Unit Book J4

The Eastern Top of the Main Staircase (Version 1a)


Staff for unit J4

James L. Walker – September 2009

    You will find below a list of the individuals directly involved in the excavations of unit J4, of those who served in a supporting role, and of those involved in the analysis of the finds.

    You will find in the Mozan sitewide digital book some general comments on the significance of team work in our project, on the nature of the tasks reflected in the titles we use, and on the importance we lay on the identification of authorship.

    Also in the Mozan digital book you will find a list of the sitewide support staff whose contributions have been of course just as indispensable for the proper functioning of the overall J4 operation.

    If no year is indicated, then that person’s tenure was for all the seasons of excavation in J4.

    Overall direction of excavations

    Director, stratigraphy and publication      Giorgio Buccellati
    Director, typology      Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati
    Assistant Director of Excavations      Federico Alessandro Buccellati (2008)

    Unit staff

    Unit director Sara Comelli

    Unit associates Patrizia Camatta (2009)

    Unit assistants a S (2009)
    v N (2008)
    c C (2009)
    m NH (2008)

    Excavators      Ibrahim al-Ahmed (2008-2009)
         Mas'oud Bijou(2008)
         Ahmed Hawaz (2009)
         Mizar Hawaz (2009)
         Majid Hessu(2008)
         Ali Hilal (2008)
         Kamiran Hussein (2008)
         Hussein Husseini (2008)
         Anwar Khalaf (2009)
         Amer Muhammad(2008)
         Su'ar Muhammad (2009)

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