Unit Book J4

The Eastern Top of the Main Staircase (Version 1a)

J4 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for unit J4
Types of contact among features
5. To cap or to sit in

Yasmine Mahmoud – June 2023

Back to top: Emplacement for unit J4 Types of contact among features 5. To cap or to sit in


The type of contact “to cap or to sit in” represents about 15/% of the total contacts.

This family of contacts often is asssociated with an item (Tannur for example), or with isolated stones sitting in an accumulation feature, or a an object like a lid that caps a jar.

Back to top: Emplacement for unit J4 Types of contact among features 5. To cap or to sit in


No items or structures capped another.

Back to top: Emplacement for unit J4 Types of contact among features 5. To cap or to sit in

Sits in

Thirty one instances where one item sat in another were recorded. Most were isolate stones that had been displaced from nearby structures and that had been subsequently covered by accumulation like f125 that sits in brickfall f121. Other examples include fills sitting in pit cuts as it is the case in f137 that sits in f136 and the case of Tannur f165 sitting in accumulation layer f117.

Back to top: Emplacement for unit J4 Types of contact among features 5. To cap or to sit in