Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Category | !! | !! | other features |
Best definition | 2009-07-23 | sE | volumetric material [Input: T901SE.j] |
Summary | 2012-12-16 | jW | Undifferentiated soil in k105 under the stones of f155 and f161 and atop escarpment f74. [Input: WZ16JW.j] |
Best image | 2009-08-23 | jN | v156 [Input: T823JN.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2009-07-25 | jW | The volumetric material under stone installations f155 and f161, which in turn are a late addition to the revetment wall extension, f3. The installations probably protected the corner of f3 from damage from water which flowed along its outside perimeter in the last phase of the use of the wall. Its phase is expected to be Late Mittani from the stratigraphy. This material is soil and it overlays the south end of floor accumulation, f74. [Input: T725JW.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 2009-07-23 | sE | k105 [Input: T901SE.j] |
M#/elev @top | 2009-07-23 | sE | m6035 [Input: T901SE.j] |
M#/elev @bottom | 2009-07-23 | sE | m6034 [Input: T901SE.j] |
Contact Association
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Type of contact: latest events | 2008-09-12 | lH | f155 (stone installation) rests on f208 (volumetric material) [Input: S915LH.j] |
2008-09-12 | lH | f161 (stone installation) rests on f208 (volumetric material) [Input: S915LH.j] | |
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items | 2009-07-23 | eA | i46 (grinding stone) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T729SE1.j] |
2009-07-25 | eA | i47 (bead (glass)) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T729SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306.1 (sample) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-08-09 | !! | q376.1 (blade) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T810SE2.j] | |
2009-07-23 | eA | q305 (pottery) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | eA | q306 (pottery) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-08-09 | jN | q376 (bones, pottery) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T810SE2.j] | |
2009-07-23 | !! | q305-p1 (bowl) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p1 (base) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p2 (bowl) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p3 (rim) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p4 (base) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p5 (bowl) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p6 (base) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p7 (platter or plate) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p8 (jar) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p9 (bowl) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p10 (jar) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p11 (jar) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p12 (rim) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p13 (jar) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p14 (jar) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p15 (rim) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p70 (body sherd) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p71 (body sherd) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p72 (body sherd) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p73 (body sherd) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p74 (body sherd) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p75 (body sherd) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p76 (body sherd) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p77 (body sherd) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p78 (body sherd) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
2009-07-25 | !! | q306-p79 (body sherd) sits in f208 (volumetric material) [Input: T725SE1.j] | |
Type of contact: earliest events | 2009-07-25 | jW | f208 (volumetric material) overlays f74 (glacis) [Input: T725JW.j] |
Ceramic typological distribution | !! | !! | frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) | 2012-10-16 | jW | s0J5B [Input: WX16JW.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) | 2012-10-16 | !! | h9sJ5B [Input: WX16JW.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Ware or Material, species | 2009-07-23 | sE | so [Input: T901SE.j] |
Color | 2009-07-23 | sE | light yellowish brown [Input: T901SE.j] |
Color number (Munsell) | 2009-07-23 | sE | 10YR 6/4 [Input: T901SE.j] |
Hardness, compaction | 2009-07-23 | sE | 3 [Input: T901SE.j] |
Texture, surface finish | 2009-07-23 | sE | sand [Input: T901SE.j] |
Analogical Record
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
View/drawing of features |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Removed (feature), discarded/missing (item) | 2009-07-23 | sE | T809 [Input: T901SE.j] |