Unit Book A6

The Palace Kitchen (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-26


Roster Date Author Record
Equals other label 1992-07-04 rK ASk169 [Input: C7-1-D.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 1992-07-28 rK square S of k168 [Input: ZH306lC3.j]
1996-07-22 jO Since features 101,113,114 and 134 do not have distinct floor surfaces such as plastering, they were not given different f# for their floors separate from the accumulation above. So the same feature no. is used for the accumulation and the surface holding it. [Input: G803RK.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 1996-07-07 jO We made a N section by digging 60 cm below the existing floor level. We could distinguish 5 layers of ac/floor in the section. They were assigned features numbers 109,110,113,114,115, successively, from the top to the bottom. [Input: G716RK.J]
1996-07-14 jO The extended part of the excavation (100 x 50) was dug deep down by removing the wadi accumulation up to the bottom of f115 when another floor accumulation appeared. It was assigned feature number f134. [Input: G803RK.J]
1996-07-15 jO Looking at the bottom and along the sides of the negative wall it is clear that the removed stones of the original wall went deep about 16-18 cm below the surface of the floor accumulation f134. In this case, f134 is the earliest floor that is associated with the wall, at least in k169. [Input: G803RK.J]
Strategy (projected or implemented) 1996-07-10 jO We will have one workman removing f119 in order to be able to dig through the floor ac (f110 and 101). [Input: G718RK.J]
1996-07-14 jO We decided to expand 100 cm to the S of k169 and 50 cm to the E [Input: G803RK.J]
1996-07-15 jO S k169 will be dug deeper to reach a layer from which we could get a better idea of the floors and/or accumulation in k169 and k168. The first feature to be removed is the wadi accumulation f135, S of f134. [Input: G803RK.J]
1996-07-18 jO We are going to trace the negative wall in the S of k169 to the S and to the E. [Input: G803RK.J]
Argument 1996-07-18 jO By removing the wadi ac in the S of k169 and by following alongside the negative wall towards the E and the S, it seems that the negative wall is extending to the S to k170 and the East. So we infer that there was no doorway opening from k169 to the S. Instead, the negative wall continued E until we reached the bottom stones of the wall. [Input: G803RK.J]
Notes on recovery 1996-07-06 jO Wadi accumulation is still present on the floor of k169. We will remove it in order to expose the layers of ac that parallel f101 in k168. [Input: G716RK.J]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 0000-00-00 rK a3 (doorway) [Input: ZH306lC.j]
1992-07-04 rK f3 (topsoil)
f6 (accumulation C)
f8 (wa)
f9 (brickfall) [Input: ZG924aMA.j]
1992-07-06 rK f18 (accumulation C) [Input: ZG924aMA.j]
1992-07-08 rK f30 (wa) [Input: ZG924aMA.j]
1992-07-11 rK f34 (accumulation C) [Input: ZG924aMA.j]
1992-07-13 rK f46 (accumulation C) [Input: ZG924aMA.j]
1992-07-15 rK f51 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1992-07-18 rK f57 (doorway)
f58 (fill in secondary context)
f60 (accumulation C)
f61 (accumulation C)
f62 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-04 jO f109 (accumulation C)
f110 (accumulation C)
f113 (accumulation C)
f114 (accumulation C)
f115 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-08 rK f120 [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-09 jO f121 (hole) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-14 jO f134 (fill in primary context)
f135 (accumulation C)
f136 (accumulation C)
f137 (stone wall)
f139 (wall) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-25 rK f185 (accumulation C)
f189 (topsoil)
f190 (accumulation C)
f191 (accumulation C)
f192 (wall) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-29 rK f198 (accumulation C)
f199 (wall) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-31 rK f201 (wall)
f202 (p2)
f203 (p2) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-14 rK i77 (figurine) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-14 jO i81 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-20 jO i110 (jar sealing or jar stopper) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-30 jO i141 (lithic artifact)
i142 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-08-01 jO i145 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-06 jO q362.1 (i)
q366.1 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-10 jO q383.1 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-08 jO q385.1 (i)
q385.2 (i)
q385.3 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1992-07-04 rK q13 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-05 sT q21 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-06 rK q46 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-06 aP q53 (pottery)
q71 (items) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-07 rK q75 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-08 aP q95 (bones, items, pottery)
q96 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-09 aP q107 (bones, pottery)
q109 (items, pottery)
q116 (bones, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1992-07-11 rk q117 (bones, pottery)
q123 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1992-07-13 rK q128 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-13 rk q131 (bones, pottery)
q132 (items, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1992-07-14 rk q136 (bones, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1992-07-14 rK q137 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-15 rk q140 (bones, pottery)
q143 (bones, pottery)
q147 (bones, pottery)
q150 (pottery)
q151 (pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1992-07-16 rk q154 (bones, pottery)
q157 (pottery)
q161 (bones, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1992-07-18 rk q169 (bones, pottery)
q174 (bones, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1992-07-19 rk q185 (pottery)
q186 (items, pottery)
q199 (bones, items, pottery)
q204 (bones) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1992-07-21 rk q234 (pottery)
q235 (bones, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1992-07-22 rk q258 (items, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1992-07-23 rk q265 (pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1996-07-04 jO q349 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-06 jO q362 (items, pottery)
q366 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-07 jO q369 (items, pottery)
q370 (bones, pottery)
q374 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-08 jM q381 (items)
q385 (bones, pottery) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-09 jo q386 (p,b,l) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-10 jo q390 (p,b,cl) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-14 jm q437 (p,cl) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-14 jo q442 (p,b,cl)
q443 (pottery)
q444 (pottery) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-15 jO q453 (bones, items, pottery)
q455 (bones, items, pottery)
q456 (pottery)
q459 (pottery)
q460 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-17 jO q469 (items, pottery)
q474 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-18 jO q480 (bones, pottery)
q485 (bones, items, pottery)
q488 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-21 jO q505 (bones, items, pottery)
q510 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-25 jO q565 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-29 jO q586 (pottery)
q587 (pottery)
q590 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-30 jO q594 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-30 jo q597 (pottery)
q599 (pottery) [Input: G802JO.J]
1996-07-31 jo q602 (pottery) [Input: G802JO.J]
1996-08-01 jo q619 (pottery) [Input: G802JO.J]
Length of two sides 1992-07-28 rK 400N [Input: ZH306lC3.j]
1992-07-28 rK 400W [Input: ZH306lC3.j]
Notes on volumetric localization 1992-07-28 GB elevation of A1f115: m1276-11 [Input: C7-3.J]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus

1992-07-14 RK [Input: ZH306lC2.j]
1992-07-18 RK [Input: ZH306lC2.j]
1992-07-18 RK [Input: ZH306lC2.j]
C1816-17 (E A6w100-k169E)
1992-07-20 RK [Input: ZH306lC2.j]