Unit Book J1

Plaza adjacent the Large Temple Terrace - Version 1a

J1 Synthetical View / Stratigraphy

Phase 7cJ1A within Unit J1

Lorenzo Crescioli – April 2011

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Phase 7c is the period of the fist Mittani evidences in J1. The nice pebble and sherd pavement built all over the area in front of the wall and the escarpment during EDIII was still used. Many problems arise from this statement, because it is difficult to think that a simple (even if well built) pebble pavement could last and be used for such a long period. The long chronological gap and moreover, the lack of material dating to the periods in between, are not easily explainable. One assumption is the area of the Plaza was kept clean for about one millennium because of its great importance. We don’t have, so far, any other explanations and for more detailed discussions see topic. Together with the use of the pavement the first Mittani use includes a sort of curtain/screen wall.

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Since the pebble pavement was in use for such a long time the ceramics and objects are mixed and can not be separated to a specific phase. See Topics.

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