
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-27


Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Features included within stratum 2000-08-15 !! q164.1 (bead)
q164.2 (sample)
q164.3 (sample)
q164.4 (flake)
q164.5 (unknown)
q176.1 (door socket)
q178.1 (figurine)
q178.2 (whistle)
q181.1 (carbon sample)
q181.2 (kiln waste)
q232.3 (carbon sample)
q232.4 (polishing stone)
q156 (pottery)
q159 (bones, pottery)
q164 (bones, pottery)
q176 (bones, pottery)
q178 (bones, pottery)
q181 (pottery)
q186 (pottery)
q232 (pottery)
q250 (bones, pottery)
q159-p1 (bowl)
q159-p2 (bowl)
q159-p3 (base: disk base, slightly concave)
q159-p4 (jar)
q159-p5 (bowl)
q159-p6 (jar)
q159-p7 (bowl)
q159-p8 (rim: externally thickened)
q159-p9 (bowl)
q159-p10 (jar)
q164-p1 (base: high ring)
q164-p2 (jar)
q164-p3 (rim: flat)
q176-p1 (bowl)
q176-p2 (pot)
q176-p3 (jar)
q176-p4 (rim: flat)
q176-p5 (base: disk base, type unspecified)
q178-p1 (bowl)
q178-p2 (base: disk base, type unspecified)
q178-p3 (base: disk base, slightly concave)
q178-p4 (bowl)
q178-p5 (bowl)
q178-p6 (base: disk base, slightly concave)
q178-p7 (bowl)
q178-p8 (other shape sherd)
q186-p1 (jar)
q186-p2 (cup)
q232-p1 (jar)
q232-p2 (base: flat)
q232-p3 (rim: collared-grooved)
q232-p4 (base: flat, slightly convex)
q232-p5 (plate)
q232-p6 (base: flat)
q232-p7 (bowl)
q250-p1 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center)
q250-p2 (jar)
q250-p3 (jar)
q250-p4 (jar)
q250-p5 (base: flat, slightly convex)
q250-p6 (other shape sherd)
q250-p7 (jar) [Input: S-CUMUL.J]