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Clay artifacts
A total of 230 clay artifacts were found in J6. Most of them are sealings and clay lumps, kilin waste, figurines. There are several wheels, parts of chariots, clay disks and beads. Other cla artifacts of special interest is a pipe q17.2 and a probable andiron fragment q23.1. There are several fragments of roofing, which consist of clay with strow impressions like q421.1.
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Clay disks
There is a number of small clay disks with a hole in the middle like q39.1, q128.4, q234.2 and q275.1. There are clay disks like q113.3, q196.2 and q214.2 whithout hole. The presence of the hole indicates a diffrent use of the object, for example they could be used as spindle whorohl or beads.
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In J6 were found beads made from semiprecious stones, frit or clay. Semiprecious stone beads are:
There is a collection of white frit beads cylindrical in shape which could belong to the same necklace. They were found all in accumulation f151. These are:
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