Daily |
2008-7-13 | pC |
k84 is a locus already excavated in J4 in season 2005 and in season 2004 as J2. It is a half square being excavated in J4 for the southern half as k84 and the northern half as k100 together with k83. k84 was excavated until the elevation 9150@. The features in k84 in J4 were J4 f87 for the top soil, J4 f88 for the accumulation under top soil.
[Input file: S707PC.J / S707PC.-J]
2008-7-13 | pC |
today we begin removing the first 50 cm from the west baulk in k84, left by the J4 excavation 2006. This baulk is important because it is showing the eastern side of the trench excavated by the german team in season 2000. We want do draw all the section: the first 2 meters will be drawn from k84 and the rest, once collapsed this first part of the baulk, will be drawn from J2 k100 to the west ( k200). After removing the 50 cm hB, eA, hB, dH draw the section. The section shows the top soil and the accumulation for 1m. It is clean from pottery and stones (very few). In J4 f88 we have already Khabur pottery
[Input file: S707PC.J / S707PC.-J]
2008-7-19 | pC |
Today we removed the West baulk, which is f1: it has all features of k84 (see J4) and therefore has no stratigraphic importance.
[Input file: S719PC.J / S719PC.-J]
2008-7-21 | pC |
Today i decided to move Su'ar in k84 and begin excavating here: being the removing of the dirt difficult from the top of the baulk, i decided to remove the east baulk of k84 (which is a half baulk, partly removed in season 2004 as J4), which is f34.
[Input file: S721PC.J / S721PC.-J]
2008-7-21 | pC |
k84 was excavated in season 2006: it was separated in two loci: k84 North and k84 South. The southern part was left higher and the Northern part was dig together with k83 south; from this two half squares we made a new square J4 k100 which was a deep sounding into the temple mound.
[Input file: S721PC.J / S721PC.-J]
2008-7-22 | pC |
Today we removed the first 10 cm of soil: I consider it as a topsoil, being exposed for two years. This feature is f32, which is very dusty and has few pottery. after the first pick run Su'ar found f38, which is the same of f37 in k85: it is limited only in the South-East part of the square. in the North West part there is a surface of brick melt: it is f41 and some bricks are visible. I decided first to excavate f41 and then f38. In season 2006, when k84 was excavated as J4 locus, was not found this feature: this means that it did not extend in the northern part, where it was excavated deeper.
[Input file: S722PC.J / S722PC.-J]
2008-7-23 | pC |
we removed f38 which is the same feature as f37: has a lot of pebbles, sherds and bones. Once removed it was very similar to f41, which instead had melted bricks. f38 was soft and dusty and had a lot of sherds. After removing it, we went down for 30 cm; Su'ar looked in the South section of k84 and found a nice compacted surface; he removed the layer above f45 and exposed f46: f46 is a highly compacted floor surface, with some sherds laying flat (a khabur painted sherd was just above it); atop f45 was a seal i1: we relayed it, took pictures and stopped excavating.
[Input file: S723PC.J / S723PC.-J]
2008-7-24 | pC |
today we removed the floor surface f46, which was found the day before. It was very compact and hard to remove and came out in big chunks, and once removed we found a lot of pieces of bricks and brick melt. This surface covered another compact surface with bricks and some ashes and few carbons: this is f52, which is the beginning of the brickfall at elevation of 9023@ top. I decided to remove the first 10 cm of this, to see if under this there is a structure. It continue to be bricks and the surface was full of bricks located in different direction, building any kind of organized surface. I decided to change feature, being this different in quantity of brick, and more clearly a brickfall. It is f53, and is characterized by a slope going to North and at least 10 bricks of different dimensions and color (mostly are red, but there are also grey bricks). We took views of this surface v28 and relayed it. we went down for two other pick runs and the brickfall continued. This means that we are above a kind of a mudbrick structure that collapsed. The pottery is all mixed, some khabur, mittani, phase 23 sherds.
[Input file: S725PC.J / S725PC.-J]
2008-7-26 | pC |
Today in the early morning I looked in the section to check if the brickfall slopes; it is clear that the surface is flat, and Su'ar probably excavated for mistake as a slope. We continued removing the brickfall f53 which is still full of bricks but building any coherent shape, as a wall. hB analyzed the pottery coming from f53 and it is Phase 33. Before breakfast fAB came to see the brickfall and he looked in section showing us that there are some bricks with mortar in between. Also the brickfall is much more full of bricks than before. We have the feeling that we are reaching a sructure. I decided to change feature number, relay it and photograph, which is v29. The new feature is f55: fAB suggested to dig in a trench large 50 cm and long 2m along the West section, going down for 30 cm: in this way we should see a wall from the section. We proceeded like this but we found only the end of the brickfall after 20 cm. Under it there is a mud surface, hard and sloping south. This remembers me to J4 f121 in J4 k100, which is also sloping South and was orange-brown. We did not remove it and today we did not expose it all.
[Input file: S725PC.J / S725PC.-J]
2008-7-28 | pC |
Today we finished removing the brickfall f55: it is full of red and grey unbaked bricks, crumbly and is hard when picked, it has not much pottery; After removing it, we found a hard surface which is sloping towards South-West f63. This is an indication that there is a boundary to the west that stopps the slope. This slope could be a glacis which covers the ancient mound of the temple terrace and was covered by this glacis to protect it; it probably ends aganist the wall f130. this situation reminds me to J3, were a series of glacis were uncovered: they are the coating of the temple mound, finishing in behind the revetment wall (J3 f150 is the glacis). We covered the glacis and we started removing the western baulk. I decided to excavate it stratigraphically, following the accumulations which are f66 and then the floor f46 which in the baulk is f67. this floor was relayed and then removed together with the brickfall. The brickfall coveres wall f127, which is the memory stones of the wall f129. In the baulk was found a jar stopper i2
[Input file: S728PC.J / S728PC.-J]
2008-7-29 | pC |
Today we finished removing the West baulk of k84, which is f69: it is the brickfall, same as f55, and it covered partly wall f127, the memory stones of f129. The brickfall covered also the glacis f63, slopeing towards South-West and has a hard surface with some small calcite pebbles. It is very similar to the late mud glacis in J3.
[Input file: S729PC.J / S729PC.-J]
2008-8-2 | pC |
today was removed a small piece of the western baulk f69, which was left over to keep the stones of f127: today we decided to remove it because the stones are not in danger to fall down. Removing this piece of brickfall f69, was clear that the glacis f63 ends on the lower stones of f127. Probably the glacis continued also for some cm to the west, because it seems cut by the trench k200: this part was excavated as a trench by the german team of Tübingen; it runs Sud-North (see introduction to J6 and MDOG 134 2002 for more information). In the Eastern section of k200 is possible to see the continuation of the glacis to the south: the indication is that on top of this presumed slope seen in section sits the brickfall ^b f2. Under this line the stratigraphy changes drastically.
[Input file: S802PC.J / S802PC.-J]
2008-8-6 | pC |
today we removed the northern part of the East baulk of k84, which is f108
[Input file: S806PC.J / S806PC.-J]
2008-8-16 | pC |
today we removed the glacis f63, which has a very hard surface but when removed was platy in structure and reddish in color. It is the same as f107 in k74. Under f63 we found f132, which is another glacis, probably the grey one same as f110 in k85. We decided to remove part of the backfill in k84 North, which is J4 k100: this was a deep sounding made in 2006 in J4: we decided to remove part of the backfill to see the limits of the sounding and to see better the East section: the first feature we see in section is J4 f150, which was a red accumulation sloping sharply towards South. It is very important because we will find the same feature to the South in k84. It is also one of the reasons to belive that there is the wall f130 in k84 and it falls into the South baulk of J4 k100 which is now the North baulk of k84.
[Input file: S816PC.J / S816PC.-J]
2008-8-17 | cVP |
After diggin the "glacis" f132 down the NW corner, it dissapear showing a strip of pebble floor running NS-SW, not even a meter wide, called f140. This also disappear so the NW corner of the square is filled by a soft brown soil called f141. Cutting the glacis and also a part of the pebble floor, an elongated pit filled with ashy soil has been found. The cut is not very deep, some 15 cm, and the bottom is also brown soil. In its interior the ashy filling contained one sealing, a piece of inlaid and a small miniature vessel
[Input file: S817CVP.J / S817CVP.-J]
2008-8-18 | cVP |
After cleaning all the surface of our area in this square is seen more clearly the dark spot that would be the continuation of the ashy layer f142 in this square. Of course it is just visible in the strip of earth left as a baulk after south of the deep sounding J04.
[Input file: S817CVP.J / S817CVP.-J]
2008-8-18 | cVP |
Today we clean eveything and make photos of the pebble floor f140, as we are going to remove it. The photos also relate this floor with the one on k85, f135.
[Input file: S817CVP.J / S817CVP.-J]
2008-8-19 | cVP |
First in the morning we clean and photo the situation of the ashy layer f142 in relation with the upper brown one f141. Then we dig f141 trying to find the grey in the SW of the square. We identify the edges of f142 as a round area (maybe a dump?), that we relay and photograph, and later excavate almost completely.
[Input file: S819PC.J / S819PC.-J]
2008-8-21 | cVP |
Still excavating f151. We draw the North section. Tomorrow the workers will come to remove the backfill in k83 so that next Saturday we will be able to remove this N baulk.
[Input file: S824CVP.J / S824CVP.-J]
2008-8-23 | cVP |
We remove first the North baulk, and then we began to remove the upper part of the East baulk. For the Noeth baulk the workers had already removed the bakfill of k83 (J4) Saturday afternoon, so we have some meter and a half of freed North baulk to dig. We gave one feature number for the baulk but we differentiate the samples coming from the ash shallow pit ( f142), 2 q-lots, and one q-item (a bead). We leave the baulk at the level were the backfill still remains. The East baulk we dig by feature, even if considering the upper part, until the first pebble floor, as one feature number, f156, with the first two glacis. The remains of the pebble floor that in k84 we called f140 here we called f157. We clean it, make a photo, and the surveyors relay it. The brown soil is f160, equal to f151 in k84.
[Input file: S824CVP.J / S824CVP.-J]
2008-8-24 | cVP |
We begin excavating f161. And then we have to give up work because of the weather and come back to the office to work in the UGR.
[Input file: S824CVP.J / S824CVP.-J]
2008-8-25 | cVP |
Still digging the E baulk. Now the reddish accumulation is considered another feature, f162, and the more red underneath f164. At the beginning of f164 a big stone is found in the north border of the baulk, precisely also under the earth left that supports the stones of f101. It seems to be the wall that we were looking for, the equivalent of f130 from the German trench. Once we reach in the E baulk the level left at the rest of k84 we stop the digging of the baulk and began to work again inside the square. We also draw the small North baulk and take photos.
[Input file: S825CVP.J / S825CVP.-J]
2008-8-25 | pC |
removed the West baulk following the stratigraphy: the top feature is the glacis f156, same as f63; underneath we found a floor surface f157, characterized by a compact surface and many sherds lying flat: probably is the same as f135 in k85 and f140 in k84; under it were only natural accumulations f160, until we get to a red-brownish layer more wet and compact, which is f164: this layer is the same as J4 f150 and is a intensive red-orange bricky layer, with sharp boundaries on the upper and lower part. There are some ashy thin layers and all f164 is sloping South-East. we found it also in k84 and we give the same feature number. f164 was covering a stone f163, which is a nice smooth stone and seems in its originary position embedded in f164. f164 was difficult to find, because the accumulation above it, same as f151, is very wet and similar in consistence to f164; therefore we missed part of it, expecially while excavating f151 in k84. We looked in the north section and was clear that we cut the first 15 cm of it. We decided to dig a trench in the eastern part of the square to see it from the section. f164 slopes towasrd South and stops in the northern part of k84. In the East section of J4k f150 (same as f164) is 1 meter thick and slopes sharply South, and were is this sharp slope it became thinner and then disappears in k84. This layer is probably a kind of fill or escarpment located east to the wall f129 in order to protect it and it abuts it (we do not see this contact, but it is obvious that f164 starts on the eastern side of f129). The pottery analyzed from f164 was mostly phase h33 with some sherds phase h23
[Input file: S826PC.J / S826PC.-J]
2008-8-26 | pC |
Today we removed f101, which is a concentration of stones in front of the wall f130. Before removing it, there were only 3 stones visible, but when we removed the west baulk of k84, came out other stones belonging to the same feature. f101 is not floating stones but is a wall consisting in 13 stones of different dimensions and quality, which join to each other; we decided to make 3 q-items for 3 stones (stone f101.2, f101.3, f101.4) q276.1, q276.2, q276.3, because this stones were very smooth in one side. We decided to remove f101 because we were removing the west baulk of k84, and doing this we saw that this stones were a kind of 'memory stones' of the wall f130 and covered it. To understand if the wall f130 continues to the East and what kind of construction is, we had to remove f101. Was also useful to date f101 and to understand that is a mittani wall (the pottery between the stones was mixed but mostly mittani). Under the stone f101.9 we fond a nice stone Early Dynastic II seal i17 ( v102). we removed the stones with the help of Mohammed Omo and of the crane. some of the stones were partly broken and therefore when they collapsed they broke up in many pieces. We decided to have two different feature number for the pottery: f170 is the pottery found between the stones, and which dates wall f101, instead the pottery found in front of it belongs to a mixture of features and is f169. in front of stone f101.13 there is a floor surface f171 ( v108) Once removed all the stones of f101, we found two stones, probably not belonging to f101, therefore we decided to leave them and check tomorrow. One of theese stones is oblique and has a white bluish color. The other stone is layed flat and is in front of f130. Could probably belong to a structure South of the wall f130, to which belongs also the oblique stone f100.
[Input file: S826PC.J / S826PC.-J]
2008-8-27 | pC |
Today we first removed f176, which is the remaining part of the accumulation under the stones f101 in the west baulk of k84. We then expose f171, a floor in front of stones f177 and f100, which abuts them; it is located at 8851@top. We found a bronze pin i19 and a bronze spatula i21 in this floor. We remove it all to expose all the stones in front of wall f130 and to expose the floor surface f183. f183 was covered by f174, which is a brown reddish accumulation, mixed with f164, which gives an orange coloration to the feature. f183 is a compact surface sloping south with some sherds lying flat and was found just under f174. We expose it exerywhere in k84. While removing f174 in front of wall f130, we found directly on the stone a bronze nail i20. To expose the East face of wall f130 we decided to cut back the west section of k84. We remove it in feature: first we removed the brickfall f179, then we exposed f180, which is the same as J4 f121. at the top elevation of f180, was found a thin layer of ash, which slopes toward South, following the slope of f180. We then removed f181, the top of the equal to J4 f150. It is reddish and has patches of the orange of f164. It has two top elevations: the Western is 5 cm higher then the eastern part. Under it we removed f164, the reddish orange fill aganist wall f129, dated to phase h33 by the pottery. We decided to make a small trench in front of stone f177 and f100 in order to expose as much as possible of the two oblique stones. This trench is k102
[Input file: S826PC.J / S826PC.-J]
2009-8-10 | pC |
Today I put Hussein and Massuud in k84 removing the natural accumulation f266 which covers the gray brown feature under glacis f164 and also covers a sherd floor which was found in front of obelisks f184 ( v114). This accumulation was thinner in the center of the square and in the northen part was not found but only the gray brownish layer under f164 which is f280. At first I thought f280 was the escarpment before f164 but while scraping it with gB and fAB we could say that it is too loose and sandy to be an escarpment but rather an accumulation.
[Input file: T810PC.J / T810PC.-J]
2009-8-10 | pC |
Today was finished to remove natural accumulation f266 and under it was found floor f271 which is the same as f184. f271 is a nice floor with sherds liyng flat and while removing it with the small pick was found another surface very similar to the upper one but with fewer sherds. I give one feature number to all this floor even if has many different layers, but while the soil is all sandy and has the same characteristics I keep the same feature number.
[Input file: T810PC.J / T810PC.-J]
2009-8-12 | pC |
Today we removed all the floor f273 and under it was exposed a nice sherd pavement (is it the same as the german excavation C2-Inst.879-880?). It is located in the southern portion of k84 and goes against the obelisks f100 and f177. It is mostly composed by sherds and some pebbles (>5 cm) and the soil is sandy garysh. On the surface are visible some bones. It stops at the level of the wall f130 and overlays f280, which slopes toward south. Today we were not able do take a nice view of the pavement and therefore we covered it with plastic and moved in k105.
[Input file: T810PC.J / T810PC.-J]
2009-8-13 | pC |
f277 was all removed to collect all pottery. mKB looked at the sherds in the field and could tell us that was mixed with some painted sherds. This floor is under the level of f164, therefore should be third millennium. After removing f177 we decided with gB and fAB to go down only in front of the obelisks. The new locus is k106
[Input file: T810PC2.J / T810PC2.-J]
Analogical record
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\K\0085.HTM
Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Daily |
2008-7-13 | pC |
we begin to excavate the top soil which is f2. Then we change number in f3 for the natural accumulation under the top soil, which is 30 cm thick. It is a natural accumulation crumby and soft in texture. It has dark organic bands and roots. The pottery collected has been looked and thrown away, being the first 40 cm.
[Input file: S707PC.J / S707PC.-J]
2008-7-14 | pC |
k85 was relayed because it is not a regualr locus but is trapezoidal. Today we excavated f4, which is a natural accumulation with stones >10cm, few pottery sherds. It is soft when picked and fine in texture; in the southern area is more hard and aKarim exposed a part of it. We took the elevation and we decided to change feature number, since the surface expands in all the locus. The new feature is f6, which at the top elevation I defined mud: this surface is irregular and has few pottery sherds and some stones (>5cm). This surface has been photographed ( v6 and v6a) and relayed (4 points in the limits of the feature, which corrisponds to the limit of k85: r2, r3, r4, r5). The difference between the feature above, f4, can be seen in section, where f4 is more soft, instead f6 is more compact, fine in texture and clean from pottery sherds. This feature at different levels is characterized by more compact surface, due to the exposure to water. hQ has been looked to the sherds in k85 and her first impression is that there is no interesting sherd, instead in k74 there are more interesting sherds.
[Input file: S714PC.J / S714PC.-J]
2008-7-15 | pC |
Today we continue excavating in k85 and in k75. We keep f6 because is still the same accumulation. Then i decided to change the feature number, not because we see a change in the feature, but because we went down for at least 40 cm with the same feature. f8 is very similar to f6, but is darker in color and is more wet. It is characterized by the presence of patches of harder and softer soil, due to the exposure to water. We changed feature in f12, which is the same clay, fine in texture, but has a platy structure when picked. aKarim exposed a small area with the small pick: this feature has a lot of phytoliths and some ashes. This was probably exposed to water and was compacted naturally. Tomorrow we will expose more this area but I don' t give too much importance, because it seems natural: the clay is very clean and with few pottery sherds.
[Input file: S714PC.J / S714PC.-J]
2008-7-16 | pC |
Today we keept all the day f12, which is always the same clay, very fine in texture and very soft. It has still very few pottery or stones. The soil comes out in chunks when picked and leaves color on fingers. In the Western area there are some small carbons, and there are still roots. gB observed this feature and finds it very interesting because of the texture and that is so soft. In k85 we expect to find a brick fall at the elevation of 90.00@ or even higher. At the end of the day we cleaned all because we reached the elevation of k84. eA and cJC draw the North section and then Diadin photographed it. Tomorrow we will take down the North section.
[Input file: S716PC.J / S716PC.-J]
2008-7-17 | pC |
Today in k85 was removed the North baulk: it is f15 but it includes all features in k85 ( f2, f3, f4, f6, f8, f12)
[Input file: S718PC.J / S718PC.-J]
2008-7-19 | pC |
Today cJC and dH draw the West section of k85, because we want to remove the baulk. Afterwards we took the view of the section. In k85 we stop excavating, while we remove all the baulk.
[Input file: S719PC.J / S719PC.-J]
2008-7-20 | pC |
All the day was removed the West baulk f19: it has all features of k85 and in the Southern part is larger than 1 meter.
[Input file: S720PC.J / S720PC.-J]
2008-7-21 | pC |
Today aKarim and Táer finished to remove the West baulk f19. Then he removed f33, which was still very soft when picked and fine in texture, very dusty when removed. They exposed a nice surface of compacted soil with some patches of softer soil: this surface had some sherds liyng flat, some pebbles, ashes and brick crumbles. I decided to expose all and to make a picture, which is v19: a big smooth and flat stone came out under f33. The new feature is f35 and has a lot of pottery and is soft and dusty when removed: there is no clear interface between f33 and f35: the difference is that f35 has more pottery and pebbles and is more reddish.
[Input file: S721PC.J / S721PC.-J]
2008-7-22 | pC |
Today we excacated only few cm, because we found a level with a lot of pebbles under f35, which had also lot of pottery and some pebbles. f37 presents a hard surface, with a lot of pebbles, sherds and some animal bones. This is also characterized by the presence of brick crumbles, baked bricks and melted bricks. There are also some ashes. In the South part of the square there is a big stone f40.
[Input file: S722PC.J / S722PC.-J]
2008-7-23 | pC |
today we removed the eastern baulk of k85 which is f30 q73: it was left only half of it because was created a ramp for the wheelbarrow.
[Input file: S723PC.J / S723PC.-J]
2008-7-26 | pC |
today we cleaned the surface of f37, since was exposed for few days.
[Input file: S725PC.J / S725PC.-J]
2008-7-28 | pC |
Today we removed f37, which was exposed since last week, but we decided to leave it since we removed all baulks. In one pickrun were collected 7 bags of pottery in f37, which is Mittani (mKB). f37 was also full of bones, brick crumbles and pebbles. We found several pieces of ancient cement q105.1 in f37. We removed the stone f40 which was resting on top of f37. Probably f37 is a dump coming from the structures in k75, k74, which we are exposing today. f37 covered f60, which is a soft accumulation full of pottery and pieces of gypsum: f60 covered a surface of melted bricks, that today we did not excavated and tomorrow we will give a new feature number.
[Input file: S728PC.J / S728PC.-J]
2008-7-29 | hQ |
we started digging f70 which was not covering the whole locus. Part of the western part of k85 is f60. f70 is divided into 3 parts, the nothern part consists of completed bricks. The eastern part of f70 is divided also into the southern part which is very compact but flat and smooth (probably because of the stone f40 which we removed); and the nothern part is a brick melt.
[Input file: S729CJC.J / S729CJC.-J]
2008-7-29 | pC |
Today we continued to excavate f60, which is an accumulation with some brick melt and is soft when picked. It abuts and covers f70, which is the brickmelt located in the northern and eastern part of the square. We decided to remove the first 10 cm of the brickmelt f70 to see if there is a clear brickfall or structure under it, but in the East part disappeared and continued in the northern. We removed also the northern part and under seems to be a mixture of f60 and f70. This is probably due to the fact that the brickmelt mixes up with other accumulation. Therfore all k85 at the end of the day was uniform of red melted bricks and patches of softer soil. In the southern part of the square there is a complete grinding stone, probably still in situ.
[Input file: S729PC.J / S729PC.-J]
2008-7-30 | pC |
today we removed only f75, which is the brickfall same as f53 in k84.
[Input file: S730PC.J / S730PC.-J]
2008-7-31 | pC |
today we removed the North baulk: i decided toexcavate it in different features, following the stratigraphy we encontered in k85: the first 40 cm are accumulations f81, then there is the brickmelt and brickfall f83. We tried to find f37, the dump with a lot of pebbles and sherds, but we did not find it, therefore i decided to excavate it as brickfall, being all the feature brickmelt and brickfall, same as f75 and f53 f52.
[Input file: S731PC.J / S731PC.-J]
2008-8-2 | pC |
Today we removed the upper part of the western baulk f85, which is soft. We decided still to keep the remaing part of the baulk because shows nicely the brickfall. We excavated the brickfall f75 and f86. f75 is the same of f53 and f86 is the same as f55, which covers the glacis f63. At the end of the day we uncovered some large stones.
[Input file: S802PC.J / S802PC.-J]
2008-8-3 | pC |
Today we excavated f86, which is the brickfall: it is a soft brown wet soil with big chunks of red and grey bricks whith some carbons and stones. there are some stones f91 sitting in f86: they are 5 stones of >50cm located in a line South-West East-North. Because they sit in the brickfall they come probably from the presumed structure which created the brickfall; we also found two door socket in f86 q153.2. In the Southern part of k85 there is a lens of ash f86, which sits in the brickfall f89. This is characterized by the presence of carbons, brick cumples and vegetal inclusions: we made a sample of this q153.1
[Input file: S803PC.J / S803PC.-J]
2008-8-4 | pC |
Today we begin to remove the western baulk: the topmost feature is f94, which is an accumulation full of pottery and pebbles and some stones, same as f37; after removing it we changed feature in f98, which is the brickmelt f70: it is harder and compact. Today we had a camera taking views every 50 cm of the removing of the baulk. This will allow us to see the sequence of the removing and the discovery of the glacis f63 and the wall f130. We also removed part of f90, which is an ashy accumulation under the brickfall. We started to remove it because we thougt that was a lens inside the brickfall, but the East section of k200 shows clearly the relationship between the brickfall and f90, which overlays it
[Input file: S804PC.J / S804PC.-J]
2008-8-5 | pC |
Today we finished to remove the west baulk f98, which is the brickfall same as f86. We found i3, which is a small arryballos probably to keep some kind of oil or parfums. dM took 2 views of the removing of the baulk v48.
[Input file: S805PC.J / S805PC.-J]
2008-8-6 | pC |
Today we removed all the brickfall f86 and the ash f90. They cover the glacis f110, but the brickfall overlays the ash. f90 is the same as f97 in k75 and the ash is visible in the East section of k200, where is located under the brickfall.
[Input file: S806PC.J / S806PC.-J]
2008-8-9 | pC |
today we finished to remove the East section f114, which is brickfall
[Input file: S809PC.J / S809PC.-J]
2008-8-14 | pC |
Today we started to remove the glacis f110 and we found under it a floor surface characterized by sherds lying flat and some small pebbles
[Input file: S815PC.J / S815PC.-J]
2008-8-17 | cVP |
the only operation that has been done in this square today has been the drawing of the West section, in order to be able to excavate the western Baulk tomorrow
[Input file: S817CVP.J / S817CVP.-J]
2008-8-18 | cVP |
Today we remove the E baulk
[Input file: S817CVP.J / S817CVP.-J]
2008-8-18 | pC |
today we removed the west baulk f145 which is in The upper and northern half brickfall same as f86, in the Southern and lower part is the ashy layer same as f90. It was decided to remove it all as one feature, since the ash was mixed to the brickfall in the middle and was difficolt to distinguish them
[Input file: S818PC.J / S818PC.-J]
2008-8-19 | pC |
Today we started in k85: we removed the floor f135 and then the glacis which is located in the western part of the square ( f110). Then in all the locus was found a soft brown accumulation with few pottery f148
[Input file: S819PC.J / S819PC.-J]
2008-8-20 | pC |
Today we excatated in all the square f148, same feature as yesterday: it is a brown soft accumulation, wet and with lot of organic material, bones and few pottery. Under it we found a surface compacted naturally, where some sherds were lying flat and some small pebbles were on the surface. We called it floor but excavating it was the same accumulation as f148, only was more compact.
[Input file: S820PC.J / S820PC.-J]
2008-8-25 | pC |
removed the west baulk f161 which consists in natural accumulations ( f148, f154, f158)
[Input file: S826PC.J / S826PC.-J]
2008-8-26 | pC |
we removed the north baulk in all one feature f168, which consists in natural accumulations. This baulk was very important because the layers are flat in opposition to the northern portion of k84 were the layers are at 45° slope (see f164). This section marks the beginning of the change in the stratigraphy and therefore we took several pictures of it showing the difference with the West baulk of k84 and J4 k100.
[Input file: S826PC.J / S826PC.-J]
Volumetric localization
Relays |
2008-7-14 | cJC |
2 (38255 51385 - 9209 / Relay location: k85)
[Input file: S714CJCR.J / S714CJCR.-J]
2008-7-14 | cJC |
3 (38642 51397 - 9227 / Relay location: k85)
[Input file: S714CJCR.J / S714CJCR.-J]
2008-7-14 | cJC |
4 (38572 51603 - 9222 / Relay location: k85)
[Input file: S714CJCR.J / S714CJCR.-J]
2008-7-14 | cJC |
5 (38210 51547 - 9219 / Relay location: k85)
[Input file: S714CJCR.J / S714CJCR.-J]
Space definition |
2008-7-13 | pC |
[Input file: S716CJC.J / S716CJC.-J]
Size of sides |
2008-7-13 | pC |
270 cms West, 400 cms North
[Input file: S716CJC.J / S716CJC.-J]
Analogical record
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\K\0086.HTM
Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Daily |
2008-8-5 | pC |
Today we begin to excavate in k86, which is a narrow locus, being to the East of k200. It is 1m wide and 4m long. Removing this part of earth will allow to have a better view from the South of the wall f130 and the staircase and also to remove the dangerous high section of k200. The top soil is f104 and the accumulation under topsoil is f105
[Input file: S805PC.J / S805PC.-J]
2008-8-13 | pC |
today we reached the level of the brickfall which is f124. The first pickrun collected a lot of pottery, also big sherds (a mittani conical cup).
[Input file: S813PC.J / S813PC.-J]
2008-8-14 | pC |
Yesterday we removed the brickfall f124, which is the same as f86 and f75 in k85. There are fragments of tannur and a lot of stones
[Input file: S815PC.J / S815PC.-J]
2008-8-16 | pC |
Today we removed the brickfall f124 and after two pickruns we changed feature in f136: f136 is the same as f124 but there are 14 floating stones sitting in it and the brickfall is more full of bricks. It is the same as f86 in k85. The stones are f137 and are mostly grinding stones and door soket ( q218.4, q184.5) but also there were kilin waster. This was coming with the brickfall and the same kind of situation we found in k85 in f86 (stones f91 and in k75 in f82 (stones f96)
[Input file: S816PC.J / S816PC.-J]
2008-8-17 | pC |
Today we continued to remove f136, which is the brickfall same as f86 in k85. It overlays the ashy layer f139, which is the same as f90 in k85; both overlay the glacis, same as f110 in k85. We found q218.2 which is a small stone plaque with the inlay of two lions: it seems Early Dynastic
[Input file: S817PC.J / S817PC.-J]
2008-8-17 | pC |
Today we finished to remove f131, which was an accumulation full of pottery and pebbles. It is very similar to f37 in k85, which is 50cm higher: it is probably the same feature which slopes toward south and was find mostly in k85, some in k74 and k84 ( f38, f42, f43) in k75 and in k86 only in section; from k86 was collected a lot of pottery at the beginning of f124. I belive that is a kind of dump coming after the brickfall: it was found everywhere above the brickfall. under f131 we found the brickfall f143 to the South, instead to the North still f131. the brickfall slopes also towards south, as all the accumulations in j6, probably following the slope of the mound. After removing all f131 we were able to see everywhere the brickfall f143. We removed the big stone f133 and in the southern part of the locus, in the corner came out what seemed to be a mudbrick wall with East-South North-west orientation. We removed the brickfall aganist it and we saw 3 lines of bricks. The probable wall is only 1 meter visible and the remaining part was removed by the excavation of 2002 in the trench operation, which is now k200 (see introduction to J6).
[Input file: S817PC.J / S817PC.-J]
2008-8-18 | pC |
Today was removed all the brickfall f136 which overlayed the ashy layer f139. Once removed all it was compleatly exposed the glacis f138, which is similar to the glacis f118. We then begin to remove the northern baulk after drawing it. It is f146 and is the brickfall same as f136. We had at the end of the day another shaffat in k86 to remove the dirt coming from this area.
[Input file: S818PC.J / S818PC.-J]
Analogical record
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\K\0087.HTM
Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Daily |
2008-8-6 | pC |
today we started remove the first 1.50m: we remove it with the big pick and by pushing the dirt into k200. We treat it as a baulk, therfore we assign one feature each 2m.
[Input file: S806PC.J / S806PC.-J]
2008-8-14 | pC |
Yesterday we removed the North baulk of k87. We decided not to draw it, but only to make a good view and template it. It is only natural accumulations.
[Input file: S815PC.J / S815PC.-J]
2008-8-16 | pC |
Today we removed f116 and we found under it f131 which is a soft accumulation full of pottery: could be the same as f137 or f135 in k85.
[Input file: S816PC.J / S816PC.-J]
2008-8-18 | pC |
Today was removed all the brickfall f143, except for the presumed wall f144. Under the brickfall was found f147, which is a compact surface with some sherds and small pebbles. Tomorrow i will check it better.
[Input file: S818PC.J / S818PC.-J]
Volumetric localization
Relays |
2008-8-18 | eA |
300 (37545 51461 - 8953 / Relay location: NW point)
[Input file: S820DH-R.J / S820DH-R.-J]
Analogical record
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\K\0100.HTM
Description |
2008-7-19 | hQ |
k100 is located in area C2(Schicht 16-German excavation area). It belongs to J6, being the structures related to J6 area and temple terrace.
[Input file: S719HQ.J / S719HQ.-J]
2008-12-31 | pC |
k100 is a locus located in area C2 and was already excavated in previous years by the german team directed by Peter Pfälzner (see publications in MDOG for further information). This part of the tell is residencial, except for a stone structure, which in our assumption (gB and fAB) belongs to the temple area. Therefore we decided to better explore the stone structure this year. Being this area statigraphically connected to area J6, and located a few meters south of it, was decided to be documented under J6 book and supervision.
[Input file: SZ31PC.J / SZ31PC.-J]
Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Daily |
2008-7-19 | hQ |
we started working in k100 first assigning to all the area one feature which was the top soil f20, which had lot of sherds; after removing the top soil we assigned in k100 4 features which are f23, f24, f25, f26. After removing the top soil f20, we started with f23. f23 is located in the south west edge of k100 and is a natural accumulation of a soft brown soil; in this feature we found seal impressions. Then we started cleaning f24. f24 consists in a wall running from east to west and abuts wall f23 from the south and f25 from north. We moved to f25 which is a dark brown soft soil which contains some stones touching f24 in some points. Then we moved to f26 which is a soft soil with some sherds and plant roots and is covering what it last from k100.
[Input file: S719HQ.J / S719HQ.-J]
2008-7-20 | hQ |
we started working in k100 first by removing part of f26 to level the floor. f26 covers all the square except f23, f24, f25. f26 is a soft soil with chunks and some thick plant roots. Then we started digging f25 to level it with f26 and f24. f25 abuts wall f24; it is a dark brown soft soil with a lot of sherds. Then we started following the wall from its corner northward. we dug 1 meter by 1 meter squares above the wall surface; after we expose the wall we clean it to be phtographed and measured.
[Input file: S720CJC.J / S720CJC.-J]
Strategy |
2008-12-31 | pC |
all the soil removed in k100 was backfill, except for a small part above wall f27: we found palstic bags of the german excavation and mixed pottery; we found also some seal impressions, but this can be explained by the presence of a dump in this area and found by the german team. Looking at the fotos of the german excavation we can assume that they excavated deeper the us, expecially south of wall f24. f27, instead was excavated partly by the german team and this year we uncovered probably all the wall. We will excavate it completly next year, being this area very delicate, both for statigraphy and presence of lot of seal impressions.
[Input file: SZ31PC.J / SZ31PC.-J]
C99.NRecovery |
2008-12-31 | pC |
k100 was not defined by markers, therefore there is no plot for this locus and we do not have the measurements. This was done in purpose, because we did not want to excavate and draw sections, but only to clean it. The dimensions of the locus are approximately long as the wall f24 and f27.
[Input file: SZ31PC.J / SZ31PC.-J]
Analogical record
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\K\0101.HTM
Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Daily |
2008-8-14 | pC |
Today we opened k101 to see the glacis under the glacis f107. f107 covers almost all k74 and under it there is a series of compact layers of probably other glacis. The first f107 is red and hard, then there is a grey hard layer, which is probably the same as f110 in k85. under this we found a baqaya layer, but still to confirm. We give no feature number to all this layers, because we still do not understand the stratigraphy: in the next days we will give a number. In the northern part of k101 there is a layer softer and full of pottery. we hypotized that was a pit and it is f126. In the North-West corner there is some baqaya
[Input file: S815PC.J / S815PC.-J]
Analogical record
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\K\0102.HTM
Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Daily |
2008-8-27 | pC |
today we opened k102 and we dig first f183, which is a floor surface. once removed had patches of orange, very similar to f164 and next to the stones was much harder and compact and is located directly under f164. We exposed under it a floor surface f184, characterized by sherds lying flat. This floor abuts stones f100 and f177 ( v114) and covers stone f187.
[Input file: S826PC.J / S826PC.-J]
Volumetric localization
Relays |
2008-8-27 | hB |
379 (38683 51357 - 8784 / Relay location: top)
[Input file: S8SCVP2R.J / S8SCVP2R.-J]
2008-8-27 | hB |
380 (39057 51472 - 8844 / Relay location: top)
[Input file: S8SCVP2R.J / S8SCVP2R.-J]
Analogical record
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\K\0104.HTM
Description |
2009-7-25 | pC |
k104 is locus taking most of k83. k83 was already excavated in season MZ18 from J2 and in season MZ19 from J4. k83 then was excavated in J4 only in the southern part together with the northern part of k84 as a J4 k100. In k104 we expect to find the revetment wall just under the northern stones of the bin f201
[Input file: T725PC.J / T725PC.-J]
Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Daily |
2009-7-25 | yM |
Today we started by cleaning the erea and then we took pictures of the k104 section because we are planning removing the stones f197 of the bin a7 and also excavating the pit f192, located under it. In order to remove the stones we removed first the back fill behind them; then we removed the stones and gave them a feature number f197 and continued removing the back fill. We excavated the soil around the stones together with some of the soil under them and kept the same feature number, which is f196. During the second work period we took pictures to show the situation after the stone removal, and then we started excavating the pit f192 that contained a big amount of pottery, but we did not reach the buttom of it yet. This work will be continued and probably finished tomorrow.
[Input file: T722YM.J / T722YM.-J]
2009-7-25 | pC |
We removed the 4 western stones of the Bin, f191, wich are the same as J4 f193. They have been already drawn in season MZ19 from J4 team. Just under the stones we found the continuation of pit f192. Therefore pit f192 was dug slightly before the construction of the bin. f192 is a large pit characterized by a lot of pottery, some tannur pieces and fragments of a seal impression i22. The soil is dusty, ashy and soft
[Input file: T725PC.J / T725PC.-J]
2009-7-25 | yM |
Today we started by cleaning the area and then we took pictures of the k104 section because we are planning removing the stones f197 of the bin a1 and also excavating the pit f192, located under it. In order to remove the stones we removed first the back fill behind them; then we removed the stones and gave them a feature number f197 and continued removing the back fill. We excavated the soil around the stones together with some of the soil under them and kept the same feature number, which is f196. During the second work period we took pictures to show the situation after the stone removal, and then we started excavating the pit f192 that contained a big amount of pottery, but we did not reach the bottom of it yet. This work will be continued and probably finished tomorrow.
[Input file: T801YM.J / T801YM.-J]
2009-7-26 | pC |
today we continued to remove the pit fill f192 and we found a new feature in the same pit f200: f200 is located in the latest 20 cm of the pit and is characterized by the presence of ash lenses and some red lenses wich are probably pieces of feature f164, into wich pit cut f199 was dug. In the fill of the pit we found other tannur pieces and a lot of pottery, which was sended to mKB to analyze. The pottery dates mostly Phase 4 but there are several Mittani sherds which date the pit to Mittani. This means that the pit was dug directly into 3rd Millennium strata f164. f164 in this area is very high, while is sloping.
[Input file: T725PC.J / T725PC.-J]
2009-7-27 | pC |
today we removed accumulation under stones f203, which covers a compacted surface which was interpreted as a floor f204, probably same as glacis f63 or floor f140. This surface covers the pit f192. We removed f204 and we started removing the remaining portion of the pit fill f192, which is always the same as the previuos day: is full of pottery, bones, tannur pieces, lot of objects, two sealings and some bricks.
[Input file: T725PC.J / T725PC.-J]
2009-7-28 | pC |
today we continued to remove the fill of pit f192. As in the previous days we removed one stone of the bin f197 and we found a natural accumulation 5 cm thick and then floor f206, wich is the same as f204. directly under the floor f206 we found the continuation of pit f192. f192 is full of pottery, tannur pieces and some ashes. After removing this part of the pit we could see that the pit conutinues under the stones f201 to the north. Therefore we decided to change strategy and to continue excavating to the north in k82.
[Input file: T725PC.J / T725PC.-J]
2009-8-1 | yM |
Today we continued excavating the pit f129 which we are approaching from the south to the north very sloly in an atempt to follow the red layer that runs under it f164. we also found a broken tannur f220 within the pit fill, that was removed after taking a picture of it. pC and sD drew the north section of k72 before we started removing the baulk to its north to try and uncover the line of stones runing north of it and forming an angle under the west part of the baulk and which we presume its the continuation of the revetment wall as m Omo suggested. this change of strategy is going to give us the chance also to follow the glacis layer that was discoverd last season. it will also allow us to find out if this presumed wall is in fact the eastern boundary of temple terrace. during the second work period, the excavation of the pit f192 continued in k104 until reching f200 which is also fill. on the other hand in k71 we started removing the surface of the baulk f223 which is a natural accumulation. in k73 we leveled the northen section which is actually a mud brick wall and sD and yM drew it because we are planing on removing the mud brick wall soon and the whole bin a7 eventually.
[Input file: T722YM.J / T722YM.-J]
2009-8-2 | pC |
Today we removed the last 5 cm of f200, which should be the bottom of the pit f199. Directly under f200 I reconized a bricky lens f226 in the northern corner, abutting wall f129. I scraped it ad was melted brick material. I decided to change feature number because was not similar to f200, even if f200 has also some pieces of bricks. f226 is a red bricky soil, compact and wet which comes out in chunks with brick fragments. It is still unclear if f226 is inside the pit f199 or under it: tomorrow we will finish to remove f226 and clear if it is part of the pit or not. In the northern portion of the locus, while removing f226 came out a line of stones f227, perpendicular to f129, but almost 1 meter deeper than wall f129. It is located also 70 cm under the line of stones f201,which we thought was the revetment wall.
[Input file: T802PC.J / T802PC.-J]
2009-8-2 | yM |
Today we are starting by moving the baulk around the floating stones f225 that we are going to relay in order to be able to remove them. while we continued excavating in k104 we came arose a brick layer in the western part of the locus and covering the red material f164. while removing this layer f226 approaching it form the south to the north. we found two rows of stones on top of each other that could be part of the presumed continuation of the revetment wall. the difference in elevation between the top row of stones f197 that we presumed at the beginning that its the continuation of the revetment wall and this new rows of stones f227 is very big (72cm) compels us to keep in mind the possibility of this not being a wall and that f197 stones are not memory stones. further excavations will give us the ability to clear. we excavated also the north east corner of k104 where we had accumulations until we reached the wall f227, but we didn not see any sign of stones in the eastern section.
[Input file: T804YM3.J / T804YM3.-J]
2009-8-3 | pC |
Today we continue to remove f226 and reached the bottom of the pit. Yesterday a thought that the bottom of the pit was f200, but today I recognized that under the bricky layer f226 there is f164 which is still cut. Therefore f226 is still part of the pit cut f199. f226 had some patches of ashy soil in the center of the square and characterized by the presence of some white small pebbles (>1 mm). We excavated also the eastern portion of the square f231, left over in the previous days because we thought that the pit was cutting some feature in this part of the square, but after removing f231, which was a bricky melted layer, I recognized that was the same as f200 and still the fill of the pit. In fromt of wall f227 was found under f226 a new feature which is not the glacis f164. After observing it well at first with fAB we thought that it was the foundation trench for the wall f227, while it seems that f164 is cut to put stones f227 and f232 should be the filling. after looking well the south section of k104 I could recognize that f232 is the same feature as the one under f164 (same as J4 f158, excavated in J4 k100 in season MZ19), which slopes gently to the south and therefore should reach the wall f227. If we will continue to dig in k104 we should know if this is the same feature. whith gB and fAB we decided to stop digging in k104 and instead level the southern section of k104, which is still irregular from the excavation of MZ19. We decided to dig it in features while the piece to level is 40 cm whide. f235 is the grey glacis under f164, which should be the same as f232. It is a grey soft layer with pieces of melted bricks. After circa 30 cm there was a change, visible also in section and therefore I decided to change feature number: f237 is under f235, probably also a glacis, as f164 and f235 with the function to protect walls f129 and f227. It is a reddish bricky layer, wet and soft.
[Input file: T803PC.J / T803PC.-J]
2009-8-16 | pC |
Today we started the sounding east of wall f129, which is almost 1 meter whide. first was removed f164, which was very soft and dusty on the top and after 30 cm became chuncky and very red. Under it was f296 which is the same as f235 (excavated in the north baulk of k104, and under it was found f297, where stones f299 sit. f297 is a mixed ashy and soft accumulation. Wall f299 is composed by 2 large sones in line perpendicular to wall f129
[Input file: T816PC.J / T816PC.-J]
2009-8-18 | yM |
today we continued excavating the tow remaining features in k104 which are f318 the red layer full of inclusions and f320 which is a compacted floor surface type b. by removing these tow features we now reached the level of the late calcolithic sounding.After a discussion with gB and faB we decided to scrape underneath the last stones that we see in order to find the rest of stones of wall f129. by scraping back the section under the stones we realized by doing a nail test that the stones are very deep so we stopped and gave up on the idea, for reasons that has to do with the safety of the wall and conservation issues.
[Input file: T818YM.J / T818YM.-J]
Time sequencing
I99.NTime |
2009-7-27 | pC |
The pit was cut into f164 and probably dates to the same period as pit f140, which is located a meter to the south and is also a shallow pit filled with ashy soil. The two pits are located under the stones of the bin f201. They are probably related to some activities north and east of the staircase: the fact that f199 contains a lot of phas e4 sherds let me thing that next to J6 there is a Phase 3 structure.
[Input file: T725PC.J / T725PC.-J]
Analogical record
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\K\0105.HTM
Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Daily |
2009-8-13 | yM |
today we continued going down in the eastern part of the locus trying to reach the level of the late calcolithic sounding. In order to do that we removed f289 which is a floor surface under f287. this floor surface is highly compacted and breaks off in big chunks that crumbles in to soft wet soil. This feature like the one previous to it is also sloping down in its southern part towards the south. After finishing the removal of this feature we removed the feature below it f290 which is so similar to the previous one but contains ashy material and lots of roots, phytoliths and pieces of carbon that w collected. This feature has a very strong brown color, and by removing it we now reached the level of the late calcolithic sounding. The last step we did to day was removing the remaining part of the eastern part of k105 which is a small baulk north the LC sounding and south of the northern section in k105. we removed it also to the level of the LC sounding as one feature f294 and we collected the pottery as a mix.
[Input file: T815YM.J / T815YM.-J]
2009-8-16 | pC |
Today we did not excavated in k105 but on the top of it which is still k104
[Input file: T816PC.J / T816PC.-J]
2009-8-16 | yM |
yesterday we decided with gB and faB to cut the safety baulk in k105 east of wall f129 in order to see the other face of wall f129. so we started removing 80cm starting from the southern section in k104 and going south. First we removed the red glacis layer that was ranging between drays and grainy on top and compacted close to the bottom. Then we removed the second layer which is f296 a soft ashy accumulation layers. Then we removed the following feature f297 which was an ash mixed with accumulation in the middle layer. Stone f299 that was visible before we began this removal was cutting along with the new found stone next to it (also f299) the accumulation layer inside the ash but resting in the ash layer. After a short discussion with gB and faB we decided to enlarge the cut that we made a little bit more to be able to excavate around the stones from the south to see if we find more stones but we didn’t so continued with our plan by removing the stones f299 and the ashy layer under f297.tomorrow we will continue on until reaching the level of the late calcolithic sounding.
[Input file: T817YM.J / T817YM.-J]
2009-8-17 | yM |
today we picked up where we left yesterday by removing the fourth layer of the safety baulk which is an accumulation layer f305 that is a very soft sandy loam. Then we removed f307 that was under it which is also a bricky ashy mixed layer of accumulations. As going down uncovering the other face of the wall, it was very noticeable that the stones of the other face sticks out more then the stones in the rows that where previously uncovered during this season, this is maybe done on prepuce. But will have to excavate more in order to have a clearer perspective about this issue. We continued with the removal of f308 that is under f307 which is a wt strong brown compacted layer. The next layer that we removed was f311 which is a thin compacted accumulation layer on top of a hard floor surface f313. when we reached f313, in the north western corner next to wall f129, we came across a small pit or a foundation trench f316 as we hypostatized at the beginning. By excavating it we where able it tells that it are just a lens. So we carried on with the excavation removing the following layer f317, a thin hard surface that consist of clay loam. We stopped here for today and tomorrow we will remove the last few layers uncovering the entire face of wall f129. due to the fact that under the 3 rows of wall stones that where uncovered today there was no more stones we are going to think about cutting back about 10cm under the last stones to uncover the unveil the rest. Because we where able to tell that there are more stones under there by inserting a long nail in the section under the last stones. Tomorrow we will be able to determine.
[Input file: T817YM.J / T817YM.-J]
Analogical record
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\K\0106.HTM
Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Daily |
2009-8-13 | pC |
Yesterday after removiang in all k84 floor f277 we concentrated excavating only in k106 in front of the obelisks. The goal here is to reach the salmon colored floor found in all J2 in front of the apron. This floor is seen in the east section of k200 and we srill have 40 cm to reach it. Under f277 is f286
[Input file: T810PC2.J / T810PC2.-J]
2009-8-13 | pC |
Yesterday we continued excavating in k106 strating with f281 which is the first 5 cm of accumulation probably contaminated by exposure and assigned also to the cleaning of the sections. f285 is a natural accumualion, soft, wet and dark gray in color; a seal impression i28 was found in this accumulation. Under f285 was exposed the first sloping surface which is f284. f284 slopes sharply to the south-east and in surface was compact and with phytolits. f284 was fotographed and removed. while picked it has a blocky structure has some pieces of gypsum and bakaya. Under f284 was exposed at the end of the day another feature f287, which has the same slope of f184 and is at the highest point from m6218 +102-140 and the lowest is from m6218 +77-140 high.
[Input file: T810PC2.J / T810PC2.-J]
2009-8-13 | yM |
in k106 we went down further more removing an accumulation layer f291 which was hard, flaky and dry. It was a thin layer covering the next layer of accumulations f292 which is a much softer layer that broke I to fine sand ones hit with the pick. This layer was much thicker then the previous one f291 but still a part of the many living floors that we have in that area. Tomorrow we will continue going down until we reach the salmon layer that we are connecting to the staircase and apron constructing period. We should reach that goal by tomorrow.
[Input file: T815YM.J / T815YM.-J]
2009-8-16 | pC |
today was finished to remove natural accumulation f292 which is a soft accumulation and covers f303, a compact flacky surface f303: this should be above the salmon floor seen in section.
[Input file: T816PC.J / T816PC.-J]
2009-8-16 | yM |
we started working today in this locus by removing accumulation layer f292 in which we found many seeds that we took as samples to be analyzed. This feature contained many layers due to the fact that it’s a living floor. It was soft on the top and got slightly harder on the bottom. This feature removal took all day because we removed it very slowly and carefully using the small pick and the brush in order to be able to notice any changes.
[Input file: T817YM.J / T817YM.-J]
2009-8-17 | yM |
today we removed in this locus the feature that follows f292 which is f303 a floor type d. it’s a hard compacted layer that softens slightly as going down an then it becomes very hard but easy to flack right on top of the salmon layer f312. after having removed this layer we finally reached the salmon layer f312.
[Input file: T817YM.J / T817YM.-J]
Strategy |
2009-8-13 | pC |
The goal in k106 is to find the Late Chalcolithic levels. in J4 f160 were mixed sherds with LC pottery, therefore we should be not far from LC strata
[Input file: T810PC2.J / T810PC2.-J]
2009-8-16 | pC |
Tomorrow will be reached the goal for k106, which is to find the salmon floor in front of obelisks
[Input file: T816PC.J / T816PC.-J]
Volumetric localization
Relays |
2009-8-17 | pC |
585 (38987 51318 - 8783 / Relay location: NW)
[Input file: T809YM3R.J / T809YM3R.-J]
2009-8-17 | pC |
586 (38708 51263 - 8769 / Relay location: SW)
[Input file: T809YM3R.J / T809YM3R.-J]
2009-8-17 | pC |
587 (38562 51375 - 8770 / Relay location: SE)
[Input file: T809YM3R.J / T809YM3R.-J]
2009-8-17 | pC |
588 (38937 51489 - 8800 / Relay location: NE)
[Input file: T809YM3R.J / T809YM3R.-J]
Analogical record
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\K\0200.HTM
Description |
2008-7-20 | cJC |
J6 k200, extending from the large open area excavated by the germans in the south to the bottom of the staircase in J02 in the north
[Input file: S720CJC.J / S720CJC.-J]
2009-1-11 | pC |
k200 is not a normal locus and belongs to J6 only because we decided to clean it and the pottery and earth was collected from J6 team. k200 corresponds to the german trench which was excavated by the Team of the University of Tuebingen in years 1998-2002; Pfaelzner MDOG 131, 1998). It is located directly west of J6 unit and is a long trench 2 meters wide and several meters long (for more exact location and measurement see the above publication)
[Input file: SZ31PC.J / SZ31PC.-J]
Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Daily |
2008-7-20 | cJC |
fAB and gB decided to have J6 k200 cleaned out and so it was assigned to area J06 with the locus k200. This locus was given to keep the area seperate from the k100 area. gB and fAB suggested that all of the dirt removed be assigned to one feature ( f29) which will be defined as topsoil. Fifteen new workmen were assigned to the area. mO removed all the dangerous stones and loose dirt from the sides of the trench for the workmen's safety. Because the trench is so deep a zambil chain was formed to move the dirt from the bottom out to where it could be placed in the wheelbarrows. There was a shortage of shovels and so fAB bought us 3 new shovels which we recieved after breakfast. About 1/3 of the trench was cleaned before breakfast. After breakfast the workmen had moved too far north in the trench to maintain the zambil chain and so mO installed a shafat. An oblique angle was cut into the east side of the trench to accomodate the shafat. Another large stone was also removed. The installation of the shafat took awhile and slowed down work in the area. After the installation of the shafat not all the workmen were needed in k200 and so 4 were moved to clean the area in front of the revetment wall in J2. Some large stones at the bottom of the trench were moved to make room for the workmen to work.
[Input file: S720CJC.J / S720CJC.-J]
2008-7-21 | cJC |
Today worked continued cleaning k200, J6 k200. Two of the 15 workmen were given to the main excavation area of J06 and so only 13 continued work in k200. In the morning there were some problems with the shafat and so work in the morning was slow. fAB came to J06 to discuss the work for the workmen. He assigned 3 workmen to remove the dirt pile from k100. Two workmen (Abdullah and Muhammed) were assigned as pickmen in the bottom of the trench to level the area. Three other workmen served as shovel-men, with 2 working bottom of the shafat and the other 1 \shoveling the dirt towards the shafat. The remaining 3 workmen did assorted jobs, relieving the shovelmen occassionally and cleaning the area in front of the revetment wall in J02. There were also 2 wheelbarrow-men. It was decided that the area closest to the stairs would not be cleaned today due to dangerous overhanging stones and because there were other workmen working near the top of the section.
[Input file: S721PC2.J / S721PC2.-J]
2008-7-23 | cJC |
Today there were 13 workmen and they continued cleaning k200. They are still picking the bottom to level the bottom all off. By breakfast they had reached south to where the shafat is. After breakfast they continued to work south of the shafat to make it all level. When they reach the southern opening of the trench they will stop. They have also removed all the dirt pile left over from J2 k100. Work continues at a steady pace. Today they had a tent after breakfast.
[Input file: S723EA.J / S723EA.-J]
2008-7-26 | cJC |
Today we had 12 workmen. They continued leveling and cleaning the bottom of the German trench. Before breakfast they finished cleaning the south part of the trench. The workmen uncovered a tannur. This means we have reached (and passed) the bottom level of the German excavations. I consulted with gB and we stopped work in this area until we can decide what to do with the tannur. Right now there are no markers with which to take relays or elevations so we left the tannur in place until bP can install some markers or control points. After breakfast the workmen began clearing the northern part of the trench near the staircase but the shafat was not working and we had a shortage of wheelbarrows so the work was very slow. After 12pm 3 workmen moved to the main area of J06 to help finish removing the baulks. Today's q-lot was q86.
[Input file: S727CJC.J / S727CJC.-J]
2008-7-28 | cJC |
Today the goal was to finish cleaning the area of the trench. Near the north end of k200 was a large pile of stones buried under some dirt and mixed with plastic and other modern materials. These stones are presumably backfill from the previous excavations in the trench. I consulted with fAB in the morning and he suggested they be removed and piled in the J02 area so they could be removed at a later date. The stones were removed and the rest of the dirt was moved out of k200 via the shafat. The workmen finished cleaning right before the end of the day. In the morning bP came and made measurements of the tannur in the southern end of the trench so that it would not need to be relayed. The tannur will probably be added to the J07 book instead of J06 when J07 is opened. Tomorrow I think we will stop working in k200.
[Input file: S728HQ.J / S728HQ.-J]
2008-8-14 | pC |
Yesterday we removed the dirt which was coming from k86 and k87, but also from J7. We had the shaffat and the crane which carryed a big zanbil. We had Ahnuar who supervised the work and 7 workmen in the trench, whith 4 on the top of k200.
[Input file: S815PC.J / S815PC.-J]
Analogical record