M which, in our zone nomenclature, is reserved for special labels referring to Mozan sitewide, just as in this case.
While different in stratigraphic terms and depositional history, the various components of the Monumental Complex form a distinct and cohesive typological unit, which varies greatly in configuration over time, but retains a coherence of use centered around the Temple and the Temple Terrace. It is therefore useful to correlate the strata across these very different areas.

At this point, MC includes the units along an east-west axis that goes from A7 to J4-J6, and along a north-south that goes from B3 to J7/C2. It is what we may call a “super-area,” i.e. one that comprises a cluster of areas, as follows:

<td><a href="../../../jp/ugr/-frame.htm" target=alternate>JP</a></td>
<td>the Plaza between the Temple and the Palace</td>

AA the royal Palace of Tupkish and the later settlements above it
AS the lower sacral area, south of the Palace, including the abi and the open area in front of it (A14)
BA Temple BA at the very top of the Terrace
BT the Temple Terrace bounded to the south by the revetment wall

At this point in time, I have prepared alternative sequences that combine synoptically various clusters of units and areas. I list them below, with a brief description for each. They are preliminary, and need to be reworked and better placed in relationship to each other.

MCA A correlation of phases only (no strata) between the AAE sequence and the strata sequence of the DOG excavations
MCB Limited to the Mittani horizon, it combines the entire transect from the Palace to the the Temple staircase, juxtaposing the following sequences (from west to east):
- AAH and A20
- JP west (J5)
- JP center (J1, J3, J2 west)
- JP east (J2 east, J4, J6, J7)
MCC A synopsis of second millennium strata, with reference to major features from the individual units

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The first sequence: the Temple (BAA)

The first sequence was established in 1984, in the excavations of Temple BA. It has been operative in the background all of these years, because it provided a direct stratigraphic link to the excavations in B6 and C2, and a point of reference for the excavations in the Palace.

A preliminary version of the B1A strata together with a graphic sketch of the BAA phases is provided in PDF format.

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The current Tupkish Palace sequence (AAH)

The most recent sequence is AAH. It is currently being prepared for display in browser format. For now, please refer to the 2006 sequence AAE.

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The current Temple Plaza sequence (JPC)

The most recent sequence is JPC. It is currently being prepared for display in browser format. Only a emporary version of sequence JPB is available (and only for the later periods). For now, please refer to the PDF version of the 2008 sequence JPA: this applies only to phases 5-8.

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Developmental outlines


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