Unit Book J6

The Northeastern End of the Temple Terrace and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-08



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2010-07-29 pC Transition EDII-EDIII: to this phase there is not enough pottery analyzed coming from the following features: the assignment to this period is only given by the fact that is before the major construction phase of the temple terrace (s650J6A). A series of hard and compact surfaces located under the eastern staircase wall: they have all a marked slope toward south-east. While they are located under the staircase wall and therefore also under the staircase, they could be the temple mound surface. While they are intentionally laied (the characteristics are not of natural accumulations), they are labeled glacis: they were laied possibly every year, thus renewing the mound surface. To this surfaces could be associated other glacis in J2 under the staircase (dated to EDII) and in J3 behind the revetment wall. [Input: U729PC.J]
2010-07-29 pC temple mound [Input: U815PC.J]


Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Features included within stratum 2000-08-15 !! q415.1 (grinding stone)
q415.2 (lithic specimen)
q415.3 (clay lump)
q415.4 (sample)
q415.5 (sample)
q467.1 (sample)
q409 (bones, pottery)
q410 (bones, pottery)
q415 (bones, pottery)
q419 (bones, pottery)
q463 (pottery)
q464 (pottery)
q467 (pottery)
q481 (pottery)
q482 (pottery)
q483 (bones, pottery)
q409-p1 (cup)
q409-p2 (bowl)
q409-p3 (bowl)
q409-p4 (bowl)
q410-p1 (bowl)
q410-p2 (bowl)
q415-p1 (xfx)
q415-p3 (xel)
q415-p4 (bowl)
q415-p5 (bowl)
q415-p6 (jar)
q415-p7 (jar)
q415-p8 (other shape sherd)
q419-p1 (bowl)
q419-p2 (jar)
q419-p3 (bowl)
q419-p4 (jar)
q419-p5 (other shape sherd)
q419-p6 (jar)
q419-p7 (bowl)
q419-p8 (jar)
q419-p9 (jar)
q419-p10 (jar)
q419-p11 (bowl)
q463-p1 (jar)
q463-p2 (bowl)
q464-p1 (jar)
q464-p2 (jar)
q464-p3 (jar)
q464-p4 (jar)
q464-p5 (xf)
q464-p6 (bowl)
q464-p7 (cup) [Input: S-CUMUL.J]
2010-07-29 pC f284 (accumulation)
f285 (accumulation D)
f287 (accumulation B)
f289 (floor, type b)
f290 (floorsurface in general)
f311 (floor, type b)
f313 (accumulation A)
f316 (lens)
f317 (floor, type b)
f318 (accumulation A)
f320 (floor, type b)
f326 (cut)
f327 (floor, type b)
f329 (fill)
f330 (lens type a) [Input: U815PC.J]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2010-07-29 pC h3fJ6A [Input: U815PC.J]