
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-26

Date Author Record
2008-07-15 pC in k85 aKarim works as a pickmen and fHessu is the Shovel, Masood the Wheelbarrow. In k75 sKhalaf and sMuhammad are the pickmen, sAl-abrash and Habib are the showel and rMahmood the wheelbarrow. The same team works in k65, which was opened on S715 after breackfast. [Input: S714PC.J]
2008-07-16 pc Taher Mamo was not present after breakfast [Input: S716PC.J]
2008-07-19 hQ we started working at 7:45 in k100 with 4 workmen; Siwar was the pickman, Ferhad and Khaled were the shovels and Nigervan was the wheelbarrow driver: they excavated in this area the whole day. [Input: S719HQ.J]
2008-07-19 pc Today I get new workmen: Kamiran, Khaled as shovel, Nichervan as a wheelbarrow. Therefore I made new teams: Ibrahim and Fahed are pickman in k75, Taher Mamo and Su'ar in k65 and in k85 still aKarim. Shallal can't work anymore. [Input: S719PC.J]
2008-07-20 cJC Today we receieved 15 new workmen. They were assigned to work in k200 cleaning k200. At first we had only 2 shovels, so 2 men shoveled (Abdullah and Akram) until after breakfast when fAB bought us 3 new shovels. Three workmen were working the wheelbarrows and the rest of the workmen formed a zambil chain to move the dirt out of the trench. After breakfast mO and the workmen installed a shafat. Five men then worked as shovel-men, with 3 shoveling the dirt into a wheelbarrow and 2 shoveling it out of the wheelbarrow into the shafat. Three more wheelbarrow-men worked at the top of the shafat. Four workmen who were without work due to the installation of the shafat (Sipan, Asdishare and 2 others) were assigned to clean the area in front of the revetment wall in J02 so conservation photos can be taken tomorrow. We still do not have enough shovels for all the work. [Input: S720CJC.J]
2008-07-20 hQ we started working in k100 with 4 workmen; Siwar was the pickman, Somar and Abdalkarim were the shovels and Nigervan was the wheelbarrel driver: they excavated in this area the whole day. [Input: S720CJC.J]
2008-07-21 pC today before breakfast aKarim went home [Input: S721PC.J]
2008-07-21 cJC Today 13 workmen were assigned to work in k200. [Input: S721PC2.J]
2008-07-28 pc today I get 4 new worken for J6: Ahuar and Nasm Mahmood are pickmen in k75, Ahmed Khataf is a shovel and Mahmood Osman is the wheelbarrow [Input: S728PC.J]
2008-08-04 pC Ahnuar after breakfast went home because his daughter was sick [Input: S804PC.J]
2008-08-05 pC today Ahnuar was not present [Input: S805PC.J]
2008-08-17 pC today after breackfast Taher whent home. Ahnuar continues the supervision of the removal of the dirt from k200 with the crane and the shaffat. He is also in chrge of the sequrity of the workmen. [Input: S817PC.J]
2008-08-19 pC Today lot of workmen were moved from J6 to J7: the workmen for the last week of excavation in J6 are: in k84 AKarim, Táer, Habib, Kamiran, Somar; in k85 Suar, Fahed, Khaled, Riad, Yaser, Ahmed, Khaled. [Input: S819PC.J]
2009-07-19 yM we have decided for the moment about how many workmen we need. we have 3 pik men: Abdl Karim Hassan, Masood Bijou, Ali Helal. 4 shavel men: Mohammad Mahmood, Habib Hama, Fajil Juan and Osmat Hassan. 2 wheel barrow: Ferhad Ali and Ahmed Anter. [Input: T719YM.J]
2009-08-02 pC today Hussein came from J2 to J6 and I put him in k104 [Input: T802PC.J]