Unit Book J4

The Eastern Top of the Main Staircase - Version 1a

J4 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for Unit J4
Horizontal surfaces

Yasmine Mahmoud – April 2024

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In the Main Lexicon there are 19 defined horizontal surfaces reflecting alignment in a single plane. There are 5 pavements defined by their composition and 14 floors generally defined by the degree of compaction. The number of floor surfaces and pavements excavated in this unit are very limited, only three, which is consistant with J4’s non constructional nature. These two pavements are associated with the Mittani period while the only floor in this unit is dated to a modern phase of the Tell.

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Surfaces defined by discrete components (pavements)

There are only two pavments identified in this unit.the first is f143, a pebbble pavement in K83.This pavement is the floor of bin installation f93. The pavement consists of pebbles and some flat laying sherds, and it seems to be delimited by stones of various sizes.

Another pavement, f154, is a sherd pavment located in the Eastern portion of K73.

These two pavements excavated were classified as pavement type C and they both pertain to a re-building and re-organizing phase of the Mittani period.

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Surfaces defined by soil compaction (floors)

Only one floor surface f38 has been excavated in this unit, classified as floor type d, naturally compacted and belonging to a modern phase of the Tell.

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