/ bibl-921.htm  –  Version 2, Not yet closed

Urkesh (Version 2)



October 2024

Publications by colleagues, formally not included in Urkesh’s team. Authors are listed alphabetically, and under each author’s name the titles are listed chronologically.

Where a full digital version is available online, a reference to the proper link is given [last accessed on 15/08/2019].

For publications which deal more extensively, as a whole or in part, with Urkesh, our website provides an abstract. For some others, a brief précis (in smaller type) or a direct quote from the publication itself is given below the title, occasionally followed (in square brackets) by a comment.

When a review of a publication is available, it is indicated within curly brackets, with the link to the review itself.

Information about each author can be easily found on page Authors index, by clicking on the word ‘Info’ placed after the authors’ surnames.

A brief summary of the content is provided after each bibliographical entry and in some cases wider abstracts are offered. In these abstracts, sized in paragraphs, some peculiar keywords or relevant passages are bolded to strees the topic of each section.

When a review of a publication is available, it is indicated within curly brackets, with the link to the review itself.

All bibliographical entries are contained in this single file, which is sorted alphabetically by the name of the author(s). Please refer to the left side bar as a jump-off point for the retrieval of given items.

A separate file lists the entries chronologically.

Another separate file lists the entries in an alphabetical order, with only the name of the author and a short mention of the title.


  • the “chain-like”/hyperlink symbol () at the left of each bibliographical entry provides, by hovering the mouse cursor over it, the hyperlink to that very entry.

Total entries: 1.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z

degli Abbati, Valeria

2009-2010 “Le scene di lotta come emblemi di potere nella dinastia di Akkad alla nascita del ‘Primo impero universale’“
in M.G. Biga, J.Ma Córdoba, C. del Cerro and E. Torres (eds.), Homenaje a Mario Liverani, fundador de una ciencia nueva (I) / Omaggio a Mario Liverani, fondatore di una nuova scienza (I),

ISIMU 11-12, pp. 159-176

“The transition between Early Dynastic and Akkadian Periods brought deep changes to the Ancient Near Eastern culture and politics. The expansion of the boundaries and the complexity of relations with neighboring populations involved a new kind of kinship, centered on a warrior, valorous and almost heroic king. Epic cycles started, telling about the extraordinary deeds of Akkadian kings, described almost exclusively as invincible warriors. The repercussions of this change are evident even in the material production, specifically in the cylinder seals. Indeed most of these decorations have contest scenes with men, gods, mythical beings and animals. This kind of iconography starts in Early Dynastic Period and is completely reworked in Akkadian Period, both technologically and stylistically, becoming some kind of dynastic emblem in which the new features are imposed in the artistic panorama of the countries subjected to the power of Akkad” [adapted from author’s abstract].

See full text

Marco De Pietri, 2019

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