
File: "/MZ/A/A14/D/K/0089.htm".
Processed on 2022-10-27.



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2003-08-11 jl locus east of k11, next to palace wall [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-27 jl This locus is the small area between the east end of k11 and the western wall of AF, in A12 (season J). We opened it originally in order to see a complete section extending through k11 and k89 and connecting A14 stratigraphically with the palace. However, after we discovered a possible wall top in k89, we decided to suspend excavation there until we better understood the nature of the presumed stone foundation a5 in k11. It is possible that the wall of AF actually extended further than we have believed, through k89 and into k11. [Input: N827JL.j]
2004-09-11 jw Area N of k11; excavated in previous seasons but not in MZ17. [Input: O911JW1.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 2003-08-11 rd2 f136 (topsoil), f138 (topsoil), q374 (pottery) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-12 rd2 q376 (pottery) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-13 rd2 f139 (accumulation C), f140 (accumulation D), q380 (pottery), q382 (bones, pottery) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-14 jl f145 (wall), f146 (accumulation D), f148 (accumulation D), q392 (bones, pottery), q394 (pottery) [Input: N907JL.j]
2003-08-14 rd2 q395 (pottery) [Input: N907JL.j]
2004-06-22 gm f177 (accumulation D) [Input: O628GM1.j]
Extension of locus or q-lot 2003-08-11 jl 312 [Input: N921JL.j]
Length of two sides 2003-08-11 jl 307s [Input: N921JL.j]
2003-08-11 jl 81e [Input: N921JL.j]
Notes on volumetric localization 2003-09-10 jl v83 is our first view of k89, after the area was cleared, but before the locus had been properly laid out and measured. Therefore, it is deceptive, in that it makes k89 appear larger than it really is. v86 shows the locus much better, with the blue string along the western edge marking the actual boundary of the locus (laid out following the eastern edge of k1). [Input: N910JL.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus

2003-08-11 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-08-12 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-08-12 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-08-12 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-08-13 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-08-13 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-08-13 jl [Input: N908JL.j]
2003-08-13 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-08-14 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-08-14 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-08-17 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-09-08 jl [Input: N915JL1.j]

2004-07-01 jw [Input: O702JW.j]

2004-07-01 jw [Input: O702JW.j]

2008-05-23 cKH [Input: S523CKH.j]