Unit Book J2


Processed on 2024-07-27



Roster Date Author Record
Harmonization 2011-01-25 cJC This relay has two sets of measurements. It appears that the second set was added when the first was found to be inaccurate. I have left both measurements shown so to preserve the integrity of the record. [Input: V125CJC.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
North coordinate of relay 2005-08-02 sC 40010 [Input: P821MH-R.j]
2005-08-02 sC 40098 [Input: P84VVE2R.j]
East coordinate of relay 2005-08-02 sC 50234 [Input: P821MH-R.j]
2005-08-02 sC 50345 [Input: P84VVE2R.j]
Elevation 2005-08-02 sC 8952 [Input: P821MH-R.j]
Relay definition 2005-08-02 sC SW corner of k101 [Input: P821MH-R.j]
2005-08-02 sC SW corner of K101 [Input: P84VVE2R.j]
Relay location on element 2005-08-02 sC top [Input: P821MH-R.j]
2005-08-02 sC NW corner [Input: P84VVE2R.j]
Method of measurement 2005-08-02 sC taped [Input: P821MH-R.j]
Origin of tie 1 2005-08-02 sC m3955 [Input: P821MH-R.j]
Origin of tie 2 2005-08-02 sC m3953 [Input: P821MH-R.j]
2005-08-02 sC m3952 [Input: P84VVE2R.j]
Origin of elevation 2005-08-02 sC m3953: 8972+123-143 [Input: P821MH-R.j]
Tie 1 2005-08-02 sC 627 [Input: P821MH-R.j]
Tie 2 2005-08-02 sC 222 [Input: P821MH-R.j]
2005-08-02 sC 183 [Input: P84VVE2R.j]
Tie to elevation 2005-08-02 sC 143 [Input: P821MH-R.j]