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Daily notes about recovery of elements |
2008-08-18 |
cVP |
The spot of ashes detected yesterday in just a small area seems to be different layers of ashy accumulation that runs down pc f140, and also under the brown soil f141. It slopes down in the south and SW area, where we still have to remove the remains of f141. [Input: S817CVP.J] |
Argument |
2008-08-19 |
cVP |
The fact that it is found in a round area, going down to the center, and resting and abuting the brown soil around, along with the quantity of discarded sherds and bones, make us consider the possibility that it was a kind of dump. [Input: S819PC.J] |
Procedures |
2008-08-20 |
cVP |
We excavate the rest of this feature, the ashy layers, that goes deeper in the centre of the shallow pit or dump. Reaching the bottom, we relay and photograph. [Input: S820PC.J] |