
The Plaza below the Temple Terrace (Version 1a)

J1 Synthetical View / Stratigraphy

Strata sequence for Unit J1

Lorenzo Crescioli – April 2011

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The strata definition currently in use is labeled J1A, and was established in September 2009. Before was used the JPA sequence established in August 2007. The J1A sequence refers to J1 and it is based on the J1 datas.

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The strata definition chart (J1A)

phase stratum sub-sr definition of stratum
     and of substratum
9p 10 Modern accumulations, backfill, current excavations
9m 20 Top soil
9c 50
8r 60 Scattered occupation and use with isolated installations
8m 70 Scattered structures found on top of ancient tell surface
7m 120 EDIII wall o more visible, thick natural flat accumulations
120 b Edge of terrace marked by stones and more natural accumulations
7l 140 Upper part of accumulations against the EDIII Revetment Wall, with wall still visible
7g 140 c Construction of the western Mitanni staircase
7e 150 Second apron in J3 and blocking of staircase in J2, some accumulations in J1
7d 170 (170b) Third curtain wall (bench) and lower accumulations against Revetment wall
171 (170b) Second Curtain wall
172 (170b) Second Mitanni pavement f232
173 (170c) Accumulations between two main Mitanni pavements
174 (170d) Costruction of water barrier f328
7a 190 First Mitanni pavement on top of EDIII escarpment and construction first curtain wall
190 b First thin Mitanni abandonment accumulations
4c 450 Erosion surface of Second Escarpment
3s 610 Cut of damaged First Escarpment and construction Second Escarpment
3p 630 Erosion First Escarpment, short period of abandonment with natural accumulations and ashy debris
3m 650 First cut, accumulations and construction of EDIII First Escarpment and Rvetment Wall
3f 670 Accumulations to the west of LC structure
680 Use and partial damage of LC structures, with floors
2h 830 Damage to the LC structures?
850 Construction and use of LC walls belonging to a possible Early Terrace
2g 870 Possible mud brick structures below the LC stone walls a8

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