Unit Book A20

The eastern sector of the Palace - Version 1a

Synoptic table

Processed on 2024-11-15
Note. In the case of multiple entries for the same category (e.g., where a feature is first defined as accumulation A, and then as accumulation D), only the latest entry (accumulation D) is retained.
Total number of elements: 323.

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
q1.1 blade - f3 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-86
q2.1 blade - f4 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-87
q3.1 weight - f5 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic -
q3.2 unknown - f5 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q4.1 blade - f6 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic -
q5.1 weight - f8 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) - Storage: ZSB 7-69
q5.2 debitage - f8 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-86
q6.1 kiln waste - f4 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q6.2 clay lump - f4 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) cl Storage: ZSB 8-49
q6.3 kiln waste - f4 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) - Storage: ZSB 10-23
q9.1 unknown - f10 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl -
q10.1 tannur (item) - f9 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) cl Storage: ZSB 7-72
q12.1 clay lump - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 8-49
q12.2 blade - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-88
q14.1 debitage - f6 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB16-88
q14.2 blade - f6 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-86
q15.1 shell artifact - f10 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q15.2 tannur (item) - f10 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 8-49
q16.2 - - f10 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) - -
q17.1 bead (clay) - f5 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 12-20
q18.1 unknown - f6 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 7-69
q19.2 unknown - - f13 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl -
q20.1 lithic specimen - f19 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-87
q20.2 blade - f19 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-88
q20.3 clay lump - f19 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q21.1 uncertain - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 7-68
q21.2 clay lump - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 8-48
q21.3 blade - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-87
q22.1 bead (clay) - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 12-20
q22.2 shell artifact - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) - Storage: ZSB 26-13
q24.1 unknown - f6 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 7-69
q25.1 kiln waste - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q25.2 clay lump - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl -
q25.3 kiln waste - - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl -
q25.4 - - - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) - -
q25.5 blade - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-88
q25.6 door socket - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q27.1 debitage - f21 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) lithic Storage: ZSB 18-87
q30.1 grinding stone - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q30.2 kiln waste - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q30.3 kiln waste - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q31.1 bowl - f23 - s11JPC (latest Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 6-20
q32.1 grinding stone - f5 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q33.1 grinding stone - f11 - s11JPC (latest Mittani occupation) lithic -
q34.1 blade - f5 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-86
q35.1 debitage - f26 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-87
q35.2 kiln waste - f26 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q38.1 debitage - f3 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-88
q38.2 - - f3 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) - -
q42.1 unknown - f9 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) cl Storage: ZSB 7-69
q46.1 grinding stone - f27 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-87
q46.2 blade - f27 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-86
q46.3 debitage - f27 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-88
q46.4 grinding stone - f27 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q46.5 shell artifact - f27 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q47.1 handle - f27 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 6-20
q47.2 tannur (item) - f27 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) - Storage: ZSB 7-69
q48.1 grinding stone - f26 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-31
q49.1 kiln waste - f26 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q50.1 grinding stone - f30 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-31
q50.3 - - f30 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) - -
q51.1 clay lump - f29 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 8-48
q51.2 blade - f29 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-88
q51.3 grinding stone - f29 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q51.4 tool - f29 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-86
q51.5 debitage - f29 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-88
q53.1 unknown - f31 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 7-69
q53.2 stone tool - f31 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) flint Storage: ZSB 16-80
q55.1 kiln waste - f32 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q56.1 clay lump - f26 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 8-48
q59.1 carbon sample - f14 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) wood Storage: ZSB 29-35
q60.1 grinding stone - f28 - s11JPC (latest Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q60.2 grinding stone - f28 - s11JPC (latest Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q62.1 debitage - f27 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-89
q64.1 debitage - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-89
q65.1 lithic specimen - f29 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-88
q66.1 unknown - f38 - s14JPC (middle occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 101-9
q66.2 kiln waster - f38 - s14JPC (middle occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q67.1 tannur (item) - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 7-71
q67.2 carbon sample - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) - Storage: ZSB 29-34
q67.3 blade - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-88
q67.4 lithic specimen - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-89
q67.5 tannur (item) - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 7-71
q70.1 grinding stone - f36 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-89
q70.2 carbon sample - f36 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) - Storage: ZSB 29-35
q72.1 unknown - f26 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 7-69
q72.2 kiln waste - f26 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q77.2 - - f31 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) - -
q81.1 tannur (item) - - f49 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 101-9
q81.2 grinding stone - f49 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic -
q83.1 shell artifact - - f27 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) - Storage: ZSB 105-29; to paleozoology
q83.2 grinding stone - f27 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-89
q85.1 grinding stone - f37 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-90
q88.1 debitage - f37 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-88
q90.1 grinding stone - f39 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-92
q91.1 tannur (item) - f44 - s14JPC (middle occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 7-69
q93.1 tool - f30 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-88
q94.1 tannur (item) - - f24 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 101-9
q95.1 blade - f30 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-88
q96.1 clay lump - f37 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) clay Storage: ZSB 16-89
q97.1 blade - f44 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-89
q97.2 debitage - f44 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-87
q98.1 tool - f55 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-31
q98.2 uncertain - f55 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-31
q98.3 clay lump - f55 - s14JPC (middle occupation) clay Storage: ZSB 4-48
q98.4 grinding stone - f55 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q98.5 shell artifact - f55 - s14JPC (middle occupation) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q98.6 uncertain - f55 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q98.7 uncertain - f55 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-31
q98.8 stone tool - f55 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-89
q99.1 grinding stone - f37 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-88
q101.1 lithic specimen - f58 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-31
q102.1 clay lump - f30 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 4-48
q102.2 tannur (item) - f30 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 7-69
q103.1 blade - f52 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-89
q103.2 lithic specimen - f52 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-89
q103.3 unknown - - f52 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) - -
q103.4 blade - f52 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-89
q105.1 stone - f55 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-89
q105.2 lithic specimen - f55 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-31
q108.1 grinding stone - f24 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-31
q109.1 blade - f62 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-89
q112.1 blade - f21 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-88
q114.1 kiln waster - f10 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q114.3 carbon sample - - f10 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) carbon Storage: ZSB 29-34
q121.1 grinding stone - f8 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) lithic Storage: ZSB 105.32
q121.2 unknown - f8 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) clay Storage: ZSB 7-69
q121.3 nail - f8 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) bronze -
q122.1 blade - f39 - s14JPC (middle occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-88
q126.1 blade - f17 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-89
q127.1 carbon sample - f8 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) carbon Storage: ZSB 29-35
q128.1 figurine - f66 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) clay Storage: ZSB 2-20
q128.2 figurine - f66 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) clay Storage: ZSB 2-20
q130.1 blade - f30 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-88
q134.1 clay artifact - f67 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 4-8
q134.2 unknown - f67 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 7-72
q134.3 sealing - f67 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 11-23
q135.1 unknown - f19 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) cl Storage: ZSB 7-71
q135.2 unknown - f19 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) cl Storage: ZSB 7-71
q135.3 unknown - f19 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) clay-baked Storage: ZSB 7-71
q138.1 lithic specimen - f70 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-93
q139.1 unknown - f32 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-91
q141.1 unknown - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 7-72
q141.2 carbon sample - - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) - Storage: ZSB 29-35
q141.3 stone tool - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) basalt Storage: ZSB 16-92
q145.1 pestle - f43 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-92
q145.2 kiln waste - f43 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 10-25
q146.1 blade - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-91
q146.2 seed - - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) - Storage: ZSB 22-7
q148.1 clay lump - f74 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 4-48
q152.1 blade - f78 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-91
q156.1 bead - f27 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 12-20
q160.1 clay lump - - f62 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl -
q162.1 grinding stone - f81 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-32
q162.2 debitage - f81 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-91
q162.3 wheel - f81 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) clay-baked Storage: ZSB 8-48
q165.2 - - f74 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) - -
q168.1 grinding stone - f62 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-32
q168.2 shell artifact - f62 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q168.3 kiln waste - f62 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 10-25
q168.4 unknown - f62 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-92
q169.1 debitage - f81 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-92
q169.2 grinding stone - f81 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-37
q169.3 grinding stone - f81 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 19-92
q170.1 shell artifact - f24 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q170.2 blade - - f24 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-92
q170.3 blade - f24 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-91
q170.4 organic - - f24 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) - Storage: ZSB 29-34
q172.1 metal artifact - f36 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lead Cons Room
q174.1 sample - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) frit Storage: ZSB 29-35
q174.2 lithic specimen - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 29-36
q178.1 blade - f35 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-91
q180.1 shell artifact - f89 - s14JPC (middle occupation) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q180.2 blade - f89 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-92
q180.3 kiln waste - f89 - s14JPC (middle occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 10-25
q181.1 weight - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 7-71
q181.2 carbon sample - - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) carbon Storage: ZSB 29-34
q181.3 stone tool - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-91
q182.1 blade - f87 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-92
q183.1 shell artifact - f90 - s14JPC (middle occupation) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q183.2 bead - f90 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 12-20
q184.1 debitage - f22 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-91
q188.1 blade - f89 - s14JPC (middle occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-91
q188.2 blade - f89 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-92
q189.1 clay lump - f94 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) cl Storage: ZSB 8-48
q190.1 debitage - f103 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-92
q191.1 unknown - f52 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 7-71
q193.1 kiln waste - f104 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 10-25
q195.1 blade - f9 - s2JPC (modern, topsoil) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-91
q196.1 unknown - f24 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 7-71
q196.2 bead - f24 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) frit Storage: ZSB 12-20
q197.1 blade - f94 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-91
q197.2 shell artifact - f94 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q198.1 grinding stone - f81 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-32
q199.1 specimen - f69 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q199.2 kiln waste - f69 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) - Storage: ZSB 7-711
q203.1 grinding stone - f75 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-31
q204.1 blade - f94 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-91
q205.1 blade - f90 - s14JPC (middle occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-93
q205.2 blade - f90 - s14JPC (middle occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-93
q205.3 debitage - f90 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-92
q205.4 debitage - f90 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-92
q205.5 shell artifact - f90 - s14JPC (middle occupation) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q206.1 disk - f80 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 4-8
q206.2 stand - f80 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 7-78
q209.1 grinding stone - f94 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-32
q209.4 - - f94 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) - -
q211.1 grinding stone - f82 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-32
q216.1 shell artifact - f75 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q219.1 kiln waste - f120 - s15JPC (early occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 10-25
q219.2 grinding stone - f120 - s15JPC (early occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-91
q220.1 unknown - f31 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 7-71
q222.1 kiln waster - f127 - s15JPC (early occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 10-25
q223.1 blade - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-93
q225.1 brick - - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) cl -
q225.2 seed - - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) organic Storage: ZSB 29-35
q225.3 shell artifact - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q226.1 pin - f130 - s12aJPC (late Mittani occupation) copper-alloy Cons Room
q227.1 kiln waste - f131 - s14JPC (middle occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 10-25
q229.1 debitage - f119 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-93
q229.2 debitage - f119 - s14JPC (middle occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-93
q231.1 debitage - - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) - -
q231.2 debitage - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-93
q231.3 sample - - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) - -
q231.4 blade - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-93
q231.5 bead - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 12-20
q231.6 unknown - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 16-93
q231.7 brick - - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) cl -
q232.1 clay lump - f89 - s14JPC (middle occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 8-48
q232.2 slag - f89 - s14JPC (middle occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 8-48
q233.1 tannur (item) - f119 - s14JPC (middle occupation) clay Storage: ZSB 7-72
q234.1 blade - f119 - s14JPC (middle occupation) obsidian Storage: ZSB 16-93
q238.1 carbon sample - - f139 - s15JPC (early occupation) carbon Storage: ZSB 29-35
q246.1 specimen - f30 - s12bJPC (abandonment and collapse) shell Storage: ZSB 26-13
q247.1 uncertain - f137 - s14JPC (middle occupation) cl Storage: ZSB 4-8
q253.1 brick - - f40 - s14JPC (middle occupation) - To sherd library
q254.1 lithic specimen - f145 - s15JPC (early occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 29-35
q255.1 sample - - f146 - s15JPC (early occupation) - To sample room
q256.1 unknown - f131 - s14JPC (middle occupation) frit Storage: ZSB 50-1
q260.1 grinding stone - f147 - s15JPC (early occupation) lithic Storage: ZSB 105-32
q261.1 pestle - f149 - s15JPC (early occupation) - Storage: ZSB 105-32
q264.1 bead - f155 - - lithic -
q264.2 blade - - f155 - - obsidian -
q264.3 bead - f155 - - cl -
q266.1 brick - - f155 - - clay -
q267.1 uncertain - - f156 - - metal -
q268.1 figurine - - f156 - - cl -
q269.1 spindle whorl - - f163 - - lithic -
q270.1 unknown - - f157 - - lithic -
q272.1 lithic artifact - - f163 - - obsidian -
q272.2 blade - - f163 - - obsidian -
q278.1 shell artifact - - f163 - - shell -
q279.1 tool - - f155 - - lithic -
q279.2 door socket - - f155 - - lithic -
q281.1 figurine - - f170 - - clay-baked -
q281.2 lithic specimen - - f170 - - lithic -
q282.1 grinding stone - - f158 - - lithic -
q283.1 grinding stone - - f162 - - basalt -
q283.2 grinding stone - - f162 - - basalt -
q284.1 grinding stone - - f166 - - lithic -
q286.1 shell artifact - - f173 - - shell -
q286.2 shell artifact - - f173 - - shell -
q288.1 bead (clay) - - f170 - - clay-baked -
q289.1 tool - - f157 - - lithic -
q291.1 unknown - - f176 - - cl -
q292.1 grinding stone - - f169 - - lithic -
q292.2 grinding stone - f169 - - lithic -
q292.3 grinding stone - - f169 - - lithic -
q292.4 grinding stone - - f169 - - lithic -
q293.1 door socket - f159 - - lithic -
q294.1 shell artifact - - f173 - - shell -
q296.1 blade - - f176 - - obsidian -
q296.2 door socket - - f176 - - lithic -
q296.3 grinding stone - - f176 - - lithic -
q296.4 tool - - f176 - - lithic -
q296.5 tool - - f176 - - lithic -
q297.1 seal - - f165 - - lithic -
q302.1 clay lump - - f175 - - cl -
q303.1 grinding stone - - f171 - - lithic -
q304.1 grinding stone - - f168 - - lithic -
q304.2 grinding stone - - f168 - - lithic -
q304.3 grinding stone - - f168 - - lithic -
q306.1 door socket - - f164 - - lithic -
q306.2 door socket - - f164 - - lithic -
q307.1 grinding stone - - f181 - - lithic -
q307.2 grinding stone - f181 - - lithic -
q307.3 core - - f181 - - lithic -
q307.4 bead (clay) - - f181 - - clay-baked -
q312.1 figurine - - f181 - - clay-baked -
q314.1 figurine - - f180 - - clay-baked -
q317.1 sample - - f180 - - - -
q317.2 figurine - - f180 - - clay-baked -
q317.3 clay lump - - f180 - - clay -
q318.1 weight - - f186 - - clay-baked -
q319.1 arrowhead - - f181 - - obsidian -
q319.2 figurine - - f181 - - clay-baked -
q320.1 clay lump - - f180 - - clay -
q323.1 brick - - f193 - - cl -
q323.2 tool - - f193 - - lithic -
q323.3 kiln waster - - f193 - - cl -
q324.1 blade - - f181 - - obsidian -
q324.2 unknown - - f181 - - cl -
q325.1 blade - - f193 - - lithic -
q327.1 mortar - - f200 - - lithic -
q327.2 uncertain - - f200 - - lithic -
q327.3 tool - - f200 - - lithic -
q327.4 sh - - f200 - - shell -
q329.1 figurine - - f201 - - clay-baked -
q329.2 figurine - - f201 - - clay-baked -
q329.3 grinding stone - - f201 - - lithic -
q329.4 blade - - f201 - - obsidian -
q331.1 uncertain - - f180 - - cl -
q332.1 wheel - - f203 - - clay-baked -
q332.2 flake - - f203 - - obsidian -
q333.1 blade - - f192 - - obsidian -
q333.2 figurine - - f192 - - clay-baked -
q333.3 figurine - - f192 - - clay-baked -
q334.1 figurine - - f196 - - clay-baked -
q334.2 kiln waste - - f196 - - clay -
q334.3 specimen - f196 - - - -
q337.1 unknown - - f197 - - bronze -
q341.1 blade - - f180 - - flint -
q341.2 core - - f180 - - lithic -