Unit Book J6

The Northeastern End of the Temple Terrace and the Betili - Version 1a

J6 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for Unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – August 2010

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Gradual build-up accounts for more than half of all J6 features, with a total of 163 elements within a total of 347.

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In turn, almost half of these (78) are accumulations. The full list is to found in the typological index. Here I will single out the most interesting ones.

The upper levels in J6 are sedimentation such as dust and windblown material, reflecting the abandonment of the area (f12, f4, f18).

A thick accumulation is located east of ^wall6 and in terms of deposition, under ^glacis2, dating to the very Early Mittani: it has a well defined upper and lower boundaries, sloping gently to the south, and well defined in terms of soil matrics, whith a characteristical reddish coloration.

In J6 there are a series of interesting accumulations dated to the hird Millennium and located under ^glacis3, east of ^wall6 and direcly in front of f227. f232 is a gray band of soil, very compact sloping to the south, whereas f297, located just under it, is an ashy accumulation which also follows the slope of the mound in this area.

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