Typological reasons for assignment |
2009-09-24 |
mKB |
(q 1287) ED III types: -p23 square rimmed deep bowl, Rc ware with buff-green slip, -p2 large base with exterior ledge, bottom rough with chaff marks, ware is gray buff with light buff-green slip, chaff, calcite and sand temper, made probably with a coil method with coil marks visible on the interior of the base, it is also possible that these marks are the result of production on a slow wheel, the exterior portion of the base has been cut with a sharp tool and is slightly undulating, 4 examples of this type base in J6 f200, -p17 jar with folded over rim and interior groove, -p24 slightly concave green bowl base with wheelmarks on lower body wall in FC ware, -p4, -p3 green flat base with wheel marks, -p8, -p9 conical cup with simple rim, light green buff, date unknown but may be LC2: -p10 round sided bowl with slight carination near the top, gray-brown ware with burnished exterior, similar shape found in LC2 but on a larger bowl and in a different ware, -p11 bowl with beaded rim heavily secondarily fired, Ninevite V: -p1 pointed base, -p20 round sided bowl with thin beaded rim undercut below exterior, coarse: -p16 Coba bowl, -p14 round sided bowl, -p14 small red-brown simple rim bowl with carbon core, -p12 bowl with rim slanted toward the interior, carbon core, smoother on exterior than interior, tan-buff slip, -p19 restricted rim jar with well smoothed surfaces, tan, -p5 ring base of a bowl, orange buff slip on exterior only, slow wheel marks on the interior, no carbon core, "exploded" calcite on the interior and in section, -p25 convex base, green-buff, much sub-round chaff and calcite, fine LC3 shapes -p7 tiny bowl, orange-brown interior and red-buff exterior, burnished on interior and exterior, -p15 jar with sharply outturned neck, firing cloud, red-brown, much chaff for such a thin walled shape, calcite. [Input: T927MKB.j] |