Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Category | !! | !! | ceramic vessel |
Best definition | 2002-09-16 | !! | bowl [Input: M916jw.j] |
Best image | 2001-08-23 | !! | [Input: A15_VWX.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Definition | 2002-09-16 | jlw | bowl [Input: M916jw.j] |
Description (summary) | 2002-09-16 | jlw | complete vertical section of a small, painted, globular bowl, with a disk base and a slightly out-turned rim, that was found on the plaster floor(f349) of the southernmost of two pit kilns, a31 in k13. The decoration consists of a set of three painted(black 2.5Y2.5/1) horizontal bands at the mid-body and a similar band just below the rim. The ceramic specialist, Hammadi, supplied data as to ware, shape, and decoration. In order to facilitate future study of the operation of the kilns, sherds similar to and in proximity to the whole vessels found inside are being boxed separately. [Input: M916jw.j] |
Assemblage that include element | 2022-11-06 | jS | b22 [Input: ZGy06jS.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 2001-08-20 | jw | k13 [Input: L915jlw1.j] |
Relays (applicable to elements) | 2001-08-20 | jlw | r457 (39143 37775 - 8724 / Relay location: k13 SB) [Input: L820JW1.R] |
Contact Association
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items | 2001-08-20 | jw | i225 (bowl) sits in f349 (accumulation) [Input: L915jlw1.j] |
Spatial Aggregation
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Aggregate (to which element belongs) | 2003-08-04 | !! | a31 (kiln) [Input: N921jw3.j] |
q-lot with which item is associated | 2001-08-20 | jw | q709 (pottery) [Input: L915jlw1.j] |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) | 2024-03-13 | !! | s250A15A [Input: ZI901jW.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) | 2024-03-13 | !! | h6hMZA [Input: ZI901jW.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Height | 2002-09-16 | jlw | 8.3 [Input: M916jw.j] |
Width 1 or diameter of rim | 2002-09-16 | jlw | 10 [Input: M916jw.j] |
2024-03-08 | rL | 9.5 [Input: ZI308rL.j] | |
Width 2 or diameter of body | 2002-09-16 | jlw | 17.2 [Input: M916jw.j] |
Width 3 or diameter of base | 2002-09-16 | jlw | 3.8 [Input: M916jw.j] |
Thickness | 2002-09-16 | jlw | 0.6 [Input: M916jw.j] |
Items Field Record
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Field definition | 2001-08-20 | jw | bowl [Input: L915jlw1.j] |
Notes on field record | 2001-08-20 | jw | broken bowl [Input: L915jlw1.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Ware or Material, species | 2002-09-16 | jlw | Fine Chaff Temper Ware [Input: M916jw.j] |
Shape, form | 2002-09-16 | jlw | bowl [Input: M916jw.j] |
2024-03-08 | rL | pot [Input: ZI308rL.j] | |
Color | 2002-09-16 | jlw | light gray [Input: M916jw.j] |
Color number (Munsell) | 2002-09-16 | jlw | 5Y7/2 [Input: M916jw.j] |
Decoration | 2002-09-16 | jlw | H-3 [Input: M916jw.j] |
Notes on typology | 2002-09-16 | jlw | shape br-8 using former coding [Input: M916jw.j] |
Zca.COLOR: Color, exterior (Munsell number) | 2024-03-08 | rL | 10YR7/2 [Input: ZI308rL.j] |
Zca.COLOR: Painted color foreground B | 2024-03-08 | rL | 10YR4/2 [Input: ZI308rL.j] |
Zca.DECORATION: Technique | 2024-03-08 | rL | 1 [Input: ZI308rL.j] |
Zca.DECORATION: Type | 2024-03-08 | rL | K3 [Input: ZI308rL.j] |
Zca.SHAPE: Type | 2024-03-08 | rL | 1 [Input: ZI308rL.j] |
Analogical Record
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Drawing of individual element (studio) | |||
Notes on analogical record | 2002-09-16 | jlw | W14d3577 [Input: M916jw.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Storage | 2002-09-16 | jlw | ZSBT1-1 [Input: M916jw.j] |