
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for Unit J6
Ordered aggregation

Patrizia Camatta – August 2010

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Stone walls

In J6 there are several stone walls, part of the temple terrace complex, mostly belonging to the main construction phase, as the revetment ^wall12 or the east staircase flanking ^wall6. These walls are both built with large stone blocks ordered in courses. There are several other walls which are additional structures built later: they are mostly srceen/courtain walls as walls ^wall4 or ^wall11: they are shallow walls consisting of 1-3 courses, probably built to frame the slope of the mound in this area.

South of the plaza area JP (in area C2) there is a stone structure, excavated as a C2 feature but cleaned by J6 team in year 2009. This structure is <a href=”^wall8 and ^wall9.

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Mudbrick walls

Only 2 mudbrick walls have been excavated in J6, which have still no clear interpretation and cannot be linked to structres. The first is ^wall7, located at a high elevation and dated to the Late Third Millennium. The wall has only partly been exposed.

The second mudbrick wall is <a href=”^wall13, located under the revetment ^wall12 and the east staircase flanking ^wall6.

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South of the plaza area JP (in area C2) there is a stone structure, excavated as a C2 feature but cleaned by J6 team in year 2009. This structure is defined by ^wall8 and ^wall9, consisting of stone blocks set in ordered courses and bonded forming an L shaped structure.

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An installation is located in J6, which is a bin a7, dated to Early Mittani. Half mond mudbrick structure with stone basement, paved with pebbles and sherds.

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