
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Typology / Beads

Beads from Unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – February 2025

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Artefacts with the function of jewellery, such as beads and pendants, are presented in this section. They can be made of clay, stone, frit, bone, shell or metal and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. In J6 we have 4 stone, 18 frit, 3 glass 5 clay beads. A carved stone pendant and a shell pendant were also found. The context of the founding are all in secondary deposition, such as in accumulations, in fills of pits or in the brickfall. No primary context was recorded.

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The beads found in J6 are circular, ellipsoidal, cylindrical in form and are pierced in the middle.

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Stone beads

q238.2 is made of transapernt quartz and is ellipsoidal in shape, broken in half, and was found in a Mittani floor f140. A second ellipsoidal bead q264.1 is made from a black polished stone. q344.1 is a lapislazuli small cylindrical bead and q260.2 is a stone cylindrical bead. They were all found in Mittani accumulations.

q238.2 q264.1 q344.1 q260.2

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Clay beads

The objects here are also described under clay disks, since they could be used as beads or spindle whorls. q424.3 could have been used also as a ring and was found in a EDIII Period floor f290 next to the base of flank wall f129.

q424.3 q39.1 q234.2 q275.1

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Frit/glass beads

There is a collection of 18 white and light blue frit cylindrical beads, mostly are broken, which belong to the same necklace as they were all found in an early Mittani accumulation f151.

q260.5 q258.2 q260.1 q260.2

Glass beads are:

q254.3 q292.1 q346.1

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The hole of a pendant, unlike beads where the hole is located in the middle, is on the upper part of the object. In J6 a stone and a shell pendant were found.

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Shell pendant
A dark gray shell q389.10 has a perforation on the upper side. The perforation is intentionally made for a string.

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Stone Pendant
Stone pendant q218.2 is rectangular in shape and flat in section, on the lower central surface are incised parralel lines flanked by oblique lines. On the upper part two caprid animal heads are carved, the eyes are pierced and the horns are visible on the left head. The head of the other animal is broken off. Between the heads is visible the hole for a string The object was found in the Mittani brickfall f86.

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Chronological distribution

Phase Object
h7a q264.1
h7m q344.1
h7d q238.2
h31 q424.3

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