Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2004-09-11 | jw | Limit includes N and E baulks. [Input: O911JW1.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements | 2004-06-28 | jw | continuing to remove large quantities of accumulation, f185, from the entire locus. We are continuing to find modern material in the matrix, including today, white and blue plastic sheeting and cans for soda and meat. This indicates that f185 continues to be a mixture of old and new gully wash, rather than accumulation, and that pottery taken from here will not be useful in dating this stratum. [Input: O628JW5.j] |
2004-06-29 | jw | mkb inspected sherds from q456. [Input: O629JW.j] | |
2004-07-11 | jw | Approaching the elevation of the stone and sherd pavement, f233, in k25, immediately to the west. We see a transition from the accumulation, f242, containing large amounts of sherds (preliminarily assessed by jo to be Phase 3) to a softer, brown accumulation, f246, resembling f229, which covered stone and sherd paving, f230, diagonally to the NW in k15. [Input: O711JW1.j] | |
2004-07-12 | jw | carefully removed 5cm of accumulation, f246, in the NW corner of the locus to see if the stone and sherd layer seen at the same elevation in the SE corner of k25 continues through the baulk. Except for a few stones seen in the N section, it appears as if the layer ends in the baulk. [Input: O712JW.j] | |
2004-07-22 | jw | began to remove the E baulk. [Input: O723JW1.j] | |
2004-07-25 | jw | Finished removing the east baulk. [Input: O725JW.j] | |
Strategy (projected or implemented) | 2004-07-11 | jw | Carefully excavate another 5 cm to see if we encounter a SE extension of the sherd and stone paving seen in k15, and k25. [Input: O711JW1.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Elements within locus | 2004-06-24 | gm | f183 (topsoil) [Input: O628GM1.j] |
2004-06-27 | jw | f185 (accumulation) [Input: O628GM1.j] | |
2004-06-30 | jw | f200 (accumulation) [Input: O705GM1.j] | |
2004-07-07 | gm | f234 (accumulation C) [Input: O707GM3.j] | |
2004-07-08 | jw | f237 (accumulation) f242 (accumulation) [Input: O710GM1.j] |
2004-07-12 | gm | f246 (accumulation A) [Input: O716GM3.j] | |
2004-07-15 | jw | f259 (accumulation) [Input: O716GM3.j] | |
2004-07-17 | jw | f263 (accumulation) f264 (accumulation) f265 (accumulation) [Input: O909JW1.j] |
2004-06-27 | jw | i108 (clay lump) [Input: O628GM2.j] | |
2004-06-28 | jw | i113 (metal artifact) [Input: O628GM2.j] | |
2004-07-08 | gm | i136 (wheel) [Input: O710GM2.j] | |
2004-07-08 | jo | i140 (figurine) i141 (figurine) [Input: O710GM2.j] |
2004-06-24 | gm | q434 (pottery) [Input: O626GM1.j] | |
2004-06-27 | jw | q439 (bones, pottery) q441 (pottery) q446 (pottery) [Input: O628GM4.j] |
2004-06-28 | jw | q448 (pottery) q452 (pottery) q454 (pottery) [Input: O628GM4.j] |
2004-06-29 | jw | q456 (bones, pottery) [Input: O629GM4.j] | |
2004-06-30 | jw | q471 (pottery) [Input: O702GM2.j] | |
2004-07-07 | gm | q547 (pottery) q548 (pottery) q550 (pottery) q552 (pottery) q554 (pottery) q555 (bones, pottery) [Input: O707GM1.j] |
2004-07-07 | dc | q556 (pottery) [Input: O707GM1.j] | |
2004-07-08 | gm | q560 (pottery) q565 (bones, pottery) q567 (pottery) q568 (pottery) q572 (pottery) q573 (pottery) q574 (bones, pottery) [Input: O710GM3.j] |
2004-07-11 | gm | q577 (pottery) q578 (bones, pottery) q581 (pottery) q583 (pottery) q584 (pottery) q585 (pottery) q587 (pottery) q588 (bones, pottery) q590 (pottery) q591 (pottery) [Input: O716GM4.j] |
2004-07-12 | jw | q594 (bones, pottery) [Input: O716GM4.j] | |
2004-07-14 | gm | q639 (items) [Input: O716GM4.j] | |
2004-07-22 | jw | q734 (pottery) q738 (pottery) q744 (pottery) [Input: O905JW.j] |
2004-07-25 | gm | q754 (bones, pottery) q762 (pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j] |
2004-07-28 | gm | q813 (pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j] | |
Extension of locus or q-lot | 2004-09-11 | jw | m3405 [Input: O911JW1.j] |
Length of two sides | 2004-09-11 | jw | 500E [Input: O911JW1.j] |
2004-09-11 | jw | 500N [Input: O911JW1.j] |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Notes on time sequencing | 2004-06-29 | jw | Mixture of rims and bases from Phases 6,4 and 3 in q456. Therefore we conclude that the material we are encountering is still gully wash, confirmed by finds of plastic sheeting and other modern material over 100cm beneath the surface which is covered with vegetation. [Input: O629JW.j] |