Unit Book J2


Processed on 2024-07-27


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2005-08-02 sC accumulation D [Input: P803AL2.j]
Best image 2010-12-29 cJC [Input: U809YM.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2005-08-02 aL We defined f137 the natural accumulation in k13; f137 is the cleaning of the top surface of k13 (10 cm) that was exposed throughout all winter and that was contaminated by modern trash. It has a very compact and hard surface and once dug it exposed some little areas characterized by sandy accumulation that we have interpreted as the consequence of the presence of puddle. The texture is crumble with pebbles and pottery. f137 is the same as f135 in k4 and f136 in k3. [Input: P802AL.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2005-08-02 sC k13 [Input: P803AL2.j]
M#/elev @top 2005-08-02 sC 8990 [Input: P803AL2.j]
M#/elev @bottom 2005-08-02 sC 8949 [Input: P803AL2.j]
Notes on volumetric localization 2005-08-22 mH The starting elevation of the first feature of this season (MZ18-P) in k13 is 89.89 m, which is 10 cm higher than the starting elevation of the equivalent feature f138 in k101 right next to it. I am slightly suspicious of this starting elevation due to this difference, although it is possible that the surface was that uneven after being exposed through the winter. [Input: P822MH2.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2008-03-12 pC f210 (accumulation D) abuts f137 (accumulation D) [Input: S211PC2.j]
2008-03-11 pC f125 (accumulation D) covers f137 (accumulation D) [Input: S211PC2.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2005-08-03 !! q365.1 (wheel) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365.2 (cart) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 vvE q365 (items, pottery) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p1 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p2 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p3 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p4 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p5 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p6 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p7 (xrg) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p8 (xfx) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p9 (xrl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p10 (xrg) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p11 (jar) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p12 (xfx) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p13 (jar) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p14 (et) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p15 (xdf) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p16 (jar) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p17 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p18 (jar) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p19 (xf) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p20 (jar) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p21 (f) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p22 (r) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p23 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p24 (et) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p25 (xfx) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p26 (ts) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p27 (xrl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p28 (xfx) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p29 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p30 (r) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p31 (xfx) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p32 (xfx) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p33 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p34 (pot) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p35 (xfx) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p36 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p37 (bowl) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p70 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p71 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p72 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p73 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p74 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p75 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p76 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p77 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p78 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p79 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p80 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p81 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
2005-08-03 !! q365-p82 (body sherd) sits in f137 (accumulation D) [Input: P803AL3.j]
Type of contact: earliest events 2005-08-03 mH f137 (accumulation D) abuts f127 (wall) [Input: S211PC2.j]
2005-08-03 mH f137 (accumulation D) abuts f128 (wall) [Input: S211PC2.j]
2005-08-03 mH f137 (accumulation D) covers f138 (accumulation D) [Input: S211PC2.j]
2005-08-03 mH f137 (accumulation D) covers f140 (accumulation D) [Input: S211PC2.j]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2011-11-11 cJC s148J2B [Input: VY11CJC.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2010-12-03 !! ^use2 (use area) [Input: T914CJC.j]
2011-11-11 !! h7mJ2B [Input: VY11CJC.j]
2012-10-16 !! ^apr2 [Input: T914CJC.j]
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment 2008-03-05 pC elevation [Input: S305PC.j]
Typological reasons for assignment 2008-03-05 pC Was exposed through the winter and therfore contaminated [Input: S305PC.j]
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications 2005-09-14 mH Very compact and hard, also contained sandy deposits that we have interpreted resulting from water deposits. [Input: S215PC.j]
2011-05-16 cJC Upper, highly eroded portion of brickfall [Input: V516CJC.j]
2011-11-21 cJC Although this feature is potentially contaminated due to inter-season build-up, it is at the elevation equivalent with the post-brickfall use of the area. [Input: VY21CJC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Color 2005-08-02 sC grey [Input: P803AL2.j]
Hardness, compaction 2005-08-02 sC very compact and hard in the top but once dug it revealed a softer crumbling consistency crumble with pebbles, pottery and few bones [Input: P803AL2.j]