Unit Book J4

The Eastern Top of the Main Staircase - Version 1a

J4 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for unit J4

Yasmine Mahmoud – April 2024

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The majority of features excavated (64%) were layers. Listed in descending order of frequency, they were designated as accumulations, mixed layers, topsoil, layers, and volumetric material.

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Accumulations are deposits that can occure as a result of a natural gradual buildup of soil and sedimentation or as a result of human activities. The majority of the accumulation layers excavated in this units are natural accumulation (66 accumulation D) with the exception of 5 accumulations of type B (accumulation above accumulation). This unit does not present any accumulations related to human activities (accumulation type A). With regards to the majority of the accumulations which are natural sedimentations that deposited over time, and most of these layers are natural accumulations covering other natural accumulation such as f57, of the they are the natural deposit of that make up the pedestal of the isolated floating stones such as f109

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Mixed layers

     The mixed layers have been assigne in 2 cases, the first is for cleaning and scraping sections like in the case of f52. And the second is for removing the backfill of a previously excavate area and for contaminated areas as in the case of f65 or f61.

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     Topsoil is a special category for the surface layer of the Tell or the surface layer of natural accumulations of an exposed deposit surface. Consisting usually of soil, plants, plant roots and natural elements such as stones and pebbles f22. there are 11 topsoil features in this unit.

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     Layer refers to either natural deposits, or human activity relate deposits. in the case of this unit, all the layers are relate to human activities, such as rickmelts f17,and f63 or brickfalls such as f121. The term layer was also assigned to an ash layer f124.

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Volumetric Material

     A volumetric feature is one that has no stratigraphic meaning. Typically it is a block consisting of soil layers excavated as a unit. One example is a baulk between two excavated loci whose features match on either side. See f122 the Northern Baulk of k61 consisting of excavated natural accumulation layers, or f138, a temporary baulk within k84 consisting of natural accumulations.
     In all there were 15 such volumetric features.

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