Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release


Links to Urkesh specific websites

Giorgio Buccellati – 2002-2010
Laerke Recht – 2013-2017
Marco De Pietri – 2018-present

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Included here are sites and pages that are Urkesh specific, and are either are primarily devoted to Urkesh, or include only references to the site.

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  • Antik Forever: Nuzi et Urkesh
              Short outline in French about the excavations and history of Nuzi and Urkesh. [Accessed 23 January 2015, rL]

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  • Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft: Tell Mozan (2010-2013)
              Notice about the Deutche Orient-Gesellschaft’s support of the Tübingen excavations at Tell Mozan, in German. Includes list of German publications on the excavations. Note: the image of the site shows IIMAS excavations. [Accessed 23 January 2015, rL]

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  • Kenneth Garrett Photography: Urkesh
              Beautiful high quality pictures of the excavations and some of the finds from the site. [Accessed 23 January 2015, rL]

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Back to top: Links to Urkesh specific websites


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  • University of Saskatchewan, Museum of Antiquities: Urkesh lion replica
              Description of a replica of the Louvre Urkesh lion peg and tablet found in the museum. [Accessed 23 January 2015, rL]
  • University of Tübingen: Tell Mozan excavations
              Website for the University of Tübingen’s participation in the excavations at Tell Mozan, 1998-2003, in German. The website includes a description of the project, historical background, outline of the main finds according to period, chronological table, summary and list of publications from the German team. [Accessed 23 January 2015, rL]

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