Unit Book A6

The Palace Kitchen - Version 1a

A6 Synthetic View / Typology / Objects

Metal objects from Unit A6

Amer Ahmad – June 2023

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Many bronze objects were found in the accumulations and some of them in the burials in addition to a small number from the floors and the layers

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The most common artifacts are the pins these artifacts were made of bronze, some of them belong to the tombs like i242 others came from various positions such as fills i46 and layers q328.1, some pins have small cylindrical shapes with circular grooves like q700.1.

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Most of the jewelry belongs to the tombs, there is a broken bracelet such as i54 where this artifact is found over the bones of the skeleton. Another bronze bracelet belongs to the same accumulation of the burial which is i55 this is distinguished as an intact bronze bracelet.

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Other metal objects

From the accumulations another set of bronze artifacts came to light, the most important example is i251 which is a circular artifact as a bronze ornament, (to be removed) in addition to a turquoise bead that is inlaid on 4 sides into an engraved depression like q604.1. Others belong to the floors such as a spherical bead-shaped metal i267 and q536.1, and metal artifact bronze “wire” i308.

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