
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phases for Unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – September 2011

A first overview of the J6 phases is given in the introduction to the J6 digital book. A more detailed overview is given under depositional history. Here one will find a summary of the data given separately in full detail for each the individual phases.

J6 phase sequence begins with Phase 3J6A, even if some structures excavated in J6 may belong to phase 2. In many excavated strata there is presence of Late Chalcholithic pottery. From other JP units we know that there is a Late Chalcholithic phase for the JP and BA area. The main phase in J6 is Phase 3mJ6A, the main construction phase of the Temple Terrace. This structure is used continuosly up to the Middle Mittani period, when the brickfall covers the area, followed by natural accumulations and collapse.

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