In B6 there is a total of … observed contacts between any two features. One will find the complete list in the depositional synopsis. They are subdivided as follows (listed in the order of the depositional verbs):
| verb | total | percent |
1a | cuts | B6 | B6 |
1b | intrudes | B6 | B6 |
2a | leans against | B6 | B6 |
2b | rests on | B6 | B6 |
3a | abuts | B6 | B6 |
3b | bonds | B6 | B6 |
4a | covers | B6 | B6 |
4b | overlays | B6 | B6 |
5a | caps | B6 | B6 |
5b | sits in | B6 | B6 |
The lion’s share is with the two verbs “to cover” (almost half of the occurrences) and “overlay” (more than a quarter). “Abut” (almost 22%) has also a rilevance.
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