
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

Frequency computations
Ceramic vessels and sherds
by shape within feature

Processed on 2025-02-27
Note. Percentages are computed on total number of ceramic vessels and sherds within feature, not on total of diagnostic shapes.

Ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
Total body sherds 11 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 3644 100%
Grand total 3655 100%

f11 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 1 100%

f22 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 14 26%
bowl 10 19%
base: ring 7 13%
base: flat, slightly convex 5 9%
base: flat 4 7%
rim: rounded 4 7%
rim: interior groove or ledge 3 6%
rim: square 1 2%
rim: externally thickened 1 2%
base: string cut cup 1 2%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 2%
plate 1 2%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 2%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 54 100%
Total 54 100%

f26 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 8 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 100%
Total 8 100%

f29 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f35 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 17 24%
bowl 15 21%
rim: rounded 10 14%
base: ring 6 8%
base: flat, slightly convex 6 8%
rim: interior groove or ledge 3 4%
rim: square 2 3%
base: disk base, slightly concave 2 3%
cup 2 3%
rim: flat 2 3%
other shape sherd 1 1%
rim: externally thickened 1 1%
pot 1 1%
base: flat 1 1%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 1%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 71 100%
Total 71 100%

f37 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 35 26%
jar 30 22%
base: flat, slightly convex 12 9%
rim: rounded 12 9%
other shape sherd 8 6%
base: ring 6 4%
base: flat 4 3%
rim: square 3 2%
rim: externally thickened 3 2%
rim: interior groove or ledge 3 2%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2 1%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 2 1%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 1%
pot 2 1%
rim: flat 2 1%
plate 2 1%
base: low ring 2 1%
cup 1 1%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 1%
xsff 1 1%
ir 1 1%
xdl 1 1%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 136 100%
Total 136 100%

f38 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base: ring 3 19%
jar 3 19%
rim: square 2 12%
bowl 2 12%
rim: flat 2 12%
handle: semi-circular, exterior 1 6%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 6%
cup 1 6%
other shape sherd 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 16 100%
Total 16 100%

f41 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 4 36%
base: ring 2 18%
rim: collared-grooved 1 9%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 9%
rim: square 1 9%
bowl 1 9%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 9%
Total diagnostic shapes 11 100%
Total 11 100%

f45 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 16 40%
base: flat, slightly convex 6 15%
bowl 6 15%
other shape sherd 4 10%
base: flat 4 10%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 2%
rim: rounded 1 2%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 2%
base: string cut cup 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 40 100%
Total 40 100%

f46 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 2 22%
bowl 2 22%
rim: rounded 2 22%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 11%
base: flat 1 11%
cup 1 11%
Total diagnostic shapes 9 100%
Total 9 100%

f50 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base: low ring 1 33%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 33%
pot 1 33%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f52 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
cup 2 50%
jar 1 25%
pot 1 25%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 100%
Total 4 100%

f53 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 6 24%
bowl 3 12%
rim: rounded 3 12%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 8%
cup 2 8%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 8%
base: flat 2 8%
other shape sherd 2 8%
base: string cut cup 2 8%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 25 100%
Total 25 100%

f55 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base: rounded 3 19%
cup 2 12%
jar 2 12%
bowl 2 12%
rim: flat 2 12%
base: flat 1 6%
rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 1 6%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 6%
rim: rounded 1 6%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 16 100%
Total 16 100%

f59 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 6 19%
bowl 6 19%
rim: rounded 4 13%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 6%
base: ring 2 6%
cup 2 6%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 6%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 3%
base: flat 1 3%
base: hollow 1 3%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 3%
pot 1 3%
tablet 1 3%
handle: semi-circular, exterior 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 31 100%
Total 31 100%

f60 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 16 26%
bowl 13 21%
base: flat, slightly convex 6 10%
base: ring 5 8%
base: low ring 4 6%
base: flat 4 6%
base: disk base, slightly concave 3 5%
other shape sherd 3 5%
rim: rounded 2 3%
base: hollow 1 2%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 2%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 2%
pot 1 2%
rim: square 1 2%
cup 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 62 100%
Total 62 100%

f63 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 4 80%
bowl 1 20%
Total diagnostic shapes 5 100%
Total 5 100%

f64 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 12 23%
bowl 8 15%
base: flat, slightly convex 6 12%
other shape sherd 4 8%
base: flat 4 8%
rim: rounded 4 8%
pot 4 8%
rim: flat 2 4%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 4%
base: disk base, slightly concave 2 4%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 2%
rim: externally thickened 1 2%
plate 1 2%
base: string cut cup 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 52 100%
Total 52 100%

f65 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 13 24%
bowl 12 22%
rim: rounded 10 18%
base: ring 3 5%
rim: flat 2 4%
base: flat 2 4%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 4%
pot 2 4%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 2%
plate 1 2%
base: low ring 1 2%
other shape sherd 1 2%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 2%
base: rounded 1 2%
jar shoulder 1 2%
base: string cut cup 1 2%
base: high ring 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 55 100%
Total 55 100%

f68 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 6 23%
jar 5 19%
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 8%
other shape sherd 2 8%
base: ring 2 8%
plate 2 8%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 4%
base: rounded 1 4%
cup 1 4%
pot 1 4%
rim: collared-grooved 1 4%
rim: rounded 1 4%
rim: flat 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 26 100%
Total 26 100%

f69 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 7 26%
jar 5 19%
rim: interior groove or ledge 3 11%
rim: rounded 2 7%
jar shoulder 2 7%
base: flat 2 7%
cup 1 4%
base: string cut cup 1 4%
base: high ring 1 4%
rim: externally thickened 1 4%
base: ring 1 4%
strainer 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 27 100%
Total 27 100%

f70 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 12 41%
bowl 5 17%
base: flat, slightly convex 4 14%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 7%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 3%
rim: rounded 1 3%
base: string cut cup 1 3%
rim: square 1 3%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 3%
rim: collared-grooved 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 29 100%
Total 29 100%

f71 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 8 32%
jar 5 20%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 8%
rim: square 2 8%
other shape sherd 1 4%
pot 1 4%
rim: flat 1 4%
tablet 1 4%
base: string cut cup 1 4%
base: pointed 1 4%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 4%
cup 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 25 100%
Total 25 100%

f72 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 10 27%
bowl 6 16%
base: flat, slightly convex 3 8%
base: flat 2 5%
base: rounded 2 5%
rim: square 2 5%
base: low ring 2 5%
rim: externally thickened 2 5%
rim: rounded 2 5%
bowl carination 1 3%
base: ring 1 3%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 3%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 3%
rim: flat 1 3%
other shape sherd 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 37 100%
Total 37 100%

f73 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 6 21%
base: flat, slightly convex 3 10%
base: flat 3 10%
other shape sherd 3 10%
bowl 2 7%
base: ring 2 7%
rim: rounded 2 7%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2 7%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 3%
plate 1 3%
pot 1 3%
rim: flat 1 3%
strainer 1 3%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 29 100%
Total 29 100%

f75 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 11 31%
bowl 11 31%
base: flat, slightly convex 3 9%
other shape sherd 2 6%
rim: rounded 2 6%
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 6%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 3%
base: rounded 1 3%
base: ring 1 3%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 35 100%
Total 35 100%

f78 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base: disk base, slightly convex 1 50%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f79 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 67%
bowl 1 33%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f80 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 9 43%
other shape sherd 2 10%
base: ring 2 10%
base: flat 2 10%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 10%
bowl 1 5%
rim: rounded 1 5%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 5%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 21 100%
Total 21 100%

f82 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 4 22%
rim: rounded 2 11%
rim: square 2 11%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 11%
bowl 2 11%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 6%
base: string cut cup 1 6%
base: pointed 1 6%
base: rounded 1 6%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 6%
other shape sherd 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 100%
Total 18 100%

f83 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 8 36%
jar 5 23%
base: flat, slightly convex 3 14%
rim: rounded 2 9%
base: hollow 1 5%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 5%
rim: flat 1 5%
base: low ring 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 22 100%
Total 22 100%

f85 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 2 33%
rim: rounded 2 33%
other shape sherd 1 17%
jar 1 17%
Total diagnostic shapes 6 100%
Total 6 100%

f86 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 9 26%
jar 7 21%
base: rounded 3 9%
other shape sherd 3 9%
rim: rounded 3 9%
base: disk base, slightly concave 2 6%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 6%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 6%
cup 1 3%
base: flat 1 3%
rim: flat 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 34 100%
Total 34 100%

f87 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 5 33%
bowl 2 13%
rim: rounded 2 13%
other shape sherd 1 7%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 7%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 7%
base: ring 1 7%
rim: externally thickened 1 7%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 7%
Total diagnostic shapes 15 100%
Total 15 100%

f88 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 8 31%
base: flat, slightly convex 3 12%
bowl 3 12%
cup 2 8%
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 8%
rim: rounded 2 8%
base: flat 2 8%
strainer 1 4%
base: hollow 1 4%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 4%
other shape sherd 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 26 100%
Total 26 100%

f90 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 5 50%
jar 3 30%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 10%
rim: externally thickened 1 10%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 100%
Total 10 100%

f93 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 4 57%
other shape sherd 2 29%
jar 1 14%
Total diagnostic shapes 7 100%
Total 7 100%

f94 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 6 29%
rim: interior groove or ledge 3 14%
jar 2 10%
base: ring 2 10%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 10%
rim: flat 1 5%
base: flat 1 5%
base: low ring 1 5%
rim: rounded 1 5%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 5%
pot 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 21 100%
Total 21 100%

f95 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 11 28%
jar 10 26%
base: flat, slightly convex 6 15%
rim: rounded 3 8%
other shape sherd 2 5%
base: low ring 2 5%
rim: square 1 3%
rim: externally thickened 1 3%
rim: flat 1 3%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 3%
base: ring 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 39 100%
Total 39 100%

f97 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 5 28%
jar 3 17%
rim: flat 2 11%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 11%
base: disk base, slightly concave 2 11%
base: high ring 1 6%
pot 1 6%
other shape sherd 1 6%
cup 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 100%
Total 18 100%

f98 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 22 31%
jar 17 24%
rim: rounded 10 14%
base: flat 5 7%
base: flat, slightly convex 4 6%
base: ring 2 3%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 3%
rim: square 1 1%
pot 1 1%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 1%
base: string cut cup 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
plate 1 1%
rim: externally thickened 1 1%
base: rounded 1 1%
cup 1 1%
base: high footed 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 72 100%
Total 72 100%

f103 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 10 36%
bowl 7 25%
rim: rounded 2 7%
other shape sherd 2 7%
base: ring 1 4%
rim: flat 1 4%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 4%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 4%
pot 1 4%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 4%
tablet 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 28 100%
Total 28 100%

f106 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base: disk base, slightly concave 2 67%
base: rounded 1 33%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f107 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 11 30%
bowl 8 22%
base: flat, slightly convex 5 14%
pot 3 8%
base: ring 2 5%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 3%
rim: flat 1 3%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 3%
cup 1 3%
base: rounded 1 3%
rim: rounded 1 3%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 3%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 37 100%
Total 37 100%

f108 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 24 30%
bowl 17 21%
base: flat, slightly convex 7 9%
rim: rounded 5 6%
rim: interior groove or ledge 4 5%
base: disk base, slightly concave 3 4%
rim: square 3 4%
base: flat 3 4%
base: low ring 3 4%
cup 2 2%
pot 2 2%
base: string cut cup 2 2%
other shape sherd 2 2%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 1%
rim: collared-grooved 1 1%
base: rounded 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 80 100%
Total 80 100%

f110 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 18 49%
bowl 6 16%
rim: flat 2 5%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 2 5%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 5%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 3%
rim: square 1 3%
rim: rounded 1 3%
other shape sherd 1 3%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 3%
cup 1 3%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 37 100%
Total 37 100%

f111 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 9 45%
base: flat, slightly convex 4 20%
bowl 3 15%
jar shoulder 2 10%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 5%
cup 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 20 100%
Total 20 100%

f114 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 5 33%
base: flat 2 13%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 13%
jar 1 7%
base: low ring 1 7%
other shape sherd 1 7%
base: solid footed, slightly concave 1 7%
base: disk base, flat 1 7%
cup 1 7%
Total diagnostic shapes 15 100%
Total 15 100%

f116 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 11 34%
jar 8 25%
other shape sherd 2 6%
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 6%
base: disk base, slightly concave 2 6%
base: low ring 1 3%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 3%
rim: rounded 1 3%
plate 1 3%
base: ring 1 3%
xsff 1 3%
base: rounded 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 32 100%
Total 32 100%

f117 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 6 30%
bowl 4 20%
base: flat, slightly convex 4 20%
ceramic vessel 1 5%
base: hollow 1 5%
base: flat 1 5%
base: high footed 1 5%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 5%
rim: rounded 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 20 100%
Total 20 100%

f119 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 2 13%
rim: rounded 2 13%
other shape sherd 1 7%
jar 1 7%
pot 1 7%
strainer 1 7%
rim: collared-grooved 1 7%
base: rounded 1 7%
base: flat 1 7%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 7%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 7%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 7%
rim: square 1 7%
Total diagnostic shapes 15 100%
Total 15 100%

f120 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 2 67%
base: flat 1 33%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f123 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base: flat, slightly convex 7 19%
jar 6 17%
bowl 4 11%
rim: flat 3 8%
pot 2 6%
base: rounded 2 6%
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 6%
base: disk base, slightly concave 2 6%
base: high ring 1 3%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 3%
rim: rounded 1 3%
other shape sherd 1 3%
plate 1 3%
base: flat 1 3%
rim/base 1 3%
base: low ring 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 36 100%
Total 36 100%

f124 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 12 25%
jar 12 25%
rim: rounded 6 12%
plate 3 6%
base: ring 2 4%
other shape sherd 2 4%
xsff 1 2%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 2%
base: rounded 1 2%
base: high footed 1 2%
base: low ring 1 2%
pot 1 2%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 2%
base: flat 1 2%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 2%
base: high ring 1 2%
base: string cut cup 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 48 100%
Total 48 100%

f126 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 7 50%
bowl 2 14%
cup 2 14%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 7%
rim: rounded 1 7%
rim: square 1 7%
Total diagnostic shapes 14 100%
Total 14 100%

f131 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 43 23%
bowl 33 18%
base: flat, slightly convex 15 8%
base: low ring 13 7%
rim: rounded 10 5%
base: ring 10 5%
base: flat 9 5%
other shape sherd 8 4%
base: disk base, type unspecified 8 4%
rim: square 7 4%
base: disk base, slightly concave 5 3%
rim: flat 4 2%
rim: interior groove or ledge 4 2%
rim: collared-grooved 2 1%
base: disk base, slightly convex 2 1%
pot 2 1%
base: high ring 1 1%
base: pointed 1 1%
base: disk base, flat 1 1%
base: exterior ledge 1 1%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 1%
xhl 1 1%
cup 1 1%
rim: externally thickened 1 1%
base: rounded 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 184 100%
Total 184 100%

f132 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
rim: rounded 7 16%
jar 7 16%
bowl 7 16%
base: flat 4 9%
base: flat, slightly convex 3 7%
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 5%
pot 1 2%
strainer 1 2%
bowl carination 1 2%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 2%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 2%
base: ring 1 2%
other shape sherd 1 2%
base: high footed 1 2%
base: hollow 1 2%
rim: flat 1 2%
plate 1 2%
cup 1 2%
rim: square 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 43 100%
Total 43 100%

f134 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 11 50%
bowl 3 14%
base: ring 1 5%
base: flat 1 5%
base: rounded 1 5%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 5%
rim: square 1 5%
rim: collared-grooved 1 5%
other shape sherd 1 5%
rim: rounded 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 22 100%
Total 22 100%

f135 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 20 37%
rim: rounded 6 11%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 4 7%
bowl 4 7%
base: flat 3 6%
base: flat, slightly convex 3 6%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 4%
rim: collared-grooved 2 4%
base: disk base, slightly convex 1 2%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 2%
pot 1 2%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 2%
handle: semi-circular, exterior 1 2%
rim: flat 1 2%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 2%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 2%
base: ring 1 2%
cup 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 54 100%
Total 54 100%

f136 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 9 35%
jar 6 23%
rim: rounded 2 8%
base: disk base, slightly concave 2 8%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 4%
base: string cut cup 1 4%
plate 1 4%
base: flat 1 4%
other shape sherd 1 4%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 4%
cup 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 26 100%
Total 26 100%

f139 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base: flat 2 29%
jar 1 14%
rim: collared-grooved 1 14%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 14%
plate 1 14%
bowl 1 14%
Total diagnostic shapes 7 100%
Total 7 100%

f140 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 25 33%
bowl 12 16%
base: flat, slightly convex 10 13%
base: flat 5 7%
base: disk base, type unspecified 4 5%
rim: rounded 3 4%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2 3%
rim: externally thickened 2 3%
rim: flat 2 3%
pot 2 3%
base: rounded 2 3%
bowl carination 1 1%
rim: square 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
base: string cut cup 1 1%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 1%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 75 100%
Total 75 100%

f141 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 11 44%
jar 4 16%
rim: collared-grooved 2 8%
rim: rounded 2 8%
cup 1 4%
plate 1 4%
base: flat 1 4%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 4%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 4%
other shape sherd 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 25 100%
Total 25 100%

f142 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 9 39%
bowl 5 22%
base: flat, slightly convex 4 17%
base: low ring 1 4%
pot 1 4%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 4%
rim: collared-grooved 1 4%
base: rounded 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 23 100%
Total 23 100%

f143 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 3 30%
other shape sherd 2 20%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 20%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 10%
xsff 1 10%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 10%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 100%
Total 10 100%

f146 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 6 32%
bowl 4 21%
base: flat 3 16%
other shape sherd 2 11%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 11%
ceramic vessel 1 5%
rim: rounded 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 19 100%
Total 19 100%

f148 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base: flat, slightly convex 1 20%
jar 1 20%
rim: flat 1 20%
bowl 1 20%
cup 1 20%
Total diagnostic shapes 5 100%
Total 5 100%

f149 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 4 57%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 14%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 14%
other shape sherd 1 14%
Total diagnostic shapes 7 100%
Total 7 100%

f154 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 15 50%
bowl 3 10%
rim: rounded 2 7%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 7%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 3%
base: flat 1 3%
plate 1 3%
rim: flat 1 3%
handle: semi-circular, exterior 1 3%
rim: collared-grooved 1 3%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 3%
body sherd 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 29 97%
Total 30 100%

f156 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 3 23%
jar 3 23%
bowl 3 23%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 8%
base: hollow 1 8%
rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 1 8%
rim: square 1 8%
Total diagnostic shapes 13 100%
Total 13 100%

f161 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 4 24%
bowl 3 18%
rim: flat 2 12%
rim: rounded 2 12%
base: rounded 2 12%
plate 1 6%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 6%
base: flat 1 6%
rim: externally thickened 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 17 100%
Total 17 100%

f164 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 7 33%
bowl 4 19%
body sherd 3 14%
cup 2 10%
rim: rounded 2 10%
jar shoulder 1 5%
base: string cut cup 1 5%
base: flat 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 86%
Total 21 100%

f168 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 10 27%
bowl 7 19%
base: flat 3 8%
base: disk base, type unspecified 3 8%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 5%
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 5%
base: high ring 2 5%
pot 2 5%
xdl 1 3%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 3%
rim: flat 1 3%
rim: rounded 1 3%
base: rounded 1 3%
other shape sherd 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 37 100%
Total 37 100%

f171 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f173 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 14 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 14 100%
Total 14 100%

f175 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 11 34%
bowl 7 22%
rim: rounded 5 16%
base: ring 2 6%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 6%
jar shoulder 1 3%
base: flat 1 3%
base: high ring 1 3%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 3%
rim: square 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 32 100%
Total 32 100%

f180 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 2 25%
rim: rounded 2 25%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 12%
base: flat 1 12%
jar 1 12%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 12%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 100%
Total 8 100%

f183 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 4 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 100%
Total 4 100%

f185 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 5 45%
rim: rounded 2 18%
bowl 1 9%
other shape sherd 1 9%
base: flat 1 9%
jar shoulder 1 9%
Total diagnostic shapes 11 100%
Total 11 100%

f192 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 60 31%
bowl 40 21%
base: flat, slightly convex 20 10%
other shape sherd 13 7%
base: flat 7 4%
cup 6 3%
rim: interior groove or ledge 6 3%
strainer 3 2%
base: ring 3 2%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 3 2%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 3 2%
rim: collared-grooved 3 2%
rim: rounded 3 2%
sherd 2 1%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 1%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2 1%
rim: externally thickened 2 1%
rim: flat 2 1%
base: hollow 2 1%
base: disk base, slightly concave 2 1%
ceramic vessel 1 1%
base: exterior ledge 1 1%
base: string cut cup 1 1%
pot 1 1%
tablet 1 1%
base: solid footed, slightly concave 1 1%
rim: square 1 1%
jar shoulder 1 1%
base: high ring 1 1%
bowl carination 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 194 100%
Total 194 100%

f196 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 17 52%
bowl 5 15%
base: flat, slightly convex 3 9%
rim: collared-grooved 2 6%
rim: flat 2 6%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 3%
cup 1 3%
base: rounded 1 3%
rim: externally thickened 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 33 100%
Total 33 100%

f200 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 95 45%
bowl 56 27%
base: flat 13 6%
base: flat, slightly convex 11 5%
base: rounded 7 3%
base: exterior ledge 5 2%
rim: rounded 4 2%
other shape sherd 3 1%
cup 3 1%
ceramic vessel 2 1%
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 1%
pot 2 1%
body sherd 2 1%
rim: collared-grooved 1 0%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 0%
rim: square 1 0%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 0%
strainer 1 0%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 209 99%
Total 211 100%

f204 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 13 19%
bowl 11 16%
base: flat, slightly convex 6 9%
base: flat 6 9%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 4 6%
rim: flat 4 6%
rim: interior groove or ledge 4 6%
other shape sherd 3 4%
base: ring 2 3%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 2 3%
rim: rounded 2 3%
pot 2 3%
rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 2 3%
base: exterior ledge 1 1%
rim: collared-grooved 1 1%
base: rounded 1 1%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 1%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 1%
base: string cut bowl 1 1%
base: hollow 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 68 100%
Total 68 100%

f217 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 12 39%
bowl 6 19%
other shape sherd 2 6%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 2 6%
rim: rounded 2 6%
base: rounded 1 3%
base: high footed 1 3%
base: string cut cup 1 3%
base: ring 1 3%
base: flat 1 3%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 3%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 31 100%
Total 31 100%

f222 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 3 30%
jar 3 30%
base: ring 1 10%
cup 1 10%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 10%
other shape sherd 1 10%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 100%
Total 10 100%

f223 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 13 59%
rim: rounded 4 18%
other shape sherd 2 9%
base: flat 1 5%
rim: square 1 5%
strainer 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 22 100%
Total 22 100%

f226 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 20 43%
bowl 8 17%
base: flat, slightly convex 4 9%
pot 3 7%
rim: collared-grooved 3 7%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 2%
rim: externally thickened 1 2%
bowl carination 1 2%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 2%
rim: rounded 1 2%
other shape sherd 1 2%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 2%
base: flat 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 46 100%
Total 46 100%

f228 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 6 40%
bowl 4 27%
base: flat 1 7%
rim: flat 1 7%
rim: square 1 7%
tablet 1 7%
jar shoulder 1 7%
Total diagnostic shapes 15 100%
Total 15 100%

f229 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 17 37%
bowl 7 15%
rim: rounded 3 7%
rim: collared-grooved 3 7%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 3 7%
base: flat, slightly convex 3 7%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 3 7%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 2 4%
cup 2 4%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 2%
other shape sherd 1 2%
strainer 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 46 100%
Total 46 100%

f237 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 5 83%
body sherd 1 17%
Total diagnostic shapes 5 83%
Total 6 100%

f238 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 14 29%
bowl 9 18%
base: flat 5 10%
base: flat, slightly convex 5 10%
rim: rounded 2 4%
base: low ring 2 4%
other shape sherd 2 4%
cup 2 4%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 2%
rim: square 1 2%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 2%
pot 1 2%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 2%
rim: collared-grooved 1 2%
base: disk base, convex, wide 1 2%
base: rounded 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 49 100%
Total 49 100%

f240 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 3 12%
jar 3 12%
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 8%
base: disk base, slightly concave 2 8%
rim: rounded 2 8%
rim: flat 1 4%
other shape sherd 1 4%
base: flat 1 4%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 4%
tablet 1 4%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 4%
bowl carination 1 4%
base: ring 1 4%
rim: externally thickened 1 4%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 4%
strainer 1 4%
cup 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 24 100%
Total 24 100%

f241 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 21 24%
bowl 20 22%
base: flat, slightly convex 9 10%
base: flat 7 8%
rim: rounded 6 7%
base: disk base, type unspecified 4 4%
cup 3 3%
base: rounded 2 2%
rim: externally thickened 2 2%
other shape sherd 2 2%
plate 2 2%
base: exterior ledge 1 1%
tablet 1 1%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 1%
rim: square 1 1%
base: ring 1 1%
rim: double strand (lower one pointed) 1 1%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 1%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 1%
jar shoulder 1 1%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 1%
base: high footed 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 89 100%
Total 89 100%

f243 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 18 24%
jar 13 17%
rim: interior groove or ledge 6 8%
base: flat, slightly convex 5 7%
rim: rounded 5 7%
cup 4 5%
base: ring 3 4%
other shape sherd 3 4%
base: flat 3 4%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 3%
rim: collared-grooved 2 3%
plate 2 3%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 2 3%
base: rounded 2 3%
rim: externally thickened 2 3%
rim: flat 1 1%
rim: ribbed on top of rim only 1 1%
base: high ring 1 1%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 76 100%
Total 76 100%

f248 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 1 20%
rim: collared-grooved 1 20%
rim: rounded 1 20%
pot 1 20%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 20%
Total diagnostic shapes 5 100%
Total 5 100%

f249 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
rim: rounded 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f250 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 20 31%
jar 19 30%
bowl 10 16%
base: flat, slightly convex 3 5%
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 3%
base: disk base, type unspecified 2 3%
base: flat 2 3%
base: ring 1 2%
rim: square 1 2%
rim: flat 1 2%
cup 1 2%
rim: rounded 1 2%
base: string cut bowl 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 64 100%
Total 64 100%

f251 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 4 17%
base: disk base, slightly concave 4 17%
plate 3 13%
jar 3 13%
rim: square 2 9%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 4%
rim: rounded 1 4%
base: low ring 1 4%
base: ring 1 4%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 4%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 4%
other shape sherd 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 23 100%
Total 23 100%

f253 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 14 38%
bowl 4 11%
rim: rounded 3 8%
rim: interior groove or ledge 3 8%
base: flat 2 5%
other shape sherd 2 5%
base: flat, slightly convex 2 5%
base: string cut bowl 1 3%
xsff 1 3%
base: ring 1 3%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 3%
cup 1 3%
handle: semi-circular, exterior 1 3%
rim: externally thickened 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 37 100%
Total 37 100%

f257 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 4 25%
jar 3 19%
base: flat 2 12%
rim: rounded 2 12%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 6%
base: ring 1 6%
base: low ring 1 6%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 6%
rim: square 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 16 100%
Total 16 100%

f261 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 6 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 6 100%
Total 6 100%

f265 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 39 26%
bowl 34 23%
base: flat, slightly convex 13 9%
base: ring 8 5%
rim: rounded 8 5%
rim: interior groove or ledge 7 5%
cup 7 5%
other shape sherd 5 3%
base: disk base, type unspecified 4 3%
bowl carination 4 3%
base: flat 3 2%
base: rounded 3 2%
base: low ring 2 1%
base: string cut cup 1 1%
base: string cut bowl 1 1%
worked disk 1 1%
rim: square 1 1%
base: disk base, slightly concave 1 1%
strainer 1 1%
tablet 1 1%
pot 1 1%
rim: flat 1 1%
root 1 1%
rim: double strand (both rounded) 1 1%
stand 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 149 100%
Total 149 100%

f271 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
ceramic vessel 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f276 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 8 36%
jar 4 18%
cup 3 14%
base: flat 2 9%
other shape sherd 1 5%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 5%
base: ring 1 5%
rim: rounded 1 5%
rim: flat 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 22 100%
Total 22 100%

f284 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 4 40%
jar 2 20%
body sherd 1 10%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 10%
base: exterior ledge 1 10%
other shape sherd 1 10%
Total diagnostic shapes 9 90%
Total 10 100%

f285 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 3 75%
cup 1 25%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 100%
Total 4 100%

f287 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 6 55%
bowl 4 36%
other shape sherd 1 9%
Total diagnostic shapes 11 100%
Total 11 100%

f288 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 3 38%
bowl 3 38%
cup 1 12%
body sherd 1 12%
Total diagnostic shapes 7 88%
Total 8 100%

f289 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
cup 2 40%
base: rounded 1 20%
jar 1 20%
bowl 1 20%
Total diagnostic shapes 5 100%
Total 5 100%

f290 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 3 27%
cup 3 27%
jar 3 27%
base: flat 1 9%
body sherd 1 9%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 91%
Total 11 100%

f291 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 2 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f293 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 6 46%
bowl 4 31%
base: flat 2 15%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 8%
Total diagnostic shapes 13 100%
Total 13 100%

f297 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 12 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 12 100%
Total 12 100%

f306 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
ceramic vessel 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f307 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 2 50%
cup 1 25%
bowl 1 25%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 100%
Total 4 100%

f308 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base: rounded 1 33%
bowl 1 33%
base: flat, slightly convex 1 33%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f310 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 1 25%
jar 1 25%
base: pointed 1 25%
other shape sherd 1 25%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 100%
Total 4 100%

f311 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 1 50%
bowl 1 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f313 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 4 50%
base: flat 1 12%
bowl 1 12%
cup 1 12%
other shape sherd 1 12%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 100%
Total 8 100%

f314 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 9 26%
base: flat, slightly convex 5 15%
jar 5 15%
cup 3 9%
other shape sherd 3 9%
plate 2 6%
rim: interior groove or ledge 2 6%
base: flat 2 6%
base: ring 1 3%
bowl carination 1 3%
base: rounded 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 34 100%
Total 34 100%

f317 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 1 50%
bowl 1 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f318 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f320 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f900 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 10 21%
jar 9 19%
rim: rounded 4 9%
base: flat, slightly convex 3 6%
rim: externally thickened 3 6%
base: ring 3 6%
base: flat 2 4%
other shape sherd 2 4%
base: low ring 2 4%
base: disk base, slightly concave 2 4%
base: disk base, type unspecified 1 2%
base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center 1 2%
cup 1 2%
base: disk base, slightly convex 1 2%
base: string cut bowl 1 2%
rim: interior groove or ledge 1 2%
rim: square 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 47 100%
Total 47 100%

f11 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f22 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f22 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f35 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f35 rim: flat

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f35 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f35 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f37 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f37 rim: flat

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f37 plate

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f37 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f37 xsff

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f37 ir

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f37 xdl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f38 jar

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f38 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f38 rim: flat

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f38 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f41 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f41 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f45 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f46 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f46 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f46 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f46 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f50 base: low ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f50 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f52 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f52 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f52 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f53 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f53 base: flat

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f55 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f55 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f55 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f55 rim: flat

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f55 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f55 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f59 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f59 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f59 base: hollow

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f59 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f59 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f60 base: hollow

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f60 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f60 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f60 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f63 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f64 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f65 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f65 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f65 base: low ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f65 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f65 jar shoulder

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f65 base: high ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f68 plate

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f68 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f68 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f68 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f68 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f68 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f69 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f69 base: high ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f69 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f69 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f70 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f70 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f71 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f71 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f71 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f71 base: pointed

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f71 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f72 bowl carination

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f72 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f72 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f73 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f73 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f73 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f73 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f73 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f75 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f75 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f79 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f80 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f80 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f82 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f82 base: pointed

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f82 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 base: hollow

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 base: low ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f85 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f85 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f86 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f86 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f86 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f87 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f87 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f88 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f88 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f88 base: hollow

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f93 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f94 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f94 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f94 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f94 base: low ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f94 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f94 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f95 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f95 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f95 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f97 base: high ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f97 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f97 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f98 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f98 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f98 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f98 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f98 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f103 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f103 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f103 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f103 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f106 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f107 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f107 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f107 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f107 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f108 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f108 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f108 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f110 rim: flat

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f110 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f110 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f110 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f110 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f111 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f114 base: flat

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f114 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f114 base: low ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f114 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f116 base: low ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f116 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f116 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f116 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f116 xsff

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f116 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f117 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f117 base: hollow

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f117 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f117 base: high footed

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f117 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f119 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f119 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f119 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f119 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f119 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f119 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f119 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f119 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f120 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f120 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f123 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f123 base: high ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f123 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f123 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f123 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f123 rim/base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f123 base: low ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f124 base: ring

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f124 xsff

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f124 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f124 base: high footed

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f124 base: low ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f124 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f124 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f124 base: high ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f126 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f126 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f126 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f126 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f131 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f131 base: high ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f131 base: pointed

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f131 xhl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f131 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f131 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f132 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f132 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f132 bowl carination

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f132 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f132 base: hollow

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f132 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f132 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f132 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f132 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f134 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f134 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f134 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f134 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f134 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f134 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f135 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f135 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f135 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f135 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f136 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f136 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f136 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f139 base: flat

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f139 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f139 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f139 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f140 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f140 bowl carination

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f140 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f141 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f141 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f141 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f142 base: low ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f142 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f142 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f143 xsff

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f146 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f146 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f148 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f148 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f148 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f148 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f149 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f154 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f154 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f154 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f154 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f156 jar

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f156 base: hollow

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f156 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f161 rim: flat

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f161 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f161 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f164 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f164 jar shoulder

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f164 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f168 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f168 xdl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f168 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f168 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f168 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f171 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f175 jar shoulder

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f175 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f175 base: high ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f175 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f180 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f180 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f180 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f185 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f185 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f185 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f185 jar shoulder

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f192 sherd

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f192 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f192 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f192 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f192 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f192 jar shoulder

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f192 base: high ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f192 bowl carination

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f196 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f196 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f200 cup

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f200 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f200 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f200 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f204 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f204 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f204 base: hollow

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f217 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f217 base: high footed

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f217 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f217 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f222 jar

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f222 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f222 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f223 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f223 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f223 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f226 bowl carination

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f226 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f226 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f228 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f228 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f228 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f228 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f228 jar shoulder

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f229 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f229 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f229 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f237 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f238 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f238 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f238 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f238 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f240 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f240 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f240 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f240 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f240 bowl carination

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f240 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f240 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f240 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f241 plate

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f241 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f241 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f241 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f241 jar shoulder

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f241 base: high footed

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f243 plate

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f243 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f243 base: high ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f248 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f248 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f248 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f249 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f250 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f250 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f250 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f250 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f250 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f251 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f251 base: low ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f251 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f253 xsff

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f253 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f253 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f257 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f257 base: low ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f257 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f265 worked disk

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f265 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f265 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f265 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f265 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f265 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f265 root

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f265 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f271 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f276 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f276 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f276 rim: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f276 rim: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f284 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f284 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f284 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f285 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f287 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f288 jar

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f288 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f288 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f289 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f289 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f289 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f289 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f290 jar

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f290 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f290 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f291 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f306 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f307 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f307 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f308 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f308 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f310 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f310 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f310 base: pointed

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f310 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f311 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f311 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f313 base: flat

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f313 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f313 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f314 plate

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f314 base: ring

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f314 bowl carination

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f314 base: rounded

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f317 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f317 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f318 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f320 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f900 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f900 rim: square

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1