Description (summary) |
1997-07-26 |
dns |
In cleaning up the pit f426, sherds and bones were found to the W, extending underneath the brick of the tomb. Also, extensive remains of a tannur (see arguments under a18 or f426). This raised the question of (1) whether the tomb was built over the pit; (2) whether the pit had cut underneath the brick of the tomb a18, as we have seen other pits erode extensively layers of brick walls (here, however, the bricks were all intact and had not been cut into by the pit); or (3) whether below the tomb was an ash floor associated with tannur f472. So we removed the lowest layer of the tomb floor bricks. Underneath was ash. The ash in fact adhered to the bricks. The ash extended only a few cms (5-10) deep, well above the bottom of pit f426, to a brick red surface below, but continued Westward over the wall ca. 70 cms where it ended. [Input: H726RK2.J] |