Unit Book J2

The Temple Staircase - Version 1a

J2 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phase 3hJ2B within Unit J2

Caitlin Chaves Yates – November 2011

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Phase 3 has several different subphases and strata. Phase 3hJ2B is equivalent to s685J2B. This phase is composed of thin sherd pavements in the lower part of k100.

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This phases is characterized by the sherd pavements and their subfloors. The sherds are very small in size and form a walking floor in front of the early staircase.

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These floors were assigned to this phase based on the presence of incised and excised Ninevite 5 sherds as well as Metallic ware.

There were very few small finds, likely due to the small area excavated.

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