Unit Book J2


Processed on 2024-07-27


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2004-07-21 !! lens type d [Input: O802AP.j]
Best image 2009-03-30 !!
p13 [Input: T330PC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2004-07-21 ap lens type d [Input: O802AP.j]
Description (summary) 2004-07-21 ap This feature is a very compact and hard lens in the western part of k13. It consists in small pebbles and the texture seems very similar to the soil found in J1 (MZ16). The top elevation is m3810 + 74 - 131; the bottom is m3810 + 47 - 131. The surface occupied by this layer is quite irregular and not very large. [Input: O802AP.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Problems in recording 2008-02-25 pC To this feature number has been recorded two different features: the first is a soil layer,the second is 14 floating stones (here only in the relay). From the plot it seems that theese floating stones are approximatly in the same position as f45 [Input: S211PC2.j]
Lack of expected information 2010-08-09 yM color and texture were not recorded [Input: U809YM.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2008-02-25 pC k13 [Input: S211PC2.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2004-07-20 bp r141 (40483 50556 - 9317 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r142 (40438 50549 - 9305 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r143 (40438 50631 - 9322 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r144 (40465 50649 - 9330 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r145 (40353 50522 - 9292 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r146 (40335 50511 - 9283 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r147 (40307 50539 - 9282 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r148 (40332 50589 - 9289 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r149 (40280 50496 - 9279 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r150 (40225 50508 - 9273 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r151 (40227 50543 - 9278 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r152 (40277 50533 - 9287 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r153 (40297 50557 - 9283 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r154 (40241 50554 - 9271 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r155 (40245 50573 - 9276 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r156 (40305 50575 - 9282 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r157 (40269 50586 - 9272 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r158 (40249 50641 - 9278 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r159 (40269 50664 - 9287 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r160 (40289 50592 - 9279 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r161 (40215 50594 - 9270 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r162 (40228 50569 - 9269 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r163 (40242 50578 - 9275 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r164 (40231 50600 - 9276 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r165 (40185 50636 - 9250 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r166 (40167 50611 - 9248 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r167 (40185 50582 - 9243 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r168 (40200 50590 - 9257 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r169 (40199 50684 - 9285 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r170 (40202 50652 - 9273 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r171 (40173 50652 - 9273 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r172 (40157 50669 - 9267 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r173 (40121 50639 - 9249 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r174 (40095 50629 - 9245 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r175 (40118 50579 - 9245 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r176 (40146 50589 - 9265 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r177 (40047 50671 - 9229 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r178 (40001 50654 - 9209 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r179 (39975 50705 - 9223 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r180 (40024 50711 - 9246 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r181 (40013 50845 - 9254 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r182 (39998 50808 - 9233 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r183 (39932 50868 - 9229 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r184 (39939 50813 - 9219 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r185 (39961 51092 - 9268 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r186 (39980 51057 - 9259 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r187 (39953 51038 - 9263 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r188 (39929 51056 - 9260 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r189 (40250 50265 - 9231 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r190 (40273 50278 - 9243 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r191 (40267 50307 - 9242 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r192 (40249 50307 - 9238 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r193 (40268 50302 - 9251 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r194 (40297 50293 - 9252 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r195 (40316 50328 - 9243 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r196 (40289 50351 - 9256 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r197 (40234 50278 - 9224 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r198 (40212 50296 - 9218 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r199 (40186 50244 - 9227 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r200 (40163 50478 - 9194 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r201 (40149 50419 - 9190 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r202 (40105 50425 - 9151 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-20 bp r203 (40110 50472 - 9171 / Relay location: top) [Input: O721MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r204 (40256 50849 - 9289 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r205 (40327 50783 - 9298 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r206 (40322 50840 - 9312 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r207 (40291 50871 - 9297 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r208 (40092 50562 - 9227 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r209 (40031 50531 - 9219 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r210 (40012 50549 - 9222 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r211 (40085 50575 - 9228 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r212 (39904 51171 - 9249 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r213 (39773 51168 - 6231 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r214 (39780 51104 - 9248 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r215 (39801 51095 - 9241 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r216 (39956 50694 - 9186 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r217 (39934 50654 - 9189 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
2004-07-24 bp r218 (39961 50648 - 9192 / Relay location: top) [Input: O724MH-R.j]
M#/elev @top 2007-07-13 pC 9153 [Input: S131PC.j]
M#/elev @bottom 2007-07-13 pC 9126 [Input: S131PC.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2004-07-27 ap f23 (layer) covers f83 (lens type d) [Input: O728MH.j]
2004-07-31 ap f23 (layer) overlays f83 (lens type d) [Input: O808AP7.j]
2004-07-31 ap f80 (accumulation D) overlays f83 (lens type d) [Input: O808AP7.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2004-07-22 !! q227.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227.2 (kiln waste) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227.4 (lithic artifact) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 mh q227 (items, pottery) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p2 (jar) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p3 (jar) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p4 (xrg) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p5 (ri) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p6 (xdc) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p7 (other shape sherd) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p8 (bowl) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p9 (xfx) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p10 (jar) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p11 (r) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p12 (r) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p13 (jar) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p14 (jar) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p15 (plate) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p16 (i) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p17 (sq) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p18 (other shape sherd) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p19 (bowl) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p70 (body sherd) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p71 (body sherd) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p72 (body sherd) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p73 (body sherd) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p74 (body sherd) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p75 (body sherd) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p76 (body sherd) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p77 (body sherd) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
2004-07-22 !! q227-p78 (body sherd) sits in f83 (lens type d) [Input: O724MH.j]
Type of contact: earliest events 2004-07-27 ap f83 (lens type d) overlays f87 (lens type d) [Input: O728MH.j]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2011-11-11 cJC s70J2B [Input: VY11CJC.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2010-12-03 !! ^use3 (use area) [Input: T914CJC.j]
2011-11-11 !! h8mJ2B [Input: VY11CJC.j]
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment 2008-03-05 pC elevation [Input: S305PC.j]
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications 2011-05-16 cJC Scattered use of the area after majority of the area, except the upper levels of the second apron (^apr2), are covered. Elevation sme as stones f26 and f24. [Input: V516CJC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Hardness, compaction 2010-08-09 yM very hard [Input: U809YM.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features

2009-03-30 pC [Input: T330PC.j]

2009-03-30 pC [Input: T330PC.j]

2009-03-30 pC [Input: T330PC.j]

2009-03-30 pC [Input: T330PC.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Notes on disposition 2010-08-08 yM O722 [Input: U808YM.j]