Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Elements within locus |
1997-06-19 |
dns |
a16, a17 [Input: H619BSH.J] |
1997-07-23 |
rk |
a18 (burial), a19 (burial) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-06-16 |
rk |
f301 (topsoil), f302 (accumulation C) [Input: H617DNS.J] |
1997-06-17 |
bsh |
f303 (wall), f304 (accumulation C) [Input: H617DNS.J] |
1997-06-17 |
dns |
f305 (accumulation), f306 (platform) [Input: H617DNS.J] |
1997-06-19 |
dns |
f307 (accumulation C), f308 (accumulation A), f309 (accumulation A), f310 (floorsurface in general), f311 (platform), f312 (p3), f313 (floorsurface in general), f314 (platform), f315 (floorsurface in general), f316 (accumulation C), f317 (accumulation), f318 (brickfall) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-20 |
dns |
f319 (bench), f320 (pit), f321 (isolated individual brick), f322 (pit), f323 (fill), f324 (accumulation C) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-23 |
dns |
f325 (ah), f326 (accumulation), f327 (p2), f328 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-24 |
dns |
f329 (accumulation), f330 (accumulation), f331 (floorsurface in general) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-25 |
dns |
f332 (accumulation), f333 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-26 |
rk |
f334 (unknown) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-28 |
dns |
f335 (tannur (feature)), f336 (pit) [Input: H629DNS.J] |
1997-06-29 |
rk |
f337 (accumulation C) [Input: H629DNS.J] |
1997-06-29 |
dns |
f338 (wa) [Input: H704DNS.J] |
1997-07-01 |
dns |
f339 (accumulation C), f340 (accumulation C), f341 (structure), f342 (floorsurface in general), f343 (wa), f344 (accumulation C) [Input: H704DNS.J] |
1997-07-05 |
rK |
f345 (accumulation C), f346 (accumulation C) [Input: H706DNS.J] |
1997-07-06 |
dns |
f347 (accumulation C) [Input: H706DNS.J] |
1997-07-07 |
dns |
f348 (wa), f349 (accumulation C), f350 (accumulation C), f426 (accumulation C) [Input: H718DNS.J] |
1997-07-08 |
rK |
f427 (accumulation), f428 (accumulation) [Input: H708LKAL.J] |
1997-07-13 |
dns |
f429 (accumulation C) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-09 |
dns |
f430 (wa), f431 (accumulation C), f432 (accumulation C) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-15 |
dns |
f433 (tannur (feature)), f434 (fill in primary context), f435 (fill in secondary context) [Input: H718DNS.J] |
1997-07-16 |
dns |
f436 (accumulation A), f437 (p), f438 (accumulation), f439 (structure) [Input: H718DNS.J] |
1997-07-17 |
dns |
f440 (accumulation C) [Input: H718DNS.J] |
1997-07-19 |
rK |
f442 (fill), f443 (accumulation C), f444 (wall), f445 (tannur (feature)), f446 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-21 |
rK |
f447 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-22 |
rK |
f448 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-22 |
bsh |
f449 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-23 |
bsh |
f450 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-23 |
rK |
f459 (burial), f460 (accumulation C), f462 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-24 |
bsh |
f463 (accumulation C), f464 (accumulation C) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-24 |
rK |
f465 (wall) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-24 |
bsh |
f466 (accumulation C), f468 (accumulation C) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-25 |
rK |
f469 (tannur (feature)), f470 (tannur (feature)), f471 (floorsurface in general), f473 (accumulation C) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-28 |
rK |
f475 (unknown) [Input: H728RK1.J] |
1997-06-19 |
rK |
i202 (pot), i203 (pot) [Input: H619BSH.J] |
1997-06-21 |
dns |
i204 (ceramic vessel), i205 (lithic artifact) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-24 |
dns |
i206 (lithic artifact), i207 (clay lump) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-25 |
dns |
i208 [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-26 |
dns |
i209 (clay artifact) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-07-06 |
dns |
i215 (bead) [Input: H706DNS.J] |
1997-07-09 |
dns |
i219 (bead) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-12 |
dns |
i220 (seal impression) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-13 |
dns |
i224 (jar) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-14 |
dns |
i227 (-p), i228 (seal impression) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-16 |
dns |
i231 (ceramic vessel), i232 (seal impression), i233 (pot), i234 (-s) [Input: H718DNS.J] |
1997-07-17 |
dns |
i236 (jar) [Input: H718DNS.J] |
1997-07-19 |
rK |
i238 (figurine), i239 (jar), i240 (jar), i241 (arrowhead), i242 (pin) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-20 |
rK |
i243 (bowl), i244 (bead), i245 (clay artifact) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-21 |
rK |
i246 (clay artifact) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-21 |
bsh |
i248 (pot), i249 (seal impression), i250 (seal impression) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-24 |
bsh |
i323 (metal artifact), i324 (seal impression) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-24 |
rk |
i325 (seal impression) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-26 |
rK |
i326 (seal impression), i327 (sliver of a sealing with many plant impressions on the reverse), i328 (seal impression), i329 (metal artifact) [Input: H728RK1.J] |
1997-06-16 |
rK |
q701 (pottery), q703 (pottery) [Input: H617DNS.J] |
1997-06-17 |
dns |
q705 (items, pottery) [Input: H617DNS.J] |
1997-06-17 |
bsh |
q706 (pottery), q707 (bones), q710 (pottery), q711 (pottery) [Input: H617DNS.J] |
1997-06-17 |
dns |
q712 (bones), q713 (pottery) [Input: H617DNS.J] |
1997-06-17 |
rK |
q714 (pottery) [Input: H617DNS.J] |
1997-06-18 |
dns |
q716 (pottery) [Input: H620DNS.J] |
1997-06-18 |
rK |
q717 (bones, pottery) [Input: H620DNS.J] |
1997-06-18 |
dns |
q718 (pottery), q719 (bones), q720 (pottery), q721 (pottery), q722 (bones), q723 (k) [Input: H620DNS.J] |
1997-06-20 |
bsh |
q724 (pottery), q725 (bones), q726 (pottery), q727 (bones, pottery), q728 (pottery), q729 (bones, pottery), q730 (bones, pottery), q731 (bones, pottery), q732 (pottery), q733 (pottery), q734 (bl), q735 (bones, pottery) [Input: H620BSH.J] |
1997-06-21 |
dns |
q736 (pottery), q737 (pottery), q738 (pottery), q739 (bones, pottery), q740 (bones, pottery), q741 (pottery), q742 (pottery), q743 (p,b,l), q744 (items), q745 (pottery), q746 (p,b,l,v) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-22 |
dns |
q747 (pottery), q748 (bones, pottery), q749 (p,b,l), q750 (bones, pottery), q751 (p,l), q752 (bones, pottery), q753 (p,b,l), q754 (pottery) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-23 |
dns |
q755 (pottery), q756 (items), q757 (pottery), q758 (pottery), q759 (items), q760 (pottery) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-24 |
dns |
q761 (pottery), q762 (pottery), q763 (bones, pottery), q764 (items), q765 (bones, pottery) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-24 |
rk |
q766 (items, pottery), q767 (bones, pottery), q768 (pottery) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-23 |
dns |
q769 (pottery) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-25 |
dns |
q770 (items, pottery), q771 (bones, items, pottery), q772 (pottery) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-25 |
rk |
q773 (bones, pottery) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-25 |
dns |
q774 (bones, pottery), q775 (pottery) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-26 |
dns |
q776 (bones, pottery), q777 (p,b,l), q778 (items, pottery) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-26 |
rk |
q780 (bones, items, pottery), q781 (items, pottery), q782 (p,b,v) [Input: H626DNS.J] |
1997-06-28 |
dns |
q783 (bones, pottery), q784 (bones, pottery), q785 (pottery), q786 (bones, pottery), q787 (bones, pottery), q788 (pottery), q789 (pottery), q790 (pottery), q791 (pottery), q792 (bones, pottery), q793 (pottery), q794 (pottery) [Input: H629DNS.J] |
1997-06-29 |
rk |
q795 (bones, pottery), q796 (pottery), q797 (bones, pottery), q798 (pottery), q799 (pottery), q800 (bones, pottery), q801 (pottery), q802 (bones, pottery), q803 (pottery), q804 (pottery), q805 (pottery) [Input: H629DNS.J] |
1997-06-30 |
dns |
q806 (bones, pottery), q807 (pottery), q808 (pottery), q809 (items) [Input: H704DNS.J] |
1997-07-01 |
dns |
q810 (bones, pottery), q811 (bones, pottery), q812 (bones, pottery), q813 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: H704DNS.J] |
1997-07-02 |
dns |
q814 (bones, items, pottery), q815 (bones, pottery), q816 (bones, pottery) [Input: H704DNS.J] |
1997-07-03 |
dns |
q817 (bones, items, pottery), q818 (pottery), q819 (bones, pottery), q820 (bones, pottery), q821 (bones, pottery) [Input: H704DNS.J] |
1997-07-05 |
dns |
q822 (bones, pottery), q823 (bones, pottery), q824 (pottery), q825 (pottery) [Input: H706DNS.J] |
1997-07-06 |
dns |
q826 (pottery), q827 (pottery), q828 (pbv), q829 (pbl), q830 (ob), q831 (bones, pottery), q832 (bones, pottery) [Input: H706DNS.J] |
1997-07-07 |
rK |
q835 (bones, pottery), q836 (pottery), q837 (bones, pottery), q838 (bones, pottery), q839 (bones, pottery), q840 (pl) [Input: H708LKAL.J] |
1997-07-08 |
rK |
q841 (pvb), q842 (pl) [Input: H708LKAL.J] |
1997-07-09 |
dns |
q843 (pottery) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-07 |
rK |
q844 (pottery) [Input: H708LKAL.J] |
1997-07-08 |
rK |
q845 (bones, pottery), q846 (pottery) [Input: H708LKAL.J] |
1997-07-09 |
dns |
q847 (bones, pottery), q848 (bones, pottery), q849 (pottery) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-12 |
dns |
q850 (bones, pottery) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-13 |
dns |
q995 (pl), q996 (pottery), q997 (pbc) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-12 |
dns |
q1001 (pc), q1002 (pottery), q1003 (bones, pottery) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-13 |
dns |
q1004 (pottery), q1005 (pbl), q1006 (pottery), q1007 (pottery), q1008 (bones, pottery), q1009 (pottery) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-14 |
dns |
q1011 (bones, pottery), q1013 (pbl), q1014 (items, pottery), q1015 (bones, pottery), q1016 (pottery) [Input: H715DNS.J] |
1997-07-15 |
rK |
q1030 (bones, pottery), q1031 (pottery), q1032 (pl) [Input: H718DNS.J] |
1997-07-15 |
dns |
q1040 (bones, pottery), q1041 (pottery), q1042 (pvb), q1043 (bones, pottery) [Input: H718DNS.J] |
1997-07-16 |
dns |
q1046 (pbvl), q1048 (bones, pottery), q1049 (bones, pottery), q1050 (pottery), q1051 (bones, pottery), q1052 (bones, pottery), q1054 (pottery) [Input: H718DNS.J] |
1997-07-17 |
dns |
q1055 (pottery), q1057 (bones, pottery), q1058 (bones, items, pottery), q1059 (bones, pottery) [Input: H718DNS.J] |
1997-07-19 |
rK |
q1065 (items, pottery), q1066 (bones, pottery), q1067 (pottery), q1068 (items, pottery), q1074 (items, pottery) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-20 |
rK |
q1075 (items, pottery), q1076 (items, pottery), q1077 (pottery), q1078 (pottery), q1080 (pbl), q1081 (pbil), q1083 (pottery), q1086 (pottery), q1087 (pottery), q1088 (plc), q1089 (pbil) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-21 |
rK |
q1091 (bones, items, pottery), q1092 (pl), q1095 (pottery), q1096 (pottery), q1097 (pc), q1098 (items, pottery) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-23 |
rK |
q1100 (bones, items, pottery), q1101 (pc) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-23 |
bsh |
q1103 (pottery), q1105 (pottery) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-23 |
rK |
q1106 (pottery) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-23 |
bsh |
q1107 (bones, pottery) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-23 |
rK |
q1115 (pc) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-23 |
bsh |
q1116 (pblc) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-23 |
rK |
q1117 (pc), q1118 (pottery), q1119 (pbl) [Input: H723BSH.J] |
1997-07-24 |
bsh |
q1120 (pbl), q1122 (bones, items, pottery), q1124 (pottery), q1125 (pbc), q1127 (bones, pottery) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-25 |
rK |
q1128 (bones, items, pottery), q1130 (bones, pottery), q1131 (bones, pottery), q1132 (bones, pottery), q1133 (items, pottery), q1134 (items) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-26 |
rK |
q1135 (items), q1136 (pbcl), q1138 (pottery) [Input: H728RK1.J] |
Relays (applicable to elements) |
1997-06-16 |
rk |
r600 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: SE) [Input: H617DNSR.J] |
1997-06-16 |
rk |
r601 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: NE) [Input: H617DNSR.J] |
1997-06-16 |
rk |
r602 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: NW) [Input: H617DNSR.J] |
1997-06-16 |
rk |
r603 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: SW) [Input: H617DNSR.J] |
1997-06-16 |
rk |
r600 (42667 36362 - / Relay location: SE) [Input: H708RK-R.J] |
1997-06-16 |
rk |
r602 (43232 36226 - / Relay location: NW) [Input: H708RK-R.J] |
1997-06-16 |
rk |
r603 (42868 36024 - / Relay location: SW) [Input: H708RK-R.J] |
Notes on volumetric localization |
1997-07-27 |
rK |
All of the elevations taken from k22, and those from k30 toward the end of the excavations, which used elevation marker m1659 should add 54 to the readings. This was because of discrepancy in the number used for calibrating the pole: 82.607 (8261) had been read as 82.067 (8207). The problem was noticed by the excavators (bsh & rk) in using an elevation marker set up near A10, and the surveyor kindly double checked (elevation of marker on H617 = 8261; on H723 = 8260) and clarified the source of the discrepancy. This requires the addition of the number to all measurements prior to H724. The pole was not in fact used after that date. This affects only elevations read directly off that pole and does not affect those computed by the system using the marker tags. [Input: H728RK1.J] |