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Ceramic ware description
Red Orange Calcite Tempered (RC)

Back to top: Ceramic ware description Red Orange Calcite Tempered (RC)


  • Basis for definition: common in Phases 3 and 4 of Area AA. Becomes common in late third millennium strata and continues into the early second millennium. Conical cups, made in the mid third millennium in Simple and FC ware change gradually within Phase 2 to be made in RC1 ware.
  • Identifying attributes: much calcite temper (some of it large), red-orange to light orange clay
  • Surface color: red-orange, light orange, to tan
  • Paste color: tan to light orange
  • Temper: much calcite both on surface and in section, some mica temper and sand. Larger vessels have chaff temper. This ware is included in the Chaff Temper Group because of the chaff temper found in many of the vessels. It is distinguished from CH ware by the large amount of calcite temper and the red firing clay.
  • Firing: medium to high
  • Firing cloud: none
  • Carbon core: none, but many lighter in central portion of the section than on the exterior of the section or visa versa, i.e. sandwich appearance of the sections
  • Wall Thickness: 5mm-2cm
  • Forms: open bowls, small bowls, medium jars and rarely large jars. In later third millennium examples conical cups and small open bowls made in this ware become frequent and continue into the early second millennium. Jars including medium to large jars.
  • Surface Treatment: rough to somewhat wet smoothed
  • Decoration: none
  • Comment: Previously called ROG or subdivided into ROG1 or 2. This ware is less common in Phase 3, becomes more common in Phase 4 and continues into Phase 5. In Phase 5 this ware can often be found made into large vessels. The field analysis of both the body sherds and shape sherds for the most part utilizes only the RC level of description. In some cases the field analysis does separate this ware into the RC 1 and 2 categories.

Back to top: Ceramic ware description Red Orange Calcite Tempered (RC)

Variation: Finer Red Orange Calcite Tempered (RC1)

Shapes tend to be smaller and finer.

Back to top: Ceramic ware description Red Orange Calcite Tempered (RC)

Variation: Coarser Red Orange Calcite Tempered (RC2)

Shapes tend to be larger and coarser.

Back to top: Ceramic ware description Red Orange Calcite Tempered (RC)