Unit Book J6

The Northeastern End of the Temple Terrace and the Betili - Version 1a

J6 Synthetic View / Typology / Objects

Glyptics from Unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – June 2011

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The sealings as objects

In J6 were found a series of sealings. They have no seal impression and is the backside of a possible seal impression or simply pressed clay against an object and preserved the material to wich were sealed. Here are some examples:

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Stamp Seals

Only one stamp seal was found in unit J6, which is q131.2. This seal has similarities with a series of stamp seals found in unit J2, especially q1.2, q385.1 and q206.3, The seal is conic in shape and presents on the flat side concentric circles.


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Cylindrical Seals

In unit J6 were found 4 seals, 2 of them uncarved (i1, q260.2) and two caved seals (i17, i18).

The carved seal i17 was found removing a stone on top of the eastern flank wall of the monumental staircase f129.




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Seal impressions

There is a variety of seal impressions. The iconography and date for each object is described in detail under each item page. There are seal impressions also on sherds. These are: q128.2 and q318.4







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