Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Type of contact: latest events |
1996-08-12 |
rK |
f213 (ac/pit) intrudes f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G812RK2.J] |
1996-08-12 |
rK |
f216 (ash layer) intrudes f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G812RK2.J] |
1996-08-12 |
rK |
f222 (isolated stone) intrudes f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G812RK2.J] |
1996-08-12 |
rK |
f177 (accumulation C) covers f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G812RK2.J] |
1996-07-31 |
rK |
f177 (accumulation C) overlays f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G806RK.J] |
1996-07-31 |
rK |
f213 (ac/pit) overlays f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G806RK.J] |
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items |
1996-07-30 |
jO |
i140 sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-30 |
jO |
i143 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-08-01 |
jO |
i144 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-08-01 |
jO |
i148 (figurine) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-08-01 |
jO |
i150 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-08-03 |
rk |
i151 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rk |
i152 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rk |
i153 (carbon sample) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rk |
i154 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rk |
i155 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rk |
i156 (figurine) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rk |
i157 (uncertain) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rk |
i158 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rk |
i159 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rk |
i160 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rk |
i161 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rk |
i162 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rk |
i163 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rk |
i164 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rk |
i165 (carbon sample) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rk |
i167 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
rk |
i171 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
rk |
i172 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G810JO.J] |
1996-07-31 |
!! |
q606.1 (unknown) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-31 |
!! |
q611.1 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-31 |
!! |
q611.2 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q614.1 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q614.2 (bead) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q623.1 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-27 |
!! |
q624.1 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-27 |
!! |
q624.2 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-27 |
!! |
q624.3 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-27 |
!! |
q624.4 (bead) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-27 |
!! |
q624.5 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-27 |
!! |
q624.6 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-27 |
!! |
q624.7 sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q625.1 (unknown) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q625.2 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q625.3 (bead) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q625.4 (seal impression) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q625.5 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q629.1 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q633.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q633.2 (clay artifact ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q633.3 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q636.1 (pot) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q636.2 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q640.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q640.2 (bowl) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q640.3 (bowl) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q646.1 (pot) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q647.1 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q648.1 (figurine) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q648.2 (figurine) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q648.3 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q648.4 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q649.1 (unknown) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q650.1 (tag) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q650.2 (figurine ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q651.1 (figurine) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q651.2 (clay artifact) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q654.1 (seal impression ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q655.1 (clay lump) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q658.1 (bowl) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q658.2 (glass ?) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q658.3 (pot) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
!! |
q664.1 (metal) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
!! |
q664.2 (strainer) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-07-31 |
rk |
q603 (bones, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-31 |
rk |
q606 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-31 |
rk |
q611 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
rk |
q614 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
rk |
q623 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-27 |
rk |
q624 (items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
rk |
q625 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
rk |
q629 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
rk |
q631 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rK |
q632 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rK |
q633 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rK |
q634 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rK |
q635 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rK |
q636 (bones, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
jO |
q640 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rK |
q644 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rK |
q645 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rK |
q646 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
rK |
q647 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rK |
q648 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rK |
q649 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rK |
q650 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rK |
q651 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rK |
q654 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rK |
q655 (items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rK |
q658 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
rK |
q661 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
rk |
q663 (items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
rk |
q664 (items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
rk |
q665 (items, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
rk |
q668 (bones, pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
rk |
q671 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
rk |
q673 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1997-07-23 |
rK |
q1111 (pottery) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q614-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-27 |
!! |
q624-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-27 |
!! |
q624-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q625-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q629-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-01 |
!! |
q631-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q633-p4 (other shape sherd) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-03 |
!! |
q633-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-04 |
!! |
q649-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
!! |
q663-p6 (other shape sherd) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
1996-08-05 |
!! |
q671-p4 (other shape sherd) sits in f211 (accumulation C) [Input: G811JO.J] |
Type of contact: earliest events |
1996-08-12 |
rK |
f211 (accumulation C) covers f222 (isolated stone) [Input: G812RK2.J] |
1996-08-12 |
rK |
f211 (accumulation C) overlays f215 (accumulation C) [Input: G812RK2.J] |
Ceramic typological distribution |
!! |
!! |
frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature |