
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Typology / Objects

Clay Objects from Unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – February 2025

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A total of 282 clay objects were found in J6, 50% of all artefacts collected. Most of them are clay lumps (76), sealings (34), kilin waste (64), figurines (47). There are several wheels (9), two fragments of chariot models, clay disks (4), spindle whorl (2), clay platter (3), backed bricks (8) and other unidentified clay artefacts.

[Cf. also page “Other Objects/Clay Artifacts” and page “Clay Objects; ZJ219 - mDP]

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Two peaces of chariot models were been found in the late Mittani brickfall f74 and in later accumulations. q161.3 is handmade, some fingerprints can be seen on the outer part of the object, the inside is very smooth. Seen from the side has a V shape and only one axle hole for the wheel is preserved. q321.1 is a fragment of the front of a chariot, the lower part has a hole crossing the sides.

q161.3    q161.3

q161.3    q321.1

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A total of 9 clay wheels for chariot and wagons models were found in Mittani accumulations or in the brickfall. Wheel q407.1 was found in a Late Akkadian Period floor, located in front of the staircase and obelisks f277. q92.1 is the most significant and best preserved example of a chariot wheel. Both sides are painted with parallel and crossed lines forming a pattern around the axle hole, probably representing the spokes. Other wheels are: q160.1, q69.2, q207.1, q223.3,q293.1, q349.1, q351.2, q407.1.

q92.1    q92.1 q92.1    q92.1

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Clay disks

All round objects with a hole in the middle, which are not wheels, are clay disks. They have different dimensions (between 1 and 3 cm in diameter) and are flat in section (0.5 and 1.6 cm in height), the external rim is smoothed. The objects were all made from pottery sherds by hammering the sherd into a round shape and drilling it. Some of them could be also used as beads or as spindle whorl.

q39.1 q234.2 q275.1 q192.1

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Spindle whorls

Clay spindle whorls are conical in shape (about 2 cm high and 3 cm in diameter) with a hole of about 0.8 cm in the middle. The two objects found in J6 are coming from late Mittani accumulations.

q35.1 q128.4

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Clay disks whithout a hole are q113.3, q196.2 and q214.2 are between 2 and 6 cm in diameter and between 1 and 3 cm in height.

q113.3 q196.2     q214.2

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Portable hearths

A fragment of a decorated clay object can be identified as a portable hearth or andiron, on the basis of similar objects found in Tell Mozan coming from Units A15 and A16 (A15i15 and A16i19). These are published by Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2004, Fig. 4.1 and 6). The preserved portion of the object q23.1 is 8.8 cm long, decorated on two sides with a combination of incised lines and rows of small impressed holes. The original form is not recognisable. It was found in later accumulations f15.

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A fragment of a bird figurine whose body is broken off, the inside is hollow q178.2. Possibly is a whistle with the form of a bird, assumption based on similar finds (Bianchi-Wissing 2009, Tafel 73 Kat. Nr. 1198). The object was found in a Mittani accumulation f97 under the brickfall.

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Other clay artifacts of special interest is an islamic pipe q17.2 found directly unter the topsoil. There are several fragments of clay with incised lines on one side. These are probably impressions of straw, part of a roofing material, as for example q421.1.

Two baked clay objects could not be identified:

    q64.1     q184.3

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