Unit Book A14

The lower sacral area - Version 1a


Processed on 2024-10-01


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! clay artifact
Best definition 2004-07-01 !! seal impression [Input: O702GM.j]
Best image 2004-07-21 !! [Input: A14_VWX.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2004-07-01 gm seal impression [Input: O702GM.j]
Description (summary) 2004-07-01 gm Little clay lump with finger prints and two impressions on two different sides. [Input: O702GM.j]
2004-09-09 mkb object has two sides on the exterior roled with seal impressions, on reverse peg impression [Input: O909MKB.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2004-07-01 gm k14 [Input: O702GM1.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2004-07-01 jw r501 (40918 34154 - 8171 / Relay location: center of object) [Input: O701JW2R.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2004-07-01 gm i117 (seal impression) sits in f203 (fill) [Input: O702GM1.j]

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Aggregate (to which element belongs) 2004-09-11 !! a15 (pit) [Input: O911JW.j]
q-lot with which item is associated 2004-07-01 gm q483 (bones, pottery) [Input: O702GM1.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2004-08-24 !! s46JPA [Input: O824JW.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2004-07-10 !! This one q lot is Phase 4. [Input: O710MKB.j]
2004-08-24 !! h4JPA [Input: O824JW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Height 2004-07-01 gm 0.99 [Input: O702GM.j]
Length 2004-07-01 gm 2.42 [Input: O702GM.j]
2004-09-09 mkb 1.5 [Input: O909MKB.j]
Width 1 or diameter of rim 2004-07-01 gm 1.56 [Input: O702GM.j]
2004-09-09 mkb 2.3 [Input: O909MKB.j]
Thickness 2004-09-09 mkb 0.9 [Input: O909MKB.j]
Notes on measurement 2004-09-09 mkb measured along axis of the most complete rolling [Input: O909MKB.j]

Items Field Record

Roster Date Author Record
Field definition 2004-07-01 gm seal impression [Input: O702GM1.j]
Field height 2004-07-01 gm 1.3 [Input: O702GM1.j]
Field length 2004-07-01 gm 2.2 [Input: O702GM1.j]
Field width 1 2004-07-01 gm 1.6 [Input: O702GM1.j]
Field ware or material 2004-07-01 gm cl [Input: O702GM1.j]
Field color 2004-07-01 gm gray [Input: O702GM1.j]
Notes on field record 2004-07-01 gm seal impression [Input: O702GM1.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2004-07-01 gm cl [Input: O702GM.j]
Color 2004-07-01 gm light gray [Input: O702GM.j]
2004-09-09 mkb light reddish gray [Input: O909MKB.j]
Color number (Munsell) 2004-07-01 gm 10YR7/1 [Input: O702GM.j]
2004-09-09 mkb 2.5YR7/1 [Input: O909MKB.j]
Iconographic description, specific 2004-09-09 mkb two rollings, more complete rolling: tall table with x decoration in the center of the legs, human facing left holding one arm up toward the table and the other across the body, unclear figure that might be a person facing right. Other rolling: unclear figure, table with interior x design, and two flat objects placed horizontally on top of the table (bread?) these objects extend over the left edge of the table and under these objects is a small human? figure [Input: O909MKB.j]
Style 2004-09-09 mkb the preserved human figure has an elongated body and arms, lips made as two straight lines extending outward from the face, may be wearing a chignon. The style is dated to the Post Imperial Akkadian period [Input: O909MKB.j]
Notes on typology 2004-07-01 gm To MKB [Input: O702GM.j]
2004-09-09 mkb red, but no visible inclusions [Input: O909MKB.j]
2004-09-09 mkb similar design to q805.1 [Input: O909MKB.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Photo of individual elements (studio)

2004-07-21 gg [Input: A14_VWX.j]

2004-07-21 gg [Input: A14_VWX.j]

2004-07-21 gg [Input: A14_VWX.j]

2004-07-21 gg [Input: A14_VWX.j]
View/drawing of item

2008-05-28 cKH [Input: S528CKH.j]

2008-05-28 cKH [Input: S528CKH.j]