
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Typology / Built Environment

Loose materials in Unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – September 2011

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More than 5 m of accumulations covered the area. These accumulations are of different type: the upper 2 m are windblown soil ^a1 with no particular interruption of use areas or structures.

A second type of accumulation is ^a2 and ^ab2 are soil that gathered in all the Plaza during a small period of time, when the Plaza was used from people, but also around the Plaza were built structures that allowed a faster grow of the soil. Probably the Plaza was not kept clean so that whithin a very short time (during the Mittani period) the level of the Plaza grew rapidily. The accumulations during this period are interrupted by floors and few installations.

During the Third Millennium the Plaza was kept cleaner. During this period there are thinner accumulations that covered floors, which compacted by the continous walking by of people.

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In J6 there are 4 pits. These pits were filled in a second moment with soil. f87 fills pit cut f92.
The hollow pit f122 was filled with ashy soil f142. A further hollow pit f199 was filled with ashy soil f192.

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There are two dumps: the first in time sequence is a dump of early EDIII sherds and kiln waste f200. The second happened in the mittani period and is ^dump1.

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Several stones collapsed from the Revetment Wall, when the area was abandoned. The stones were found all directly south of the wall and are f212, f263, f254, f245, f244, f225, f224.

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The great brickfall

A great Brickfall f1 and f2 covered all the J6 and J2 areas.

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