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The initial definition of zone J
The initial topographical survey of the High Mound had highlighted the peculiar nature of the central depression: a uniformly flat surface, surrounded on all sides by five hillocks. This had prompted the definition of this depression as a separate zone, which in the pre-set system of labels for the various zones was called “J”.
Two additional factors helped to further define the speciic character of this zone. (1) The area was sufficiently flat and large to be used as a soccer field by the local youth. (2) The vegetation was more sparse than in the other parts of the tell, which could be attributed to a different type of subsoil (not just to the use as a soccer field). We assumed that it might have been an open space even in antiquity, possibly linked with the Temple, which was the first structure we excavated in 1984.
(When it became clear that most of J was indeed a plaza facing the Temple, we reserved the label JP for te area JP (Mallowan Plaza).
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This version
The version published here is up to date as of December 7, 2009. Following updates will indicate additions.
At regular intervals, given versions will be archived and their data publihsed in the
Ephemeris portion of the Urkesh website.
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