
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for Unit J6
Amorphous amassment

Patrizia Camatta – August 2010

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All three types (fills, dumping and collapse) are well attested in J6.

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In J6 fills are represented by filling of two hollows (f142, f192), located east of the staircase and dated to Mittani. The soil matrix is mostly ashy with a large quantity of carbon and pottery not layed horizontally, contained by a defined space of the hollow, which is large but not much deep.

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There are two main dumps located in J6. The first one in terms of time sequencing is dated to the late Third Millennium f200, a dump of pottery with lot of kilin waster and badly fired pottery (mostly green) within a reddish soil matrix. The dump is bonded by two walls: to the south by f227 and to the west by ^wall6.

^dump1 is spread almost in all the southern portion of J6 and dates to the Mittani period. It is not homogeneus in terms of soil matrix and inclusions, which mostly consist of pottery, bones, stones.

Another kind of dump is ^glacis3 and ^glacis4, layed east of ^wall6. It is a thick band (50 cm to 2 meters thick and found for a length of 13 meters) of amorphous material, with a characteristich red-orange coloration, due to the source of the earth (coming outside the city, where still today the earth has a red coloration). Characteristics of this glacis is the presence of lot of mud bricks with different angle of repose, clearly defining this feature as a dump. Its surface was well defined and visible for a long time.

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A collapse of one or more buildings comes from east of J6 and covers almost all J6 and the lower portion of J2. The boundaries of the brickfall are sharp and defined, especially the bottom of it, which is bonded by ^glacis1. The glacis slopes toward south-west and while to the west there is an open free space (the plaza), the brickfall spread to the west and was not blocked. The matrix of the brickfall is well defined: the lower portion <a ^bf2
consists mainly of complete to broken mud bricks, while the topmost portion ^bf1 consists of melted mud bricks, due to its longer exposure to wind and water.

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