
The Northeastern End of the Temple Terrace and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-20


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! installation
Best definition 2009-08-04 !! pit [Input: T804PC.J]
Best image 2009-08-04 pC v237 [Input: T804PC.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2009-08-04 pC pit [Input: T804PC.J]
Description (summary) 2009-08-04 pC an almost oval large hollow pit located in k104, k73, k82. The cut is f199 and cuts glacis f164 in k104 and probably removed also top stones of f227. The bottom of the pit was filled with bricky soil f200 and f231, instead the upper part of it was ashy soil f192 full of pottery and tannur pieces (f220). Most of the pottery found in the pit fill dates to Mittani. Another smaller pit f293 cuts f192 [Input: T804PC.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2009-08-04 pC the pit is not completely removed: it continues to the east under the bin a7 [Input: T804PC.J]

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Criteria of aggregation 2009-08-04 pC The elements belonging to this aggregate are part of the pit, as cut or fill. while the pit is more a hollow and inside was found several features with different soil composition and characteristics, i decided that they should be collected in this aggregate. [Input: T804PC.J]
Features within aggregate 2009-08-04 !! f200 (fill)
f220 (tannur (feature))
f293 (lens type a)
f301 (fill) [Input: T804PC.J]
2009-08-04 pC f192 (fill)
f199 (cut)
f226 (floorsurface in general)
f231 (fill)
f261 (accumulation D)
f282 (fill)
f283 (cut)
f288 (fill) [Input: T804PC.J]
Items within aggregate 2009-08-04 !! i22 (animal bone)
i25 (clay lump) [Input: T804PC.J]
q-lots within aggregate 2009-08-04 !! q304 (bones, items, pottery)
q305 (pottery)
q306 (pottery)
q307 (bones, pottery)
q308 (pottery)
q309 (bones, pottery)
q310 (pottery)
q315 (bones, pottery)
q316 (pottery)
q317 (pottery)
q318 (pottery)
q319 (bones, pottery)
q324 (bones, pottery)
q331 (bones, pottery)
q333 (pottery)
q339 (bones, pottery)
q340 (bones, pottery)
q341 (ta)
q342 (bones, pottery)
q346 (bones, pottery)
q349 (pottery)
q350 (pottery)
q353 (bones, pottery)
q380 (pottery)
q387 (bones, pottery)
q389 (bones, pottery)
q390 (bones, pottery)
q402 (pottery)
q405 (bones, pottery)
q408 (pottery)
q411 (pottery)
q412 (pottery)
q417 (pottery)
q421 (bones, pottery)
q422 (bones, pottery)
q426 (pottery)
q428 (pottery)
q431 (pottery)
q432 (pottery)
q433 (pottery)
q434 (pottery)
q435 (bones, pottery)
q438 (bones, pottery)
q440 (pottery)
q442 (pottery)
q443 (pottery)
q445 (pottery)
q446 (pottery)
q448 (pottery)
q450 (pottery)
q451 (pottery)
q476 (pottery) [Input: T804PC.J]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2010-07-29 !! s400J6A
s640J6A [Input: U815PC.J]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2010-07-29 !! h3mJ6A [Input: U815PC.J]
2010-07-29 !! h3sJ6A [Input: U815PC.J]
2010-07-29 !! h5hJ6A [Input: U815PC.J]


Site Presentation

Roster Date Author Record
Notes on conservation or analysis 2009-08-04 pC the function of the pit is not clear: no particular items opottery was found inside the pit. The for of the pit is more a hollow than a pit. It is not deep but very extended. [Input: T804PC.J]