Urkesh (Version 2)

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Giorgio Buccellati – 2002-2010
Laerke Recht – 2013-2017
Marco De Pietri – 2018-present

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Quantitatively, this is the second largest portion of the website, after the Record. It includes the full online version of the volumes that constitute the official series or reports and studies on the excavations.

The volumes are available in book form from Undena Publications. CDs are also available from the same publisher at nominal cost; they offer higher resolution versions of all graphic files. Other books are also available on AVASA website.

The major series is entitled UMSUrkesh/Mozan Studies: it presents traditional reports on various aspects of the project, including both the ancient dimension (Urkesh) and modern persepctives (Mozan – e.g., geomorphology or ethnography).

[N.B.: The series Urkesh/Mozan Studies continues directly the earlier series which was simply entitled Mozan and which has been discontinued (hence there are no volumes 1 and 2 in the UMS series).]

For each monograph, the website page will provide the reader with a summary (reporting an abbreviated version of the table of contents) and hyperlinks leading directly to the PDF version of the publication. Under each singular page, abstracts about specific publications are sometimes offered.

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UMS – Urkesh/Mozan Studies

This first section is dedicated to the major series related to Tell Mozan, entitled Urkesh/Mozan Studies; it continues directly the earlier series which was simply entitled Mozan and which has been discontinued (hence there are no volumes 1 and 2 in the UMS series).

The series Urkesh/Mozan Studies evolves directly from an earlier series entitled Mozan, of which it continues the numeration. The sequence of volumes is as follows.

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Mozan 1

Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati (eds)
The Soundings of the First Two Seasons.
Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 20.
Malibu: Undena Publications, 1988.

1. Introduction (Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati)
     1.1 Earlier work
     1.2 The Mozan Archaeological Project
     1.3 Results and perspectives
     1.4 Acknowledgments
2. Scope of the Research (Giorgio Buccellati)
     2.1 Environmental considerations
     2.2 Historical considerations
     2.3 Archaeological considerations
     2.4 Methodological considerations
3. The High Mound: Introduction and Surface Collection (Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati)
     3.1 Introduction
     3.2 Distributional patterns
     3.3 Conclusions
     3.4 Mozan Ware descriptions
     3.5 A note on mapping (Steven Hughey)
4. The Outer City: Introduction and Surface Collection (Judith Thompson Miragliuolo)
     4.1 Introduction (Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati)
     4.2 Surface collection
     4.3 Relative percentages
     4.4 Distributional patterns
5. Soundings on the High Mound
     5.1 Introduction (Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati)
     5.2 The stone building in Area B (Giorgio Buccellati)
          5.2.1 Horizontal articulation
          5.2.2 Main stratigraphic sequence
          5.2.3 Artifact distribution
     5.3 Le mur d'enceinte, Area K (Guy Bunnens and Arlette Roobaert)
          5.3.1 Les restes visibles
          5.3.2 Les sondages
6. Artifacts from the Excavations (Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati)
     6.1 The ceramics
     6.2 The seal impressions
          6.2.1 Introduction
          6.2.2 Technique
          6.2.3 The Catalog
      Door sealings from K1
      Door sealings from K2
      Other sealed objects
     6.3 Other objects
7. Samples from the Excavations
     7.1 Paleobotanical samples from the City Wall (Kathleen Galvin)
          7.1.1 Sample One – K1.2
          7.1.2 Sample Two – K1.14
          7.1.3 Cultural Inferences
     7.2 14C determinations (Linda Mount–Williams)
8. Regional Survey
     8.1 Introduction (Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati)
     8.2 Tell Shermola (Amouda): Reconnaissance préliminaire (Guy Bunnens and Arlette Roobaert)
          8.2.1 Étendue du site antique
          8.2.2 Le tertre
          8.2.3 Céramique et datation
9. Appendices
     9.1 Comments on the Urkish Lion Pegs (Oscar Muscarella)
          9.1.1 Metal analysis (Peter Meyers)
          9.2.1 Introduction (Giorgio Buccellati)
     9.2 Computer applications
          9.2.2 CAD Reconstructions of the building in Area B (Andrea Parker)

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Mozan 2

Lucio Milano,
with Mario Liverani, Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati (eds)
The Epigraphic Finds of the Sixth Season.
Syro–Mesopotamian Studies 5/1.
Malibu: Undena Publications, 1991.

1. Introduction. G. Buccellati and M. Kelly–Buccellati
     1.1 The sixth season of excavations at Tell Mozan
     1.2 Archaeological objectives
     1.3 The epigraphic finds
     1.4 Notes on third millennium ceramic chronology at Mozan
     1.5 An inscribed sherd of the fifth season (M2 3)
2. The archaeological context – M. Liverani
     2.1 The general setting
     2.2 Stratigraphy of Area F1
     2.3 The ceramic horizon
     2.4 The findspot of the tablets
3. Philological presentation – L. Milano
     3.1 Introduction
     3.2 Description of the tablets
     3.3 Texts in transliteration
     3.4 Palaeography
     3.5 Content and structure of the texts
     3.6 Notes on the personal names
     3.7 Conclusions
4. References

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Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati (eds)
Urkesh and the Hurrians.
A Volume in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen.

Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 26.
Malibu: Undena Publications, 1998.

Giorgio Buccellati: Preface
  1. Ernestine S. Elster: Lloyd Cotsen: A Brief Archaeological Biography
  2. Giorgio Buccellati: Urkesh as Tell Mozan: Profiles of the Ancient City
  3. Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati: The Workshops at Urkesh
  4. Federico Buccellati: 3–D Rendering and Animation at Tell Mozan/Urkesh
  5. Rick Hauser: The Equids of Urkesh: What the Figurines Say
  6. Piotr Steinkeller: The Historical Background of Urkesh and the Hurrian Beginnings in Northern Mesopotamia
  7. Mirjo Salvini: The Earliest Evidence of the Hurrians Before the Formation of the Reign of Mittani
  8. Gernot Wilhelm: Die Inschrift des Tišatal von Urkeš
  9. Vyacheslav Vs. Ivanov: Horse Symbols and the Name of the Horse in Hurrian
  10. Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.: Hurrian Civilization from a Hittite Perspective

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Sophie Bonetti (ed.)
Gli Opifici di Urkesh.
Conservazione e restauro a Tell Mozan.

Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 27.
Malibu: Undena Publications, 2001.

Cristina Acidini: Presentazione
Indice delle materie
Lista delle figure
Lista delle illustrazioni
I. Le istituzioni
     1. Giorgio Bonsanti: L'Opificio delle Pietre Dure: ampliamenti geografici e cronologici
     2. Maurizio Michelucci: Il restauro archeologico e la Scuola di Alta Formazione per restauratori
     3. Sophie Bonetti: Il laboratorio in cantiere
     4. Giorgio Buccellati: Il cantiere come laboratorio
II. Il sito
     5. Giorgio Buccellati: Il contesto storico e stratigrafico
     6. Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati: L'arte di Urkesh
III. Le attivitá
     7. Beatrice Angeli e Sophie Bonetti: Il laboratorio di restauro nella missione di scavo: problemi di intervento sul terreno; i materiali
     8. Peter Pfälzner: The Functional Use of Conservation: from Sherds to Jars to Rooms
     9. Giorgio Buccellati: Dai mattoni all'architettura
     10. Federico Buccellati: Digital Photography and Architectural Modeling as Elements of Conservation
     11. Paolo Emilio Pecorella, Lanfredo Castelletti, Giacomo Chiari: Commenti e dibattito
Bibliografia sugli scavi

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Rick Hauser
Reading Figurines
Animal Representations in Terra Cotta from Royal Building AK
Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 28.
Malibu: Undena Publications, 2007.

Foreword by Giorgio Buccellati
A Guide for the Reader
     Before the Typology
     Animal Observed
     The Template is Broken
     The Typology
     Renderings of Roster Entries
     Genera and Types
Cranial & Caudal Views of the Animal Figurines – The Urkesh Corpus
     Similar body types: de Genouillac at Telloh
     Local Sources of Clay
     Manufacture: Fabric
     Manufacture: Color
     Manufacture: Inclusions
     Manufacture: Surface Treatment (Incisions, Combing, Folding, and Pinching)
     New Approaches to Reading Figurines
     Reading Figurines at Urkesh
     Counting the Finds
     A Rendering Legend
     Domestication and Taming
     Other Disciplines
     The Impossible Bargain of the Ishar–Beli
COMPARANDA: Representative Sites
     Comparative Material
GENUS Bos: DISCUSSION: The Genus and Catalog, The Urkesh Corpus
     A miniature Genus
     Genus Bos
     A Rare Example
GENUS Bos: CATALOG: The Urkesh Corpus
     Tentative Identification
     Related Stratified Finds
     Related Unstratified Finds
     Horns – A Tentative Identification
GENUS Ovis: DISCUSSION: The Genus and Comparative Material from Other Sites
     A Domesticated Group
     The Typology
     The Figurines
     Shared Characteristics
     Other Fragmentary Finds (Body)
GENUS Ovis: CATALOG: The Urkesh Corpus
     Ovis Type I
     Tentative Identification
     Related Stratified Finds
     Related Unstratified Finds
     Ovis Not Identified by Type – Fragments & Related Objects
     Related Stratified Finds
     Related Unstratified Finds
GENUS Canis: Comparative Body Types Canis
DISCUSSION: The Genus and Comparative Material from Other Sites
     The Canid Body type
     Canis at Assur
     The Spitz Type
     Attitude and Other Characteristics
     Domesticated Dogs
     Canis in Ancient Urkesh
GENUS Canis: CATALOG: The Urkesh Corpus
     Tentative Identification
     Related Stratified Finds
     Related Unstratified Find
GENUS Felis / Ursus / Mellivora
Orders (Suborders) Insectivora / Rodentia (Hystricognathi)
Families Erinaceidae / Hystricidae
The Urkesh Corpus
Felis Type I Comparative Body Types
Felis Type I1 Comparative Body Types
DISCUSSION: The Genera and Comparative Material from Other Sites
     A Type Apart
     Lions at Urkesh
     Carnivores and Herbivores at Mozan
     The Typology
     Felis Type I and Type II
     Domestication of the Wild Cats
     Taming Lions
     Dancing Bears
     Carnivora: A Beginning Alternative Typology
     Incomplete Figurines and Fragments
CATALOG: The Urkesh Corpus
     fera (Other Nondomesticated Animals)
     Hystricomorpha (Porcupine)
     Erinaceidae (Hedgehog)
     Mustelidae (Honey Badger)
     Tentative Identification (Ursus)
     Related Stratified Find
The Genus and Comparative Material from Other Sites
Equus Types I, I/II Comparative Body Types
Equus Types II, III Comparative Body Types
     What the Equus Figurines Say
     The Mythic Horse
     The Domesticated Horse
     Interpreting Artistic Representations (Reading Figurines)
     Reading Reality
     Equus at Tell Mozan
     A Combination of Realism and Abstraction
     On the Way to Domestication
     Equus Typology
Equus Types I, II Equus in oestrus
CATALOG: The Urkesh Corpus
     Equus Type I
     Tentative Identification
     Equus Type I/II
     Equus Type II
     Tentative Identification
     Equus Type III Caballine
     Tentative Identification
     Equus Not Identified by Type (Tentative Identification as Equus)
     Related Stratified Finds
     Related Unstratified Finds

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Federico Buccellati
Three–dimensional Volumetric Analysis in an Archaeological Context.
The Palace of Tupkish at Urkesh and its Representation
Malibu: Undena Publications, 2016.

  1. Introduction
  2. Architectural Analysis
  3. The Elements and Process of Construction
  4. Theoretical Underpinnings of Architectural Analysis
  5. The Construction of 3D Models: Methodological Aspects
  6. Application to the Tupkish Palace at Urkesh
  7. Impact and Directions for Future Research
Appendix: BlockGen Vademecum and Program Code
AP Palace Wall Catalog

[Cf. also Federico Buccellati's dissertation.]

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Matteo Delle Donne
Agricoltura, alimentazione e paleoambiente della Jazira siriana
tra IV e III mill. a.C. – le evidenze da Tell Mozan
Napoli: UniOr Press, 2018.
ISMEO webpage
SHARE Libri webpage

  1. Un sito archaeologico nella piana del Khabur
  2. Un aspetto della paleobotanica: la carpologia, storia, teoria e metodi
  3. L'indagine archeobotanica a Tell Mozan: conservazione e recupero delle evidenze
  4. Sezione analitica: identificazione delle specie rinvenute
  5. Sezione diagnostica: le specie rinvenute
  6. Interpretazione dei dati
Appendice I. Figure
Appendice II. I resti vegetali. Tabelle

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Other Studies

This second sections presents some other important works devoted to topics related to Tell Mozan:

  • the first one (Critique – CAR) deals with a structural approach to archaeology;
  • the second one (SANEM 3 = Festschrift Buccellati/Kelly-Buccelati) collects studies published in honour of Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccelati.

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Critique (CAR)

Giorgio Buccellati
A Critique of Archaeological Reason.
Structural, Digital, and Philosophical Aspects of the Excavated Record.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Publisher's page

     1. Introduction
     2. Archaeology and Grammar
     3. Categorization
     4. The Search for Objectivity
     5. Stratigraphic Analysis
     6. Typological Analysis
     7. Integrative Analysis
     8. The Invention of a Site
     9. The Physical Record
     10. The Referential Record
     11. Digital Thought
     12. Digital text
     13. The Archaeological Record
     14. The Relevance of Structure
     15. The Critical Approach
     16. Hermeneutics
     17. Conclusion

[Cf. also CAR website.]

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Stefano Valentini and Guido Guarducci (eds)
Between Syria and the Highlands.
Studies in Honor of Giorgio Buccellati & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati.

Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean 3,
Roma: Arbor Sapientiae Editore, 2019.

Foreword (Stefano Valentini, Guidi Guarducci)
Giorgio Buccellati & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati (Biography)
Giorgio Buccellati (Bibliography)
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati (Bibliography)
Author Biographies
  1. Ruweiha, a Village from Northern Syria During Byzantine Period: Study of Preservation of Domestic Architecture (Maamoun Abdulkarim, Afaf Laila)
  2. Integrating Conservation, Archaeology and Community at Tell Mozan (Urkesh) (Neville Agnew, Martha Demas)
  3. The Wandering Life of the Hittite Seal Dresden ZV 1769 at the End of the 19th Century: New Archival Light (Silvia Alaura)
  4. Tales from the Desert Nomads: From Textual Sources till Gertrude Bell's Letters (Mohammed Alkhalid)
  5. Šamagan and the Mules of Ebla Syrian Gods in Sumerian Disguise (Alfonso Archi)
  6. A Tale of Two Temples of the Ninevite 5 Period (Piotr Bieliński, Dorota Bielińska)
  7. Give a Man a Fish or Teach Him How to Fish? Situated Learning and the Emergence of Communities of Practice in Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East (Luca Bombardieri)
  8. How Kirta's Love for Blue-Eyed Huriyaa Clarifies Ebla Ophtalmic Terms and the 3rd Column of the 'Barton Cylinder' (Marco Bonechi)
  9. Houses of Nippur: An Architectural Study using EnCAB (Federico Buccellati)
  10. Symbol of Wisdom, Decorated with Earrings: The Ear in the Ebla Texts (Amalia Catagnoti)
  11. Quelques Aspects Méconnus du Statut et du Rôle des Quartiers-bâbtum dans les Villes Paléo-Babyloniennes (Dominique Charpin)
  12. Tell Mozan's Outer City in the Third Millennium BCE (Caitlin Chaves Yates)
  13. Alike but Different. Drinking Vessels in the Eastern Mediterranean around 2500-2000 BC (Marta D'Andrea, Agnese Vacca)
  14. Beasts and Wine. Zoomorphic Vessels and the Northern Corridor of the Near East (Vittoria Dall'Armellina, Elena Rova)
  15. On the Basalt Base from Susa (Sb5): A Reinterpretation (Rita Dolce)
  16. The Scepter of Sitagroi and Early Bronze Age Symbols of Power (Ernestine S. Elster)
  17. The Repentant God in the Flood Story. A Comparison between When Gods Were Men and Genesis 6-9 (Stefania Ermidoro)
  18. The Roman Bridge over the Chabinas: Meaning in Infrastructure (Diane Favro)
  19. Ladies and Cups: A Reconsideration of some Akkadian Artefacts from Northern Syria (Candida Felli)
  20. Seen Through a Glass Darkly: Reexamining Connections Between Mesopotamia and the Caucasus (Ellery Frahm)
  21. About the Eblaite Names of the "Cultic Journey" (Pelio Fronzaroli)
  22. La patria protoindeuropea e le migrazioni indeuropee (Thomas V. Gamkrelidze)
  23. Learning from Canis 203. Impressions of an Absent Artifact (Rick Hauser)
  24. Traces of Third Millennium Pastoralism in the Jebel Abd al-Aziz Region (Frank Hole, Yukiko Tonoike)
  25. Between Enduring Symbols and Elite Identity: New Glyptic Evidence from Nuzi (Marta Luciani)
  26. Through the Eyes of the Ancients. The Perception of Beauty in 3rd Millennium Syria (Yasmine Mahmoud)
  27. Thoughts on Ancient Textual Sources in Their Current Digital Embodiments (Massimo Maiocchi)
  28. Les Murs de Kilizu (Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault, Olivier Rouault)
  29. A Note on Lions at Temple Entrances in Old and Middle Syrian Temples (Paolo Matthiae)
  30. Up and Down in Early Syrian Palaces: Spaces of Power Performance and Economic Wealth (Stefania Mazzoni)
  31. Some Considerations on Walter Andrae's "Urformen des Kultbaues", in Mensch und Baukunst. Eine Correspondenz 2 (1953): 1-5, or rather... On a Hidden Grundthema of Archaeological Research (Maria Gabriella Micale)
  32. Collection of Seals from the Settlement of Tell Hazna 1 (Syria) (Rauf M. Munchaev, Shahmardan N. Amirov)
  33. Miniatures of Wars: Fights, Skirmishes and Conflicts in Ancient Near Eastern Seals (Davide Nadali)
  34. Il ruggito del Leone. Qualche Osservazione sulle Immagini Ferine nel Mondo Siriano del III Millennio a.C. (Luca Peyronel)
  35. A Game of Goddesses (and Thrones?). Some Reflection about a Cylinder Seal Impression from the Royal Palace G of Ebla (ca. 2300 BC) (Frances Pinnock)
  36. Wild Water Buffalo (Bubalus arnee [Kerr, 1792]) in the Ancient Near East (Daniel T. Potts)
  37. Going Red in The Iron Age II: The Emergence of Red-Slip Pottery in Northern Levant with Specific Reference to Tell Afis, Chatal Höyük and Zincirli Höyük (Marina Pucci, Sebastiano Soldi)
  38. Nel Segno di Ebla. Memoria Topologica per la Città del Trono al Centro delle Quattro Parti del Mondo (Marco Ramazzotti)
  39. The Terqa Cloves and the Archaeology of Aroma (Monica L. Smith)
  40. Between Philology and Archaeology. Some Comments on Urartian Landscape Management (Marie-Claude Trémouille, Roberto Dan)
  41. Placentas, Sieves and the Ancestors (Willeke Wendrich)
  42. Giorgio Buccellati's Critique and Archaeological Explanation (Diederik J.W. Meijer)

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Guide Books and Exhibits

This third section displays some books with are guides to the site of Tell Mozan or catalogues of exhibits.

Some guides/catalogs are monolingual (e.g. Georgia), others are plurilingual (e.g. Invitation to Mozan, which is in English, Arabic, and Kurdish); sometimes the same publication has been translated (from its original Italian version) also in English and Arabic.

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Invitation to Mozan

Giorgio Buccellati
An Invitation to Tell Mozan, Ancient Urkesh.
A multilingual guide to the site.

Mozan: The Urkesh Press, 2014.

     In tune with the Past
     The High Mound
     The Urkesh Monumental Urban Complex
Urkesh Historical Context
     A new ancient Syrian civilization
     The Hurrians
     The identification of Urkesh
     Urkesh over the three millennia/1
     Urkesh over the three millennia/2
Urkesh During the Fourth Millennium B.C.
     A very early date for Urkesh, and why it matters
     The other “urban revolution”
The Temple
     The Temple of the Lion
     Hurrian Gods
     Other Hurrian ritual practices: the altanni
The Palace of Tupkish
     Political power: Tupkish Palace
     King Tupkish
The Abi
     The abi
Stratigraphic history of the abi
     Finds from the abi
     Urkesh art during the third millennium B.C.: Sculpture
     Urkeshart during the third millennium B.C.: Stone Stele
     Urkesh art during the second millennium B.C.: Expressionism
     Urkesh art during the second millennium B.C.: Faces
     Writing in Urkesh
     Tablets from Urkesh
     Urkesh glyptic and seals
     The queen as ruler
     The courtiers of Tar’am–Agade
     Queen Uqnitum
     The crown prince
Conservation – The Site as a Book

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Dal Profondo

Giorgio Buccellati with Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati
Dal profondo del tempo.
All'origine della comunicazione e della comunità nell'antica Siria.

Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2014.
Publisher's page

  1. Dal profondo del tempo
  2. Due milioni di anni
  3. Un salto nel tempo
  4. Urkesh e la civiltà
  5. Anch'essi vissero
  6. Un progetto per il futuro

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Dal profondo (Arabic: قدمت لها ميرلين كيللي بوتشيللاتي جورجيو بوتشيللاتي)

قدمت لها ميرلين كيللي بوتشيللاتي جورجيو بوتشيللاتي
Giorgio Buccellati with Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati
من عمق الزمان إلى جذور التواصل والمجتمع في سورية القديمة
Dal profondo del tempo.
All'origine della comunicazione e della comunità nell'antica Siria. Arabic translation.

Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2014.

Arabic table of contents:

من عمق الزمان
إلى جذور التواصل والمجتمع
في سورية القديمة

مقدمة كاريبلو

  1. من عمق الزمان
  2. مليونا سنة
  3. قفزة في الزمن
  4. أوركيش والحضارة
  5. وعاشوا هم أيضاً
  6. مشروع لأجل المستقبل

ثبت المراجع

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Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati
Georgia. Paese d'oro e di fede.
Identità e alterità nella storia di un popolo.

Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2016.
Publisher's page
English abstract

Premessa (Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati)
Prefazione (David Lordkipanidze)
Introduzione (Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati)
A volo d'uccello (Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati e Giovanni Santambrogio)
  1. I grandi periodi storici (a cura di Giovanni Santambrogio)
  2. Il Paese dell'oro (Nino Lardkipanidze)
  3. Conversione e spiritualità (a cura di Giovanni Santambrogio)
  4. La scrittura e l'umanesimo georgiano (a cura di Giovanni Santambrogio)
  5. Architettura e decorazione delle chiese georgiane (Marco Rossi e Alessandro Rovetta)
  6. Davide IV il Costruttore e il monastero di Ghelati (a cura di Giovanni Santambrogio)
  7. La chiesa di Ateni Sioni (a cura di Giovanni Santambrogio)
  8. Storia recente della Chiesa ortodossa georgiana (Mikheil Tsereteli)
Conclusione (Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati)
Crediti fotografici

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Young Future

Giorgio Buccellati and Yasmine Mahmoud
Archaeology for a young future.
An exhibit at the American University of Beirut.

Mozan: The Urkesh Press, 2017.

The dignity of the past
     The temple
     The necromantic shaft
     The royal palace of Tupkish
A site alive
The vigor of the women
Of sherds and men
The power of ideals

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I millenni per l’oggi

Giorgio Buccellati, Stefania Ermidoro and Yasmine Mahmoud
I millenni per l'oggi.
L'archeologia contro la guerra: Urkesh di ieri nella Siria di oggi.

Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2018.
Publisher's page

     Il valore dell'archeologia per una Siria unita (Mahmud Hamud)
     La condivisione dei sostenitori (Giuseppe Guzzetti)
     La promessa di un future giovane (Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati, Giorgio Buccellati)
Introduzione. L'urgenza di comunicare. La tematica della mostra (Giorgio Buccellati)
  1. Perché?
  2. Ospiti della storia. La città antica
  3. La dignità del passato. Conservazione del sito
  4. Una città morta che è viva. Turismo di Guerra
  5. Lo ieri di oggi. Fruizione e sostenibilità
  6. Urkesh parla siriano. Le mostre
  7. Archeologia per un future giovane. Educare come condividere
  8. Un buio che brilla di luce, un silenzio capace di suono (Enzo Sartori)
  9. ...e io? Riflessioni
Postfazione. «Il volto della città» (Domenico Quirico)
Crediti fotografici

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I millenni per l’oggi (Arabic:جورجيو بوتشيالتي ستيفانيا إرميدورو ياسمين محمود)

جورجيو بوتشيالتي ستيفانيا إرميدورو ياسمين محمود
Giorgio Buccellati, Stefania Ermidoro and Yasmine Mahmoud
األلفية منأجل اليوم علم اآلثار يف مواجهة الحرب: أوركيش األمس يف سوريا اليوم
I millenni per l'oggi.
L'archeologia contro la guerra: Urkesh di ieri nella Siria di oggi. Arabic translation.

Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2018.

Arabic table of contents:

الألفية من
أجل اليوم
علم الآثار في مواجهة الحرب:
أوركيش الأمس في سوريا اليوم
قيمة علم الآثار من أجل سورية موحدة :بقلم محمود حمود
التشارك بين الداعمين :بقلم جوزيبي غوتسيتي
الوعد بمستقبل شاب :بقلم ميرلين كيلي بوتشيللاتي
مقدمة .الرغبة الملحة في التواصل موضوع المعرض :جورجيو بوتشيلاتي

  1. لماذا؟ تأملات
  2. ضيوف التاريخ . المدينة القديمة
  3. كرامة الماضي .صيانة الموقع
  4. مدينة ميتة لكن حية .سياحة الحرب
  5. أمس اليوم .إثمار واستدامة
  6. أوركيش تتحدث سوري. المعارض
  7. علم الآثار من أجل مستقبل شاب. التعليم كمشاركة
  8. ظلام يتوهج بالنور، صمت يصدح: إنزو سارتوري
  9. وأنا؟ تأملات

خاتمة."... وجه المدينة:" بقلم دومينيكو كويريكو
شكر للمصورين

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Millennia for Today

Giorgio Buccellati, Stefania Ermidoro and Yasmine Mahmoud
The Millennia for Today.
Archaeology agaist war: Yesterday's Urkesh in today's Syria.

Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina; Undena Publications: Malibu, 2019.

     The value of archaeology for a united Syria (Mahmud Hamud)
     The supporters as partners (Giuseppe Guzzetti)
     The promise of a young future (Marilyn Kelly–Buccellati, Giorgio Buccellati)
Introduction. The urgency to communicate. The theme of the exhibit (Giorgio Buccellati)
  1. Why?
  2. Guests of history. The ancient city
  3. Dignity of the past. Site conservation
  4. A dead city, yet alive. Tourism of war
  5. The yesterday of today. Fruition and sustainability
  6. Urkesh speaks Syrian. The exhibits
  7. Archaeology for a young future. Education as sharing
  8. A darkness that shines with light, a silence alive with sound (Enzo Sartori)
  9. ...and I? Reflections
Afterword. «...the face of the city» (Domenico Quirico)

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