Unit Book J2

Frequency computations
Ceramic vessels and sherds
by shape within feature

Processed on 2024-07-27
Note. Percentages are computed on total number of ceramic vessels and sherds within feature, not on total of diagnostic shapes.

Ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
Total body sherds 27857 83%
Total diagnostic shapes 5559 17%
Grand total 33416 100%

f1 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 1 50%
xrg 1 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f15 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 86 90%
other shape sherd 2 2%
jar 2 2%
strainer 1 1%
ts 1 1%
xf 1 1%
i 1 1%
bowl 1 1%
xdf 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 10%
Total 96 100%

f25 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f33 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f60 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f65 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 180 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 180 100%

f66 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 181 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 181 100%

f76 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 4 31%
jar 2 15%
kiln waste 1 8%
xf 1 8%
bowl 1 8%
plate 1 8%
x 1 8%
i 1 8%
ts 1 8%
Total diagnostic shapes 9 69%
Total 13 100%

f81 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 140 86%
bowl 5 3%
jar 3 2%
xf 2 1%
i 2 1%
r 2 1%
other shape sherd 2 1%
xrl 1 1%
xfc 1 1%
dr 1 1%
x 1 1%
specimen 1 1%
et 1 1%
cup 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 23 14%
Total 163 100%

f82 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 30 77%
bowl 2 5%
xfx 2 5%
xfc 1 3%
jar 1 3%
xsf 1 3%
r 1 3%
xrg 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 9 23%
Total 39 100%

f83 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 67 79%
jar 5 6%
other shape sherd 2 2%
bowl 2 2%
r 2 2%
xrg 1 1%
ri 1 1%
xdc 1 1%
xfx 1 1%
plate 1 1%
i 1 1%
sq 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 21%
Total 85 100%

f87 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 34 85%
r 2 5%
xdc 1 2%
xrg 1 2%
bowl 1 2%
other shape sherd 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 6 15%
Total 40 100%

f90 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 76 83%
bowl 4 4%
jar 3 3%
r 2 2%
ts 1 1%
xrg 1 1%
xf 1 1%
xfx 1 1%
xrl 1 1%
sq 1 1%
xsfv 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 16 17%
Total 92 100%

f91 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 129 88%
bowl 5 3%
jar 4 3%
r 2 1%
stand 2 1%
xf 1 1%
xfx 1 1%
tablet 1 1%
xp 1 1%
xrg 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 12%
Total 147 100%

f136 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 64 72%
jar 6 7%
bowl 6 7%
xfx 2 2%
sq 2 2%
dr 1 1%
i 1 1%
xdf 1 1%
cg 1 1%
f 1 1%
xrg 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
x 1 1%
cup 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 25 28%
Total 89 100%

f137 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 157 81%
bowl 12 6%
xfx 7 4%
jar 5 3%
xrg 2 1%
xrl 2 1%
et 2 1%
r 2 1%
xdf 1 1%
xf 1 1%
f 1 1%
ts 1 1%
pot 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 37 19%
Total 194 100%

f138 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 68 79%
jar 7 8%
bowl 3 3%
xrg 3 3%
sq 3 3%
ri 1 1%
xfc 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 21%
Total 86 100%

f139 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 547 84%
jar 25 4%
bowl 17 3%
cup 12 2%
xfx 11 2%
r 8 1%
xrg 6 1%
other shape sherd 5 1%
xf 5 1%
i 3 0%
xdf 3 0%
strainer 2 0%
dr 2 0%
sq 1 0%
xrh 1 0%
plate 1 0%
f 1 0%
xsb 1 0%
xrd 1 0%
pot 1 0%
xsc 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 107 16%
Total 654 100%

f140 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 116 83%
bowl 7 5%
cup 4 3%
xfx 4 3%
jar 3 2%
sherd 1 1%
ceramic vessel 1 1%
xdc 1 1%
xfc 1 1%
et 1 1%
r 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 24 17%
Total 140 100%

f145 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 357 88%
jar 18 4%
xf 6 1%
bowl 5 1%
xdc 4 1%
xfx 3 1%
other shape sherd 2 0%
sq 2 0%
xfc 1 0%
et 1 0%
tablet 1 0%
plate 1 0%
r 1 0%
xdf 1 0%
f 1 0%
dp 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 48 12%
Total 405 100%

f148 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 83 82%
jar 6 6%
bowl 5 5%
ri 2 2%
dr 1 1%
sq 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
xdf 1 1%
xfc 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 18%
Total 101 100%

f149 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 95 86%
jar 5 5%
bowl 1 1%
I 1 1%
xfc 1 1%
xfx 1 1%
plate 1 1%
xrd 1 1%
xf 1 1%
xrl 1 1%
r 1 1%
cup 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 15 14%
Total 110 100%

f150 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 299 83%
jar 19 5%
bowl 15 4%
xfx 7 2%
xfc 4 1%
root 2 1%
i 2 1%
r 2 1%
xdc 2 1%
cup 2 1%
other shape sherd 2 1%
plate 1 0%
sq 1 0%
f 1 0%
fwe 1 0%
xdf 1 0%
xrd 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 63 17%
Total 362 100%

f158 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 506 79%
bowl 36 6%
jar 23 4%
r 20 3%
xfx 9 1%
xrg 7 1%
other shape sherd 5 1%
f 4 1%
sq 4 1%
xrl 4 1%
xf 3 0%
i 3 0%
xrd 3 0%
et 3 0%
cup 2 0%
xrh 2 0%
ceramic vessel 1 0%
dr 1 0%
ri 1 0%
xsf 1 0%
xfc 1 0%
xsc 1 0%
xdf 1 0%
xdc 1 0%
pot 1 0%
strainer 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 138 21%
Total 644 100%

f159 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
ceramic vessel 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f161 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
ceramic vessel 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f162 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 348 87%
bowl 13 3%
jar 12 3%
r 4 1%
xfc 4 1%
sq 3 1%
xrg 3 1%
cup 3 1%
xfx 2 0%
other shape sherd 2 0%
sherd 1 0%
ceramic vessel 1 0%
i 1 0%
xrh 1 0%
tablet 1 0%
xf 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 52 13%
Total 400 100%

f163 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 22 65%
other shape sherd 2 6%
f 2 6%
xrg 1 3%
r 1 3%
plate 1 3%
xdf 1 3%
xfx 1 3%
bowl 1 3%
strainer 1 3%
xrl 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 12 35%
Total 34 100%

f164 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 1790 81%
jar 102 5%
bowl 71 3%
r 43 2%
xfx 39 2%
xf 20 1%
other shape sherd 16 1%
cup 14 1%
xrd 11 0%
pot 10 0%
i 10 0%
xrg 9 0%
xfc 8 0%
xdc 8 0%
sq 8 0%
xsc 7 0%
x 6 0%
plate 5 0%
f 5 0%
dr 4 0%
xdf 4 0%
ri 3 0%
xrl 2 0%
strainer 2 0%
et 2 0%
ceramic vessel 1 0%
xsb 1 0%
xdx 1 0%
xp 1 0%
ts 1 0%
xdl 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 415 19%
Total 2205 100%

f166 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 684 91%
bowl 13 2%
jar 11 1%
r 8 1%
sq 7 1%
cup 5 1%
i 3 0%
xfc 2 0%
pot 2 0%
other shape sherd 2 0%
xf 2 0%
xdf 2 0%
xrg 2 0%
xdc 1 0%
strainer 1 0%
plate 1 0%
root 1 0%
tablet 1 0%
dp 1 0%
f 1 0%
xfx 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 67 9%
Total 751 100%

f168 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 165 80%
jar 13 6%
bowl 10 5%
r 4 2%
f 3 1%
ts 2 1%
xfx 2 1%
xrl 2 1%
xf 1 0%
i 1 0%
plate 1 0%
xdcw 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 40 20%
Total 205 100%

f171 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 216 86%
jar 9 4%
bowl 6 2%
sq 4 2%
r 3 1%
xfc 3 1%
xdc 2 1%
xfx 2 1%
cup 2 1%
i 1 0%
xlf 1 0%
xsc 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 34 14%
Total 250 100%

f174 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 1404 92%
jar 27 2%
bowl 22 1%
sq 12 1%
r 12 1%
xrg 7 0%
i 5 0%
xfx 5 0%
xfc 4 0%
xf 3 0%
f 3 0%
dp 2 0%
xdc 2 0%
other shape sherd 1 0%
ri 1 0%
xdf 1 0%
cg 1 0%
fd 1 0%
plate 1 0%
x 1 0%
cup 1 0%
xrd 1 0%
pot 1 0%
xh 1 0%
xp 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 116 8%
Total 1520 100%

f177 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 74 84%
xdc 3 3%
bowl 2 2%
xfx 2 2%
jar 2 2%
ceramic vessel 1 1%
xrg 1 1%
sq 1 1%
plate 1 1%
xf 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 14 16%
Total 88 100%

f178 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 50 83%
jar 5 8%
bowl 3 5%
r 1 2%
other shape sherd 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 17%
Total 60 100%

f180 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 18 55%
jar 5 15%
xdc 2 6%
xf 2 6%
cg 1 3%
bowl 1 3%
worked disk 1 3%
xdf 1 3%
xfx 1 3%
xrg 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 15 45%
Total 33 100%

f181 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 124 83%
jar 7 5%
xfx 5 3%
xrd 2 1%
worked disk 2 1%
other shape sherd 2 1%
cup 1 1%
xf 1 1%
xdc 1 1%
dp 1 1%
I 1 1%
xdf 1 1%
bowl 1 1%
f 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 26 17%
Total 150 100%

f182 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 59 91%
bowl 3 5%
i 2 3%
jar 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 6 9%
Total 65 100%

f186 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 14 78%
bowl 2 11%
xf 1 6%
jar 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 22%
Total 18 100%

f187 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 3 75%
sq 1 25%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 25%
Total 4 100%

f188 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 153 89%
jar 7 4%
bowl 2 1%
xf 2 1%
xsb 1 1%
xfx 1 1%
xfc 1 1%
xsc 1 1%
xrd 1 1%
xdc 1 1%
xdf 1 1%
pot 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 19 11%
Total 172 100%

f189 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 435 86%
jar 19 4%
bowl 12 2%
pot 6 1%
cup 6 1%
xrg 5 1%
xf 4 1%
xfx 4 1%
r 3 1%
xfc 2 0%
I 1 0%
xsc 1 0%
xrd 1 0%
xdf 1 0%
plate 1 0%
xrl 1 0%
dp 1 0%
i 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 69 14%
Total 504 100%

f190 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 192 74%
bowl 22 8%
jar 19 7%
r 5 2%
xrl 4 2%
xrg 3 1%
cup 3 1%
i 2 1%
xdf 2 1%
xrh 2 1%
pot 2 1%
xf 1 0%
ts 1 0%
other shape sherd 1 0%
cg 1 0%
f 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 69 26%
Total 261 100%

f193 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 1217 81%
jar 67 4%
bowl 63 4%
r 25 2%
xfx 16 1%
xf 15 1%
other shape sherd 10 1%
xrg 10 1%
sq 8 1%
xrl 7 0%
cup 7 0%
plate 6 0%
pot 6 0%
xrd 6 0%
i 5 0%
xdc 4 0%
worked disk 4 0%
xfc 4 0%
strainer 3 0%
et 3 0%
f 2 0%
x 2 0%
xsb 2 0%
I 1 0%
xdf 1 0%
cg 1 0%
xhf 1 0%
dp 1 0%
tablet 1 0%
stand 1 0%
ts 1 0%
xdl 1 0%
ri 1 0%
xp 1 0%
specimen 1 0%
xdx 1 0%
xsc 1 0%
xrh 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 290 19%
Total 1507 100%

f195 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 195 80%
bowl 14 6%
jar 12 5%
r 7 3%
i 3 1%
xrl 2 1%
et 2 1%
xfx 2 1%
other shape sherd 2 1%
xdc 1 0%
xrh 1 0%
xsfc 1 0%
xfc 1 0%
cup 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 49 20%
Total 244 100%

f197 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 298 86%
jar 12 3%
bowl 7 2%
sq 6 2%
r 5 1%
xfx 4 1%
xrg 4 1%
xfc 3 1%
i 2 1%
xdc 2 1%
ri 1 0%
f 1 0%
cup 1 0%
other shape sherd 1 0%
xdf 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 50 14%
Total 348 100%

f200 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 939 90%
bowl 26 2%
jar 21 2%
r 10 1%
xrg 6 1%
xfc 6 1%
sq 6 1%
i 5 0%
cup 5 0%
xfx 4 0%
other shape sherd 3 0%
plate 2 0%
pot 2 0%
tablet 2 0%
f 2 0%
xf 2 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 102 10%
Total 1041 100%

f202 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 427 79%
jar 30 6%
bowl 26 5%
r 8 1%
xfx 7 1%
cup 6 1%
sq 5 1%
xf 4 1%
xrg 4 1%
xrd 4 1%
worked disk 3 1%
x 2 0%
xfc 2 0%
xdc 2 0%
plate 2 0%
pot 2 0%
stand 1 0%
other shape sherd 1 0%
xrl 1 0%
cg 1 0%
xsc 1 0%
i 1 0%
tablet 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 114 21%
Total 541 100%

f203 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 98 92%
xrg 2 2%
bowl 2 2%
r 1 1%
sq 1 1%
jar 1 1%
xfx 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 9 8%
Total 107 100%

f204 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 97 87%
bowl 4 4%
jar 3 3%
cup 2 2%
xfx 2 2%
xf 1 1%
cg 1 1%
xrg 1 1%
sq 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 15 13%
Total 112 100%

f205 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 44 98%
r 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 2%
Total 45 100%

f206 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 104 58%
bowl 19 11%
jar 13 7%
r 8 4%
sq 6 3%
xrh 4 2%
xfx 4 2%
other shape sherd 3 2%
tablet 3 2%
ts 2 1%
xrg 2 1%
xrd 2 1%
pot 1 1%
xfc 1 1%
dr 1 1%
xdf 1 1%
xrl 1 1%
cup 1 1%
xf 1 1%
i 1 1%
xdc 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 75 42%
Total 179 100%

f207 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 37 67%
bowl 9 16%
jar 5 9%
xfx 2 4%
xf 1 2%
xdf 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 33%
Total 55 100%

f208 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 120 82%
jar 9 6%
bowl 5 3%
xfx 4 3%
cup 2 1%
xrg 1 1%
xsb 1 1%
xf 1 1%
strainer 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
xrd 1 1%
worked disk 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 27 18%
Total 147 100%

f209 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 201 94%
jar 6 3%
bowl 3 1%
cup 2 1%
xfx 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 12 6%
Total 213 100%

f210 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 2503 88%
jar 114 4%
bowl 73 3%
xfx 22 1%
cup 22 1%
worked disk 18 1%
xf 15 1%
r 12 0%
pot 9 0%
i 8 0%
f 7 0%
xrd 6 0%
xsc 6 0%
other shape sherd 5 0%
xdf 5 0%
tablet 5 0%
sq 4 0%
xdc 4 0%
plate 3 0%
xp 3 0%
dp 2 0%
xfc 2 0%
ceramic vessel 1 0%
x 1 0%
xrl 1 0%
stand 1 0%
xrg 1 0%
specimen 1 0%
ts 1 0%
xrh 1 0%
cg 1 0%
ri 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 355 12%
Total 2858 100%

f211 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 54 83%
jar 4 6%
r 2 3%
bowl 2 3%
xsc 1 2%
xdf 1 2%
xfx 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 11 17%
Total 65 100%

f213 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 33 92%
jar 1 3%
xfc 1 3%
xfx 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 8%
Total 36 100%

f214 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 42 93%
bowl 1 2%
tablet 1 2%
jar 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 7%
Total 45 100%

f215 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 14 78%
jar 3 17%
xfx 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 22%
Total 18 100%

f220 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 430 85%
bowl 21 4%
jar 14 3%
xfx 6 1%
xrg 5 1%
r 4 1%
sq 3 1%
xf 3 1%
other shape sherd 3 1%
xrl 2 0%
dr 2 0%
plate 2 0%
pot 2 0%
cup 1 0%
xrh 1 0%
xdf 1 0%
xdc 1 0%
worked disk 1 0%
xdx 1 0%
ts 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 74 15%
Total 504 100%

f223 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 25 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 25 100%

f227 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 158 73%
jar 21 10%
bowl 13 6%
xfx 5 2%
i 4 2%
xf 3 1%
xrd 2 1%
worked disk 2 1%
sq 2 1%
xp 1 0%
dp 1 0%
f 1 0%
r 1 0%
xfc 1 0%
et 1 0%
xdl 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 59 27%
Total 217 100%

f228 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 18 86%
cup 3 14%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 14%
Total 21 100%

f229 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
cup 2 50%
xf 1 25%
xrd 1 25%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 100%
Total 4 100%

f230 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 133 96%
jar 2 1%
worked disk 2 1%
xfx 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 5 4%
Total 138 100%

f233 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 926 89%
jar 29 3%
r 19 2%
bowl 18 2%
xfx 9 1%
cup 7 1%
xfc 5 0%
xf 5 0%
other shape sherd 3 0%
ri 2 0%
pot 2 0%
f 2 0%
sherd 1 0%
xrd 1 0%
tsp 1 0%
xrg 1 0%
et 1 0%
stand 1 0%
xdf 1 0%
sq 1 0%
ts 1 0%
i 1 0%
plate 1 0%
dr 1 0%
xdc 1 0%
xsc 1 0%
xrl 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 116 11%
Total 1042 100%

f234 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 100 92%
jar 3 3%
i 2 2%
r 2 2%
bowl 1 1%
fd 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 9 8%
Total 109 100%

f235 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 186 89%
bowl 6 3%
i 4 2%
jar 2 1%
r 2 1%
xfc 2 1%
other shape sherd 2 1%
cup 2 1%
sq 1 0%
xrd 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 22 11%
Total 208 100%

f240 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 45 85%
bowl 4 8%
i 3 6%
r 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 15%
Total 53 100%

f241 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 105 85%
jar 3 2%
r 3 2%
plate 2 2%
bowl 2 2%
xfx 1 1%
i 1 1%
xf 1 1%
xrg 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
xsc 1 1%
xrh 1 1%
f 1 1%
xdf 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 19 15%
Total 124 100%

f242 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 30 79%
xrg 2 5%
bowl 2 5%
other shape sherd 1 3%
xdf 1 3%
xfx 1 3%
xfc 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 21%
Total 38 100%

f244 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 32 94%
cup 1 3%
x 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 6%
Total 34 100%

f245 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 14 88%
cup 1 6%
xfx 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 12%
Total 16 100%

f246 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 66 90%
bowl 2 3%
jar 2 3%
i 1 1%
f 1 1%
r 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 7 10%
Total 73 100%

f249 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 132 86%
jar 5 3%
r 4 3%
plate 2 1%
bowl 2 1%
stand 2 1%
xf 1 1%
xsfc 1 1%
xfx 1 1%
xrl 1 1%
et 1 1%
xsfv 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 21 14%
Total 153 100%

f253 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 63 89%
bowl 3 4%
jar 2 3%
cup 2 3%
f 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 11%
Total 71 100%

f256 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 73 88%
jar 3 4%
bowl 2 2%
This sherd was recorded as two different wares by the sherd analysis and on the drawing. Currently this discrepency is unable to be resolved. 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
r 1 1%
xfx 1 1%
xdf 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 12%
Total 83 100%

f263 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 75 82%
r 4 4%
xrg 3 3%
other shape sherd 2 2%
bowl 2 2%
jar 2 2%
xfx 2 2%
xrh 1 1%
xrd 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 17 18%
Total 92 100%

f268 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 7 78%
bowl 1 11%
i 1 11%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 22%
Total 9 100%

f272 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 58 97%
bowl 1 2%
xf 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 3%
Total 60 100%

f273 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 1045 84%
jar 52 4%
bowl 47 4%
xf 17 1%
xfx 15 1%
cup 8 1%
pot 7 1%
r 6 0%
xrd 5 0%
xdf 5 0%
worked disk 5 0%
i 4 0%
xsc 4 0%
plate 4 0%
other shape sherd 3 0%
sq 3 0%
dp 3 0%
xdc 2 0%
xp 2 0%
et 1 0%
ri 1 0%
xfc 1 0%
x 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 196 16%
Total 1241 100%

f276 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 95 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 95 100%

f277 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 1740 86%
jar 76 4%
bowl 51 3%
xfx 26 1%
xf 21 1%
cup 19 1%
r 13 1%
xrd 10 0%
xfc 8 0%
other shape sherd 8 0%
pot 7 0%
i 7 0%
xdf 6 0%
sq 5 0%
f 5 0%
worked disk 4 0%
xsc 4 0%
plate 3 0%
x 3 0%
xdl 2 0%
tablet 2 0%
dp 2 0%
xdc 2 0%
strainer 2 0%
ceramic vessel 1 0%
xrh 1 0%
stand 1 0%
ri 1 0%
xsfv 1 0%
xsb 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 292 14%
Total 2032 100%

f287 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 86 98%
cup 1 1%
bowl 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 2%
Total 88 100%

f290 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 84 82%
cup 7 7%
jar 3 3%
xrd 3 3%
bowl 2 2%
xfx 1 1%
strainer 1 1%
xf 1 1%
xsc 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 19 18%
Total 103 100%

f291 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 19 90%
jar 2 10%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 10%
Total 21 100%

f292 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 7 58%
bowl 2 17%
other shape sherd 1 8%
cup 1 8%
xf 1 8%
Total diagnostic shapes 12 100%
Total 12 100%

f294 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 59 91%
jar 4 6%
bowl 1 2%
Two different diameters were recorded by the sherd analyzer (hH) and the person who did the drawing. The small percentage preserved of the rim may account for the discrepency. 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 6 9%
Total 65 100%

f295 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
cup 2 67%
jar 1 33%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f296 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 14 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 14 100%

f297 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 2 29%
jar 1 14%
xf 1 14%
xfx 1 14%
xrd 1 14%
f 1 14%
Total diagnostic shapes 7 100%
Total 7 100%

f301 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 65 89%
xsc 2 3%
xsb 1 1%
xf 1 1%
xfx 1 1%
r 1 1%
cup 1 1%
jar 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 11%
Total 73 100%

f305 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 139 82%
bowl 9 5%
jar 7 4%
xfx 6 4%
xf 2 1%
pot 2 1%
ceramic vessel 1 1%
strainer 1 1%
xrg 1 1%
xrd 1 1%
ts 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 31 18%
Total 170 100%

f306 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 3 30%
cup 3 30%
xfc 2 20%
r 1 10%
jar 1 10%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 100%
Total 10 100%

f310 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 15 38%
jar 6 15%
cup 4 10%
xfx 3 8%
xfc 3 8%
xrd 3 8%
xf 2 5%
sq 1 3%
other shape sherd 1 3%
xsc 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 39 100%
Total 39 100%

f314 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 249 79%
bowl 15 5%
jar 15 5%
xfx 6 2%
r 5 2%
xf 4 1%
xdf 4 1%
xrl 3 1%
worked disk 3 1%
xrg 2 1%
other shape sherd 2 1%
i 2 1%
plate 1 0%
tablet 1 0%
stand 1 0%
x 1 0%
xp 1 0%
xfc 1 0%
f 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 68 21%
Total 317 100%

f315 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 14 26%
xf 8 15%
cup 8 15%
jar 7 13%
r 4 7%
xfx 3 6%
dp 2 4%
xsc 2 4%
xrd 2 4%
f 2 4%
sq 1 2%
xfc 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 54 100%
Total 54 100%

f321 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 191 87%
bowl 11 5%
jar 7 3%
cup 4 2%
r 2 1%
x 1 0%
i 1 0%
xf 1 0%
f 1 0%
xfx 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 29 13%
Total 220 100%

f323 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 20 91%
bowl 1 5%
xfx 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 9%
Total 22 100%

f325 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 96 76%
cup 10 8%
xrd 3 2%
jar 3 2%
bowl 2 2%
sq 2 2%
xfx 2 2%
x 1 1%
strainer 1 1%
r 1 1%
xdc 1 1%
xf 1 1%
i 1 1%
xdf 1 1%
xrl 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 30 24%
Total 126 100%

f334 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 3 50%
xfc 2 33%
other shape sherd 1 17%
Total diagnostic shapes 6 100%
Total 6 100%

f335 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 3 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f336 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 44 83%
jar 4 8%
cup 2 4%
r 1 2%
tablet 1 2%
bowl 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 9 17%
Total 53 100%

f337 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 171 85%
bowl 8 4%
jar 6 3%
xp 4 2%
xf 3 1%
xrd 3 1%
ceramic vessel 2 1%
cup 2 1%
xfx 1 0%
xel 1 0%
other shape sherd 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 31 15%
Total 202 100%

f338 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 96 66%
jar 19 13%
r 6 4%
bowl 5 3%
xfx 4 3%
cup 4 3%
xf 2 1%
pot 1 1%
xdf 1 1%
et 1 1%
xrg 1 1%
jar shoulder 1 1%
xrd 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
i 1 1%
ri 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 49 34%
Total 145 100%

f340 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 80 91%
jar 2 2%
xf 2 2%
i 2 2%
cup 1 1%
r 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 9%
Total 88 100%

f341 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 224 79%
jar 11 4%
bowl 10 4%
xf 5 2%
cup 5 2%
r 5 2%
other shape sherd 4 1%
xrl 3 1%
xfx 3 1%
i 2 1%
tablet 2 1%
xdf 1 0%
pot 1 0%
jar shoulder 1 0%
strainer 1 0%
xfc 1 0%
xrd 1 0%
dr 1 0%
xsc 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 58 21%
Total 282 100%

f342 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 142 89%
bowl 3 2%
xrd 2 1%
i 2 1%
cup 2 1%
jar 2 1%
r 2 1%
xf 1 1%
xsc 1 1%
f 1 1%
xrh 1 1%
xsb 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 11%
Total 160 100%

f344 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 5 25%
xel 4 20%
jar 4 20%
xf 3 15%
xp 1 5%
xfc 1 5%
xfx 1 5%
xrd 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 20 100%
Total 20 100%

f347 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
cup 2 50%
jar 2 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 100%
Total 4 100%

f350 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 6 60%
jar 1 10%
xrd 1 10%
xf 1 10%
Two different diameters were recorded by the sherd analyzer (hH) and the person who did the drawing. The small percentage preserved of the rim may account for the discrepency. 1 10%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 100%
Total 10 100%

f351 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 2 40%
xfx 1 20%
xp 1 20%
jar 1 20%
Total diagnostic shapes 5 100%
Total 5 100%

f352 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 1 50%
jar 1 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f353 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 3 43%
bowl 3 43%
xf 1 14%
Total diagnostic shapes 7 100%
Total 7 100%

f354 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
xfx 2 33%
xf 1 17%
cup 1 17%
bowl 1 17%
jar 1 17%
Total diagnostic shapes 6 100%
Total 6 100%

f355 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 8 44%
xf 4 22%
bowl 3 17%
xel 2 11%
cup 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 100%
Total 18 100%

f356 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 6 32%
bowl 3 16%
other shape sherd 3 16%
xdf 2 11%
x 1 5%
cup 1 5%
xrd 1 5%
xrg 1 5%
plate 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 19 100%
Total 19 100%

f357 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 17 50%
xf 5 15%
bowl 4 12%
cup 2 6%
xfx 2 6%
xel 2 6%
xrd 1 3%
other shape sherd 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 34 100%
Total 34 100%

f358 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 7 54%
bowl 2 15%
cup 2 15%
other shape sherd 2 15%
Total diagnostic shapes 13 100%
Total 13 100%

f359 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 4 33%
cup 2 17%
jar 2 17%
sli 1 8%
other shape sherd 1 8%
xfx 1 8%
xrd 1 8%
Total diagnostic shapes 12 100%
Total 12 100%

f360 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 8 62%
xf 2 15%
xfx 1 8%
bowl 1 8%
cup 1 8%
Total diagnostic shapes 13 100%
Total 13 100%

f362 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 12 43%
bowl 9 32%
other shape sherd 3 11%
xf 2 7%
x 1 4%
cup 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 28 100%
Total 28 100%

f363 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 10 45%
cup 4 18%
bowl 4 18%
xf 2 9%
xfx 2 9%
Total diagnostic shapes 22 100%
Total 22 100%

f364 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 7 44%
bowl 3 19%
cup 3 19%
xf 2 12%
xel 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 16 100%
Total 16 100%

f365 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 20 31%
bowl 14 22%
cup 10 16%
xf 10 16%
other shape sherd 4 6%
xel 3 5%
xrd 2 3%
xfx 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 64 100%
Total 64 100%

f367 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 2 67%
bowl 1 33%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f375 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 3 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f377 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 4 57%
bowl 1 14%
xel 1 14%
other shape sherd 1 14%
Total diagnostic shapes 7 100%
Total 7 100%

f379 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
cup 2 50%
bowl 1 25%
xel 1 25%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 100%
Total 4 100%

f383 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 8 36%
jar 6 27%
cup 5 23%
xfx 1 5%
tablet 1 5%
xp 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 22 100%
Total 22 100%

f385 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 3 75%
xp 1 25%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 100%
Total 4 100%

f386 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 20 61%
bowl 5 15%
cup 3 9%
xrd 2 6%
xp 1 3%
xf 1 3%
xfx 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 33 100%
Total 33 100%

f388 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 5 45%
tablet 2 18%
bowl 1 9%
xfx 1 9%
xf 1 9%
other shape sherd 1 9%
Total diagnostic shapes 11 100%
Total 11 100%

f389 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 1 50%
jar 1 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f1 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f1 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f15 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f15 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f15 ts

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f15 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f15 i

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f15 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f15 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f25 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f33 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f60 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f76 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f76 kiln waste

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f76 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f76 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f76 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f76 x

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f76 i

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f76 ts

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f81 xf

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f81 i

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f81 r

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f81 xrl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f81 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f81 dr

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f81 x

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f81 specimen

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f81 et

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f81 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f82 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f82 xfx

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f82 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f82 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f82 xsf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f82 r

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f82 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f83 r

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f83 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 ri

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 xdc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 i

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 sq

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f87 r

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f87 xdc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f87 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f87 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f90 r

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f90 ts

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f90 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f90 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f90 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f90 xrl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f90 sq

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f90 xsfv

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f91 r

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f91 stand

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f91 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f91 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f91 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f91 xp

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f91 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f136 xfx

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f136 sq

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f136 dr

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f136 i

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f136 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f136 cg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f136 f

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f136 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f136 x

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f136 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f137 xrg

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f137 xrl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f137 et

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f137 r

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f137 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f137 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f137 f

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f137 ts

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f137 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f138 xrg

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f138 sq

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f138 ri

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f138 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f139 strainer

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f139 dr

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f139 sq

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f139 xrh

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f139 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f139 f

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f139 xsb

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f139 xrd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f139 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f139 xsc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f140 sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f140 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f140 xdc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f140 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f140 et

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f140 r

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f145 sq

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f145 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f145 et

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f145 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f145 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f145 r

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f145 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f145 f

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f145 dp

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f148 ri

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f148 dr

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f148 sq

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f148 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f148 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f149 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f149 I

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f149 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f149 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f149 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f149 xrd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f149 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f149 xrl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f149 r

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f149 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f150 root

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f150 i

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f150 r

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f150 xdc

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f150 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f150 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f150 sq

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f150 f

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f150 fwe

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f150 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f150 xrd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f158 xf

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f158 i

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f158 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f158 xrh

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f158 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f158 dr

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f158 ri

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f158 xsf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f158 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f158 xsc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f158 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f158 xdc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f158 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f158 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f159 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f161 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f162 sq

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f162 cup

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f162 xfx

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f162 sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f162 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f162 i

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f162 xrh

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f162 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f162 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f163 f

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f163 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f163 r

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f163 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f163 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f163 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f163 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f163 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f163 xrl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f164 body sherd

Total elements: 191
Total components: 1790

f164 xrl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f164 strainer

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f164 et

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f164 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f164 xsb

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f164 xdx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f164 xp

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f164 ts

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f164 xdl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f166 i

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f166 xfc

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f166 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f166 xf

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f166 xdf

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f166 xrg

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f166 xdc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f166 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f166 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f166 root

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f166 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f166 dp

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f166 f

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f166 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f168 f

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f168 ts

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f168 xfx

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f168 xrl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f168 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f168 i

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f168 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f168 xdcw

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f171 r

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f171 xfc

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f171 xdc

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f171 xfx

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f171 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f171 i

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f171 xlf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f171 xsc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 f

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f174 dp

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f174 xdc

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f174 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 ri

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 cg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 fd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 x

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 xrd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 xh

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 xp

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f177 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f177 xfx

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f177 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f177 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f177 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f177 sq

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f177 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f177 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f178 r

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f178 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f180 xdc

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f180 xf

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f180 cg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f180 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f180 worked disk

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f180 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f180 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f180 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f181 xrd

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f181 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f181 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f181 xdc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f181 dp

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f181 I

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f181 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f181 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f181 f

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f182 i

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f182 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f186 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f186 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f186 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f187 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 3

f187 sq

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f188 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f188 xf

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f188 xsb

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f188 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f188 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f188 xsc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f188 xrd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f188 xdc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f188 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f188 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f189 xfc

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f189 I

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f189 xsc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f189 xrd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f189 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f189 plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f189 xrl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f189 dp

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f189 i

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f190 i

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f190 xdf

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f190 xrh

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f190 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f190 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f190 ts

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f190 cg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f190 f

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 et

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f193 f

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f193 x

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f193 xsb

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f193 I

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 cg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 xhf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 dp

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 ts

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 xdl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 ri

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 xp

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 specimen

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 xdx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 xsc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f193 xrh

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f195 i

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f195 xrl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f195 et

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f195 xfx

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f195 xdc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f195 xrh

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f195 xsfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f195 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f195 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f197 i

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f197 xdc

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f197 ri

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f197 f

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f197 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f197 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f200 plate

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f200 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f200 tablet

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f200 f

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f200 xf

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f202 x

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f202 xfc

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f202 xdc

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f202 plate

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f202 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f202 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f202 xrl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f202 cg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f202 xsc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f202 i

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f202 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f203 xrg

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f203 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f203 r

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f203 sq

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f203 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f203 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f203 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f204 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f204 xfx

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f204 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f204 cg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f204 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f204 sq

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f205 r

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f206 ts

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f206 xrg

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f206 xrd

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f206 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f206 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f206 dr

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f206 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f206 xrl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f206 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f206 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f206 i

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f206 xdc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f207 xfx

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f207 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f207 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f208 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f208 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f208 xsb

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f208 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f208 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f208 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f208 xrd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f208 worked disk

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f209 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f209 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f210 body sherd

Total elements: 200
Total components: 2503

f210 dp

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f210 xfc

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f210 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f210 x

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f210 xrl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f210 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f210 xrg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f210 specimen

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f210 ts

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f210 xrh

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f210 cg

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f210 ri

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f211 r

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f211 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f211 xsc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f211 xdf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f211 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f213 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f213 xfc

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f213 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f214 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f214 tablet

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f214 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f215 jar

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f215 xfx

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f220 xf

Total elements: 3