Unit Book A15

The Reception Area (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-22


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record

2001-07-21 jff [Input: A15_VWX.j]
Photo of context (v view)

2001-07-21 jff [Input: A15_VWX.j]

2001-07-21 jff [Input: A15_VWX.j]
View/drawing of aggregate 2023-12-09 jW a1 (bin)
a2 (room)
a12 (room)
a13 (room)
a14 (room)
a15 (room)
a48 (house)
a52 (courtyard) [Input: ZHz09jW.j]
View/drawing of features 2023-12-09 jW f6 (wall)
f13 (wall)
f27 (bin)
f31 (wall)
f32 (accumulation C)
f42 (wall)
f50 (wall)
f53 (pavement)
f70 (stone installation)
f71 (pavement, type c)
f80 (bench)
f86 (pavement)
f90 (floorsurface in general)
f92 (doorway)
f94 (wall)
f102 (wall)
f107 (accumulation A)
f109 (wall)
f587 (wall) [Input: ZHz09jW.j]
View/drawing orientation 2023-12-09 jW looking northwest [Input: ZHz09jW.j]
Text description of view 2023-12-09 jW Final, overall view of the portion of the substantial Khabur settlement that was excavated in MZ14(2001-L). [Input: ZHz09jW.j]
Web view

2001-07-21 jff [Input: A15_VWX.j]

2001-07-21 jff [Input: A15_VWX.j]